ITT: Post obvious shit you were too dumb to notice in your first playthrough of a game

ITT: Post obvious shit you were too dumb to notice in your first playthrough of a game

I finished most of Dark Souls without knowing that you can slide down ladders. Spent an eternity climbing down every ladder.

I didn't know you could estus on ladders until very recently

I didn't know codec frequencies got saved under "memory" in MGS 1 so I wrote every codec number down and used to flick between them manually.

what the FUCK

how many people don't know this, i didnt think you'd be able to use items on the ladder so i never even tried

It's crazy too. Unless you're on a position that makes you a vulnerable target to an archer or caster, shit becomes impossible to punish

Holy fuck

I didn't know that putting certain equipment into your right hand will result in some unique effects.

Sam is holding his minigun wrong

How the hell did you miss that

my first playthrough of R&C Future: ToD (my first R&C ever) i thought the weapon vendor only sold ammo and I assumed weapons would be given to you as you progressed through the story. So I got to a late game boss I couldn't physically beat because I only had 5 or so weapons and ran out of ammo everytime i attempted the fight. Didn't find out until I texted the friend I borrowed the game from

I mostly played in third person view where he's holding it right

Jesus Christ, that's some new level of missing obvious shit. How do you even buy ammo without looking at the weapons?

I platted Bloodborne before realizing there was a storage box

yeah honestly. I laughed for like 5 minutes straight once I realized, checked the game again and saw how obvious it was.

Played like 5 hours of STALKER until I found out you could run

is this pasta because I swear I read this before

For years I never noticed the ramp to the clocktower entrance on the right and would always do the Moon Tear trade to get up there.

holy shit what?

>Playing RDR
>accidentally use deadeye for the first time about 3/4ths through the game
>never knew it was even a mechanic in the game, somehow missed the tutorial if there was one

In pokemon red, my first ever game I played, I could not get past the fat guy blocking the path to the forest. I didn't know you had to deliver oak's parcel to a vendor. So I grinded with my charmander on all the wild grass that was outside the first area, to the point where I actually spent a few months doing that to the point where I got a charizard. I kept thinking as a kid thay maybe there was a level requirement or something, and remember it was my first ever videogame so now I realize how stupid I was. After I delivered the parcel I stilll got stuck because of the pokeflute, lemonade, etc because I was a PWT with no Internet. Ended up finiahing the game with a level 70 or 80 charizard alone. Yes, I actually did brute force my way past Misty with only my charizard. I thought as a kid it'd be stupid to diversify the team and stuck to one pokemon.

Played Moon last year, and it felt like a homecoming where I learnt so much about videogames, got through it so easily.

not pasta, but I've given this story once before in a similar thread over a year ago

you fucking wot

Well I guess I was in that thread, had a deja vu here

first time i played pokemon blue i didn't get the FLASH TM or any REPEL and went through rock tunnel in the dark while being attacked by zubats, digglets and geodes every 2 steps. it took me a very, very long time.

jesus fuck what

Rented Wind Waker in the 4th grade and got stumped on the rope climbing tutorial on the ship.

For a day and a half jumps were impossible and I couldn't believe how they made this part so difficult.

Finally I realized they told me to press 'R' or some shit to rotate while on a rope. I kept trying to jump on to ropes at the perfect angle to get to the next.

This is bs, I don't believe it.

>being the kid to just spam through dialogue

What? The tutorial is literally a mandatory mission. You can't even progress without it

You're full of shit since it is mandatory in Mexico not even half way through the game

I played through Dark Souls until Anor Londo without the lockon

Not him but I never understood shit because I'm in the Netherlands which never gets its own localization unlike the other big European countries.
I also remember getting "stuck" at some medabots game for gameboy but to this day I have no idea if I really was stuck or just reached the end of the game.

Awww fuck are you me? I had no idea what flash was and wandered in the dark for what seemed like hours of game time.

Dark Souls has lock on?


The fuck is this, glitch armour?

Wait, what is Anor Londo? I thought the game finished after you beat the Gargoyles

This one?
After the tourney you had to re-visit all the locations and fight the medabots team rocket people, whatever theyre called

>play through game not knowing you can parry
>swipe dodging all the time to not get hit
>constantly maneuvering around strikes like a literal ninja
>get to pic related
>spend two hours trying to beat him
>realize I can time his hits when hes invulnerable and strike him at the same time to make him possible to hit
>the only time in game I use the grenades
I learned right after I could parry, finished the game. Replayed it on hard while parrying regularly and it felt way too fucking easy.

Havel's Greatshield special ability
>The parry/shield bash (when held in left hand) and strong attacks (when held in right hand) are replaced by a buff that boosts your poise and gives your body a Heavy Deflection effect that lasts 30 seconds.

>realize I can time his hits when hes invulnerable and strike him at the same time to make him possible to hit
Can confirm clashing strikes with monsoon works

That was the one. The only thing I can remember is that I felt that the game shouldn't have been over just yet, yet I couldn't advance despite going everywhere and talking to all the NPCs. I must've fucked up somewhere.

what the fuck


>brute past misty
>with a 80 charizard
That's not brute that's just unfair for misty

How'd you get it to listen to you without the proper badges?

When I played Skyrim at release, I never realized that you can actually sprint in it. I never even thought about whether there's sprint or not, because older TES games didn't have it either.

Only learned about it couple of weeks ago in a thread like this here in Sup Forums. Oh, all those minutes I could have saved with it back then in 2011.

You're thinking of traded Pokemon

They don't have to be traded, only time I ever traded in a physical copy was in Diamond.

>An outsider Pokémon will often not obey the player's commands if its level is too high and the player does not have the appropriate Badge, Stamp, or number of Badges.

>An outsider Pokémon (Japanese: こうかんしたポケモン exchanged Pokémon) is a class of Pokémon in the Pokémon games that is not originally from the same save file as the player's.

t. Bulbapedia

Does not apply to pokemon you caught and never has

i didn't see/know about the bonfire on top of Sens fortress so i climbed all the way up everytime i fucked up against the golem or fell off

You can t. whatever you want, people have memory.

Fuck that bonfire. That and the one behind the illusionairy wall in Lost Izalith took me ages to find.

It really itches my bottom when they won't let me slide down ladders, and i get immensely angry when I have to slowly climb one while some story dialog is happening but what really pisses me off is when you slowly have to go backwards to grab onto a ladder. Fucking video-game devs!

You remembering something wrong is more correct then years of people discussing the subject?

t. serebii

I bet you think global warming is fake cus you remember it being warm when you were a kid or some stupid shit

you probably did an ingame trade with an NPC you retard