Which one do you kill first again?

Which one do you kill first again?

Ignore the fat fuck and kill sanic, it's an absolute joke once sanic is dead.

Ignore the other faggot, kill the obese nigger first. The skinny guy has the most identifiable telegraphed attacks in the game you have to be retarded to lose to him

gee..i dont know
the guy that you can kite for ever or the guy that *teleports behind you*?

If you don't care about the drops, kill Ornstein first. Easier to ignore Smough since he can be kited around the pillars.

If you want the Leo Ring though, you need to kill Smough first.

What's their names again?



Snorlax first if melee char
Pikachu first if ranged

Most people find it easier to kill ornstein first, but ornstein has much better drops (leo ring is great, Dragonslayer spear is the best spear in the game)