Throughout the entire franchise, which Zelda has the best dungeons?
Throughout the entire franchise, which Zelda has the best dungeons?
oracle games
Probably Ocarina of Time, with Majora's Mask being a close second
Water temple kek
I'm gonna say Majora's Mask because of being good overall and having stray fairies.
Definitely not Windwaker.
They're almost always good though.
>Majora's Mask
Fug yes
Dungeons where you have to manipulate the entire Dungeon are amazing
Link's Awakening
I'm with this guy.
Wind waker had like two or three nice dungeons.
The rest of it was sadly copy paste
Depends. 2D and 3D are very different beasts.
Zelda Dungeons are about more than just layout. They're about art design, atmosphere, music, indigenous enemies, set-piece moments, puzzles, item progression and epic boss battles. They should feel like an ordeal so that when you eventually emerge blinking back into the sunlight, you feel like you've grown and become more empowered
For my money, Twilight Princess has the best gamut of dungeons in any of the 3D Zeldas.
Twilight princess, because of Snowpeak. That shit was comfy af.
Im a big fan of what the paint ability in ALBW does for dungeon navigation. Either that or BOTW.
dungeons? Skywardsword
OoT > TP > Power Gap > SS > Power Gap > WW > MM
>best dungeons
You botw niggers are straight up delusional.
Majoras Mask and Seasons contain the only ones that I felt somewhat challenged doing
Oops I messed up teehee ;) :0 OoT > TP > WW > SS > BoTW
There's logic to someone saying that. Maybe he likes how the puzzles require spacial awareness and knowing the way the dungeon is arranged. Maybe he likes how the puzzles aren't just "Link shoves a block down a rail onto a button". Maybe he likes how the bosses aren't just "shoot the big glowy eyeball with your arrow to stun it".
It's certainly better than a lot of the 3D games, hampered only by them being Aonuma boxes where there's almost no enemies because who wants that, have more puzzles puzzles puzzles puzzles.
The only argument I could see for a BOTW "dungeon" being good is Hyrule City but it still felt short. While BOTW definitely nailed the open world anyone saying its dungeons are an improved is just being ridiculous.
However I am excited to see if BOTW becomes the foundation for the next few Zelda games and they continue to expand on it while keeping that core overworld
The number of dungeons also counts for something. MM's dungeons aren't nearly good enough to make up for only having four. OoT has three dungeons by itself that are straight up better than anything in MM
More like the entirety of Lanaryu in that game
Have you played BOTW? Pretty much that.
Best dungeons were from Twilight Princess hands down.
>MM's dungeons aren't nearly good enough to make up for only having four
Guess again, hooligan.
Name a dungeon that qualifies as great besides Stone Tower (which I consider to be overrated to begin with)
Got to Skyward Sword a few years after it came out; really enjoyed the GOLDEN WATER TEMPLE . . . and swimming around the flooded forest to be honest.
TP might be the best overall though. Even gives you a sexy goblin to fap too
Twilight Princess, bar none
Definitely not BOTW, shrines and guardians were a shit
sure but there were only 4 and they were like 15 minutes long each
I honestly really liked the Breath of the Wild dungeons. My only problem is the same gimmick being used for all four of them.
Link's Awakeninh
This guy gets it.
OoT > TP > WW > MM > SS > ???
OoT is objectively the best game for dungeons. How does one top godly atmosphere and music with great progression with items and puzzles?
The dungeon manipulation gimmick was neat but I feel like they didn't do enough with them and all four dungeons were way too short and simple. Like most everything in BotW it's an interesting concept that needs to be explored and probed further in an eventual sequel
Considering that most of the masterminds behind OoT have left the Zelda series, I'v accepted that it will never be topped
hey motherfuckers
the only answer
the ice one
And, it's a bit of a split. Majora's Mask and TP have some of the best among the 3D Zeldas. On the whole, definitely Link's Awakening, followed by LttP.
Agreed. Mechanism dungeons are the best. BotW was on the right track but were a bit short.
The Goron one was pretty good, the Zora one was great. Deku one was a bit weak compared to the rest, but to be fair, it was the first one.
The Zora one is the worst dungeon I've ever come across in a Zelda game. The 3DS version did all it could to fix it yet somehow made it shittier
Interesting that people liked TP's dungeons. I couldn't remember any of them until I played TPHD, and now I've got a pretty low opinion of them.
I thought it was perfectly fine. The mobility of the Zora mask made it very enjoyable, and easy to just focus on the puzzle solving.
Only brainlets dislike Great Bay Temple. It is immaculately designed and the original swimming controls were fantastic.
Sky Temple, Snowhead Mansion, and Water Temple were all pretty great. Also magnetic Iron boots were dope.
Link to the past or twilight princess
Why do I find it so hard to rank the dungeons of the 3D Zeldas? I can rank the games in terms of what I liked the most but I can't rank the dungeons properly.
Attempt at ranking dungeons
What did they change about it in the remake? Other than the boss.
I played the remake once when it came out, but don't remember.
Also, that temple is really good.
A Link to the Past and Oracle of Ages.
Because their strong point is on aesthetics.
For me, TP has some of the worse because how easy they are. I can't stand easy as fuck dungeons no matter how good looking they are.
Zora controls are ass (further ruined by the remake), puzzles revolving around altering waterflow should be illegal, the aesthetic as unappealing as fuck (because when I think Zelda dungeons I should obviously think about a wastewater treatment plant), and it generally lacks anything memorable in a good way.
