Please tell me that the Switch will be a JRPG powerhouse
Please tell me that the Switch will be a JRPG powerhouse
Depends if it has staying power or not, it's doing well right now but people aren't gonna jump ship until we know it wasn't just a lucky launch.
Switch will be a jrpg powerhouse.
>implying the shitch will have any games past year 1
Id say it mostly depends on what atlus makes of it. The 3ds was the jrpg powerhouse largely to a big atlus support that showed the system had fans of the genre, on top of nintendo also throwing out a lot of good titles for the system.
One of those is already a given for the switch, and it already has project octopath traveler as well as SMT HD on the way
Well, there is SMT5 but unless nintendo is money hatting it there is no reason to keep it exclusive.
Sure, it seems developers will go for the Switch instead of the Vita or 3DS now, since both are old.
Xenoblade 2 will be goty, also there's SMT and fuggen OCTOPATH TRAVELER which I'll be getting day 1 because I've wanted something like that for a very long time.
Depends on how long Nintendo keeps supporting the 3DS. Also how long do they plan on supporting it anyways.
They say until the end of 2018 but look what happened to the Wii U.
Xenoblade 2, SMT5, Pokémon and DQXI will create a fanbase quite hard to ignore
B-b-but it's getting... Uhh.... Kirby! And umm... Uhh... Another Yoshi game!
you mean "SMT Project"
And SMT and Metroid.
>ignoring Fire Emblem, SMT, Octopath Traveler, Pokemon, Metroid Prime, and eventually Smash and Pikmin 4
I don't see how. It will also have jrpgs, but that's it. Now that steam opened more to the japanese products, no console will be a "powerhouse".
Quite the amount are Playstation exclusive and that grinds my gears, Switch just feels perfect for them
Waifu shit, not an exclusive, interesting but never ever and eventually on pc, toddler bait, nostalgia rigged babby first doom, autism bait but good unannounced party game, good game but unannounced
Anything else?
>asks for Switch to be JRPG powerhouse
>but says no to Fire Emblem, SMT, and Octopath Traveler
lord jesus
well there's xenoblade 2 which will probably be the best jRPG of the gen like the previous two xenoblades were and SMTV coming
>Switch has its 100th game on the Eshop today
>Switch has its 999999999999999th game on the Eshop in the year 3000
what's next? ps4 and PC have no games either?
Fire emblem is a husk since awakening, smt will be released elsewhere, OT is developed than squenix, give them 6 months and you'll find it on ios and android.
Disgaea 5 did real well and they already stated new releases are coming on switch, IF wants to bring neptune, gust is brining atelier, nights of azure 2 limited edition is selling well, xenoblade 2 is popular.
I have no doubt it will be excellent for jrpgs
Atelier is garbage, knights of azure 2 is garbage, neptune is garbage.
It's not even getting Tales of berseria.
hello pokebarneyfag
>what's next?
>ps4 have no games either?
No mate, that were the past 4 years or so.
those games are still JRPGS that are on the Switch whether you like it or not
>smt will be released elsewhere
Wait, have I missed something?
I have a PC and PS4 already, and I've been thinking of buying a Switch.
What games are worth the buy? I'm not really interested in Splatoon 2.
I guess the Switch will get some exclusive SMT games (like Sony gets Persona) but I guess that the next mainline SMT (V/HD) is going to be multiplat unless Sony or Nintendo are going to pay for it.
Depends, if you don't own a WiiU I'd say get BotW and MK8
Xenoblade 2 is projected for December 2017. No clue if SE plans on bringing Dragon Quest XI over though. Atlas is working on an SMT game for it but details are slim.
No, he is an idiot. Atlas is working on multiple SMT games. Switch is still getting their one, just as the 3DS is getting the Strange Journey remake.
