Modern video games are trash compared to classics like Chrono Trigger...

Modern video games are trash compared to classics like Chrono Trigger. No one can match the magic and atmosphere created by these games:

Now look at it's modern equivalent: FFXV and tell me you get the same tingles you got from Chrono Trigger.

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The modern equivalent isn't FFXV, it would be something like Tales series or I am Shitsuna, which also kinda sucks but hey, it's not FFXV bad.

>FFXV is the modern equivalent.
FFXV isn't ATB though.

That sounds like absolute trash compared to this though.

It's a shame that the game isn't nearly as good as the 10/10 menu theme.

It's a very popular JRPG that released recently, it's roughly equivalent to Chrono Trigger, a very popular JRPG that released in the 90's.

Fuck off

I disagree, music alone doesn't make a game and that music while good has nothing to back it up to give the emotions it tries to elicit any depth. Chrono Trigger had likeable characters you cared about, so when you hear forboding music playing you actually feel the despair.

Chrono Trigger isn't that good by the virtue of the fact that it includes ATB combat.

The combat system works great, if you don't like it that's fine but it doesn't make the game bad.

No. ATB by default doesn't work well and brings down any game that includes it.