vidya fatigue thread
So many games. None to play. Whats her name, Sup Forums?
vidya fatigue thread
So many games. None to play. Whats her name, Sup Forums?
Try other hobbies retard, is vidya all you do in your free time?
me irl
I also enjoy movie fatigue
why would you enjoy fatigue of any kind?
Its a living hell user
>tfw not in the mood to play vydia
>tfw not in the mood to watch movies or tv series
>tfw not in the mood to go out, even if the oportunity arises
>literally nothing but free time due to my circumstances
>spend all of it trying to figure out what to do instead of just doing something
Ours is a cursed life.
>hey lets play something
>look at vydia library
>lets watch a movie instead
>what if I don't enjoy and I just waste 2 hours
>guess I'll read a book
>shitzillion pages
>will probably stop reading 1/4 through
the fucking worst feeling
when does it stop?
When you create a routine, one that includes exercise. All the vidya and movies are much sweeter when you put work before play.
I don't know if you're active or anything but you should consider consistent exercise and monitoring your nutrition, getting sunlight etc. since I know most people here lock themselves inside. It helped me appreciate my hobbies a bit more it helps to pretend you yourself are an RPG character and are improving your stats at a slow pace
I've been like this since the beginning of the year and I'm guessing never
I was thinking of doing exercise but I think I'll just give up on it like everything else
Pick up an instrument, once you pay for it upfront you can entertain yourself endlessly for free and never run out of interesting stuff to do
you'll randomly find a game that pulls you out of it
oftentimes its stuff i never expected to enjoy as much as i did, just keep trying random games til something sticks, youll know when you find it and finally become invested
that might be the problem, i might be burned from things i like without being aware of it
Last game I really did play all the way through was Alpha Protocol around 2 months ago. Tried playing other games and I still get bored within 30 minutes or so.
Went for a Deus Ex playthrough and stopped in the last NY level.
Tried replaying Morrowind and Warband but dropped them and still haven't picked them up again.
Stopped 1/2 through my Outland and FEAR playthroughs
Wanted to play ME2 on Insanity but can't bring myself to finish one mission
send help
quit replayin stuff it wont work even though it feels like it should
try random new stuff something will stick eventually
I still have the witcher 3 DLCs to play. I just can't bring myself to boot up the game even though I've had a blast going throgh it the first time. WHat's wrong with me?
Kill yourself you pathetic pile of garbage. Do it before you start blogposting.
I dunno, I played a bit of XCOM today. Dropped my first playthrough on the last level. Restarted on Long War and stopped halfway through. Made a new one today, not sure if it will last.
Like, I want to play the game but they just don't seem fun anymore. Started playing STALKER for the first time and even though I like the game I still manage to get bored.
Eventually I just come back to shitpost on Sup Forums
>Eventually I just come back to shitpost on Sup Forums
>feel like playing fucking WoW again
I don't know why but discussing video games and thinking about playing them seems more fun than actually playing them.
This guy is right. Once you get used to exercise to the point where you can actually do things consistently, you just want to do more. During June I couldn't even do 2 pull ups, and my arms hurt like a bitch after, but now I can do 7 on a good try and the pain fades quickly enough that I can do a few more after a short rest. My arms are looking bigger too, and I can feel actual muscle in there. Its the little things that make me excited to do them.