Year 1
>Xenoblade 2
>splatoon 2
>monster hunter XX
Year 2
>fire emblem
Is that really the best shit posters can up with? I've been gone for a while but I would've expected something more creative that rolls off the tongue better
I'm not sure. I mean gust already tried once with the 3DS and an atelier rorona remake which sold so poorly that they dropped the entire platform. It might get the mainstream JRPGs but it looks like there aren't many people buying the smaller ones on nintendo platforms.
The new Atelier they just announced is coming to Switch you know.
>I object to things
The Switch is still going to have lots of JRPGs
What does that have to do with them dropping the 3DS? They are probably trying again on a new platform, but if people still refuse to buy niche games on the switch than they'll most likely drop that aswell.
No, but it will be a nogame powerhouse.
Blazblue is also coming to the switch. Likely battle tag.
The fact that being burned on 3DS didn't discourage them from trying again with the Switch. What happens once it comes out is anyone's guess.
I think the new mainline SMT wasn't labelled exclusive. There is nothing verified yet but it's likely that SMT HD will be multiplat.
Not that the Switch won't get something exclusive, like said
>Xenoblade 2
I doubt it
No idea about the other games but I also doubt that the new Prime will be ready in 2018 since we didn't see anything but a logo yet.
But the 3DS port of Rorona was shit.
Sure, the Switch isn't as powerful as the PS4 but it can handle the games with minor downgrades
>implying prime 4 is coming in 2018
Also, I'd like to add it's getting niche stuff the 3DS didn't get like Disgaea and Night of Azure 2. For Disgaea in particular, Nippon Ichi already said they were satisfied with 5's sales and the next one will most likely be on it too.
>i-i-i got him!!!
Gust is a company, they don't let emotions influence their decisions. 3DS and switch are two different platforms, the switch might very well absorb a good chunk of previous vita owners, it's only logical to try it on a new platform again.
>>Xenoblade 2
>I doubt it
C'mon man. They would've announced the delay at E3 if it was happening. And don't try to pull the "only the western release will be delayed", we already know it's being localized during development.
Next you're telling me that you can own consoles from different companies, lol
It pretty much already is a JRPG powerhouse.
wow a rare time when someone calls out pokebarneyfag and its acutally likely him
>Xenoblade 2
>I doubt it
fucking idiots still saying this shit when the game's already rated
I hope so. Keeping an eye on Xenoblade 2 and Octopath traveler, but hopefully it'll get more.
Botw is keeping me occupied right now, though.
But we don't have a release date yet and 2017 has only 4.5 months left
I think it will release either around december or 2018
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stir shit up.
>It pretty much already is a JRPG powerhouse.
Great argument.
>I think it will release either around december or 2018
It's likely to be December, or late November at the earliest. I personally think it's going to be December while November will be the month of Fire Emblem Warriors.
Way too early to tell. Only Xenoblade 2 and SMT project sound interesting. Everything else is just ports, most of which are shit games like modern Gust games.
It's won't user
>ports don't count now
Ports you can buy on PS4 or Steam which also has games Switch will never get.
I'd say that one game doesn't make the Switch a JRPG powerhouse
It's just that we haven't seen that much from the game yet so I'm a bit sceptical about a 2017 release without the game suffering from it.
Not even just ports, but multiplatform releases coming at the same time as the other systems.
>It's just that we haven't seen that much from the game yet so I'm a bit sceptical about a 2017 release without the game suffering from it.
Yeah, it's understandable. I just decided to put my faith in them and that by E3 they would've already known and shared if the game was getting delayed, since they almost always do so when it happens.
Has there been any more information on Octopath? I feel like we haven't heard anything after the initial launch trailer.
But I won't. And neither will Japan. You know why? Cause if you buy them on the Switch you can play them portably whenever you want to.
considering the form factor, switch is likely to be where the turned based rpgs will live, games that can be picked up and put down at a moment's notice
the 25 hours action rpgs (18 hours of dialog scenes) will reside on the home consoles
We already have Xenoblade and SMT games on the way for it. That's all I really need.
Don't games like Xenoblade 2 and Dragon Quest XI prove you wrong? The Switch is effectively two form factors in one.