Game has a mexican character

>game has a mexican character
>it's a luchador

Other urls found in this thread:

I can see her nipples

Yes and? Would you prefer an Aztec Jaguar?

>game has a japanese character
>he is a ninja

>Spanish character
>He's a bullfighter

>american character
>has blonde hair

>american character is either a guy who can create shockwaves by just doing shit with his hands really hard or a fat acrobat


>game has european character
>is not white

Mexicans don't like Luchador characters?


anime girls with blonde hair, american flag bikinis and gigantic knockers are a miracle of the universe.

more of this artist

It's official art from XIV

buying XIV right now

>Game has a Korean character
>He has an 8 inch cock

Official art with visible nipples and pussy? I think not, user.

No wait it's edited from her 2002 winpose sprite
buy yeah get 14

>Game has a Mexican character
>They're white

Explain this fuckery

They're from the white part of mexico duh.

>White part of Mexico

White Mexicans exist, they typically end up on novellas.

might aswell rename that folder to: barneyfag's

>black part of america
>islamic part of sweden

>islamic part of sweden
So Sweden?

How in the hell did white people end up in Mexico of all places.

You ever heard of the Spanish?

>Game has an American character
>they know jack shit about anything

Yeah, they stomped the place, raped some natives and then promptly left. They never settled.

I'm not a burger.

>game has a male character
>it's a heterosexual

Some Spanish went native and helped the injuns against the conquistadors, while their Aztec wives helped themselves to white cock

>raped some natives and then promptly left.

ding ding ding


You talking shit about Matador?

That still doesn't explain anything though


it explains everything you brainlet
read a book
learn you some fucking history

There are white Mexicans. Americans are fucking stupid.

The Spanish spread their genes in America, but while they were there they set up this chart giving people different classes based on how white/Spanish they were. This meant there was a reason for light skin people to fuck light skin people, even after the some of the Spanish left. Note: not all of the Spanish left. Also there are lots of white immigrants. The Irish famine brought a lot of them, as did German from ww2.

Being Mexican is a nationality, not a race. Modern Mexico is a mix of French, English, Spanish and Chinese descendents.

Source: mexifriend

>then promptly left
Lol how can people be this ignorant?
Do you even know what a "colony" means?

I'm a mexcrement. That's literally all we do, drink and wrestle each other.

that's often the case with French characters
makes me sad as guy with French ancestry