who /leaverealityatwill/ here?
VR thread
Me, as soon as they get wireless 4k headsets im done with this earth
4k headsets do exist but idk how they would make a wireless headset that doesn't give you brain AIDS.
isn't just a screen in front of your eyes?
I already bought the Vive and returned it because it was not as advertised.
I'm looking forward to the next price drop. They've gotten a lot cheaper but damn am I poor. I don't really care if they succeed for triple A stuff. The cheaper they get the more indie devs will latch on to them.
Yes and no. Two images are streamed to each of your eyes individually, the same way that images of the real world make it to your eyes. What you see when you're wearing the headset really appears like you're "in" another world. The same sizes and appearance as everything you see around you right now, only you can't physically interact with anything you're seeing. It takes immersion to a whole new level. So much so that staying in the 3D space for too long can have weird mental effects for a while after taking off the goggles.
No, they also track head movement.