Zora controls are fucked and ice arrows only work on glowing spots in the water
TP, it squeezed temples' potential better overall, puzzles had the right lenght, the right difficulty, innovation and variety on puzzles, the right and best design.
Dungeons are always a mixed bag, there is no Zelda where all the dungeons are good or where all dungeons are bad.
temples had the right lenght...*
All of OoT's adult dungeons are good ad that's the meat of the game
Because not every game has great dungeons across the board, it's always a mixed bag of good and bad.
The only Zelda game with shit dungeons across the board is BotW, which is why can all unanimously agree it belongs at the bottom of the list. I personally also found WW and SS dungeons to be rather weak, and OoT only has four decent ones that range from ok to meh. Shadow and Forest Temple were pretty great, Spirit and Fire were meh. Water was shit, and the rest are too short to count. So I'd put it in the middle. Then come TP and MM, which I think have the best ones among the 3D games.
Also, between WW and SS, I'd say WW is better, as they were more fun.
But by the numbers a link to the past and a link between worlds have the most diverse dungeons out of any of the games
Zelda 1 and 2 have pretty consistant dungeons.
In terms of aestetics they are all weak but in terms of challenge they are the best in the series
They all blend together to me. Those three are basically the exact same structure of hub area with three prongs that get unlocked in sequence, with self-contained puzzle rooms. None of the canon puzzles or ice block puzzles interact, and the only thing that comes close is basically a fancy one-way switch in Lakebad. There's no spatial reasoning, no way to get lost, no need to understand the layout since each prong wraps back to the hub, no need to think beyond the immediate objective presented in a room.
>or where all dungeons are bad.
All of them were shit.
Water temple, fire temple, shadow temple all sucked ass
fuck you
>The only Zelda game with shit dungeons across the board is BotW
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Fire and Shadow are great. Water Temple is underrated because of a single key
I honestly think Link between worlds had some of the better dungeons in the series
>Only 3d games in pic
Nice try OP time to kys.
Water Temple's tedious.
Good structure, but fuck the equip screen and fuck locked doors behind locked doors and having to cycle water if you miss keys.
I agree with this it's a fun game but the temples are shit
Ice Cavern is shit. Literally pokemon-tier puzzles.
Sorry, forgot about that. I've been playing the 3DS version for six years like a rational human being. Same for the idiots who still complain about changing the wind in Wind Waker
I didn't consider that a dungeon
The fire temple actually makes me want to kill myself
>16 dungeons
>all about exploration
>no puzzles
>tons of monsters to fight and survive
>bosses everywhere
First game nailed it
You must be playing the Master Quest version
I don't think most people consider the Ice Cavern, Bottom of the Well, etc as full-fledged dungeon.
And the shadow temple is just boring
>First game nailed it
No. It was just tedious gauntlets of enemies.
is that the original GC wind waker or the HD remaster? I don't remember it looking that good
>Great aesthetics and atmosphere
>Invisible shit trying to kill you
Shadow is amazing
People just don't appreciate how creative BotW's mechanisms were. Nonlinear spatial-reasoning focused divine beasts are better designed than the vast majority of 3D dungeons.
The mansion on the mountain was TOP TIER
Sorry I hurt your 'fee-fees' but BotW's Divine Beasts hardly qualify as dungeons, and are by FAR, the worst of the whole franchise both 2D and 3D.
Original emulated on Dolphin. HD has different lighting and shadows
Four Swords on Gamecube. Easy.
BotW dungeons are not really bad, just short, their design is miles better than what we had lately. Thing is that they were more like giant puzzles than anything else.
If the next game takes the same idea and makes each full 4-5 hour long dungeons, they will have the best dungeons ever in Zelda. My hope is for the DLC to do something like that honestly, but I doubt it happens.
Then try it if you want true misery
Finally some taste itt
OoT's are really good and are even more fun in challenge runs with glitches. Doing reverse dungeon order and starting with Spirit Temple is great
Gamecube games look ridiculously good with just better resolution. Only thing that sticks out are some textures that are just low resolution.
They were too easy though.
That actually sounds really fun. I think I could do it. Is all you need to know Door of time skip and forest escape?
LttP and Links Awakening are the best for doing the dungeons in random sequence.
It's my favorite Zelda game, gave me huge arcade game feel when I played it. I like a lot of the Zelda games but Four Swords on the Gamecube is seriously underrated as a single player experience. It's fun with friends as well, but I feel like people shunned it just because they all saw it as a "multiplayer only" game and it's not. Game is fine solo, seriously.
People only dislike the devine beasts because the game lacks traditional themed dungeons.
If BotW had a few traditional dungeons in addition to the devine beasts, you can bet people would be far more positive about the devine beasts. People would probably rave about how fresh they felt compared to the traditional dungeons. The devine beasts are not 'bad' by any means. They're just different.
OOT is best hands-down, since it actually goes to the trouble of making the exteriors of dungeons match logically with the interiors
>Forest Temple is in the shape of a skull
>Fire Temple's twin cylindrical chambers match up to Spectacle Rock in Death Mountain's caldera
>the top part of the Water Temple is slanted and matches the island out in the middle of Lake Hylia
The dungeon layouts themselves are great too, but Ocarina goes that extra step instead of making most of the dungeons a black entrance with the structure around it not matching up
>Shadow Temple is amazin-
Main problem is the length, like said, if they were just a bigger, they would be fucking perfect. Than and make bosses look a bit different would be appreciated as well.
Another neat detail about the divine beasts is how the music changes as you progress, I loved that.
Get out of here, Aonuma.