Game finally starts after a 15 hour long introduction

>Game finally starts after a 15 hour long introduction
What the fuck did Taro mean by this?

>I'm forced to do the EXACT SAME SHIT except with very minor changes and a less fun character

What the FUCK did Taro mean by this??

ever played mgs v? that "intro" holy fuck pure suicide fuel

nierfaggots will actually defend this shit

Is it possible to cheat on PC and not have to play the game a second time with a shittier character?

If it's possible to use someone else's 100% save then I think you can just use chapter select to skip 9S route.

Like in the first game but you had to play the second half an additional 3 times

>less fun character
I liked the hacking and charge attack.

It's a casual filter, dumbass.

Same, well, not all the hacking, it was a bit excessive, but I like bullet hell so hacking bosses, and hacking A2 was fun as shit.

Doesn't the hacking get extremely stale after 2 hours? And it just repeats the same minigames too.

Also I wish the transitions in and out of the minigame were faster, like it's breaks the immersion of intense battle if it doesn't instantly put me back in the main game.

not that guy, but i just kept trying to hack as fast as possible and it kept me pretty entertained

>Doesn't the hacking get extremely stale after 2 hours
nothing forces you to use it extensively, i only used it to drop a debilitating nuke or reset pod cooldown
he's strong enough to rape everything regardless thanks to his bullshit throws and multihits

This, holy shit. Fucking dropped the game an hour into Route B. The game is not nearly good enough to warrant a second, much less a fucking third playthrough.

>>Game finally starts after a 15 hour long introduction

meanwhile on team Tabata
>game starts 10 minutes in

Yeah the Second playthrough was terrible but the third playthrough with 2B ass game 2.0 made it all worth it

but it never finishes :{

Man fuck that was a wild ride.

Route B is like a tasteless retard check, if you actually dislike it, you're that part of the auditory Taro specifically decided to shit at by advertising the game about 2B only to make it a game about 9S, with 2B's entire backstory and personality being built around him. Waifufaggots deserved this and seeing their tears is delicious. It's even more adorable when they spread misinformation about the third route because it's obvious they never saw it.

>Doesn't the hacking get extremely stale after 2 hours?
I guess it depends how often you use it - I didn't think so, but then I also abused the fuck out of the spear charge attack.

the thing is i got bored and dropped this fucking game for a month now came back and looks like i've forgotten everything about this game. and i dont want to look for a tutorial again.
fuck this shit i want refund


I fucking despise it but i'm still gonna finish it because at least i'd get an easy platinum trophy. And hey, if I do like A2 route then it's a win-win.
Either way, the fucking game literally lets me buy trophies in-game. If nothing else, that would be the only good thing about it.

>A2 route
Route C is 9S route still, A2 takes like 30% of it and all its most powerful moments are about him including the canon order of endings.

Have you tried waiting a while between playing A and B?

That wouldn't change much. Even a year later I wouldn't want to replay a game that's 6/10 to me, so it's best to finish it while I have any interest remaining.

Fair enough.

>Gathering Keepsakes
>flight unit message
>that query from 152

>but it never finishes :{

meme misfired