It's a shame that the game isn't nearly as good as the 10/10 menu theme.
Samuel Allen
It's a very popular JRPG that released recently, it's roughly equivalent to Chrono Trigger, a very popular JRPG that released in the 90's.
Brody Moore
Fuck off
Aiden Williams
I disagree, music alone doesn't make a game and that music while good has nothing to back it up to give the emotions it tries to elicit any depth. Chrono Trigger had likeable characters you cared about, so when you hear forboding music playing you actually feel the despair.
Isaiah Williams
Chrono Trigger isn't that good by the virtue of the fact that it includes ATB combat.
Eli Hill
The combat system works great, if you don't like it that's fine but it doesn't make the game bad.
Luke Stewart
No. ATB by default doesn't work well and brings down any game that includes it.
Blake Stewart
CT is overrated trash
Angel Howard
I never had any problems with it, I bet you're one of those crybabies who thinks anything except turn based in a JRPG is bad.
I bet you've never even played it
Nolan Hill
This shit is literally NOTHING compared to Nier Automata.
Leo Morgan
Dragon Quest XI on the 3ds
Jack Davis
Nier Automata is garbage and is already forgotten, CT will live on forever
Ryan Smith
chrono trigger isn't even as good as super mario rpg it's kind of one of the low tier square snes games
John Cruz
ATB, at best, drags out every single encounter because you have to wait for every participant to take a command (FFIX is the perfect example). At worst it's full on artificial difficulty tier and gives enemies an unfair advantage (FFIV, FFVII).
Oh, and ATB is still a turn based system, you moron.
Cameron Hughes
I honestly can't disagree here. It's atmosphere is easily the single greatest aspect that it has and possibly the best the SNES has to offer, but in just about every other regard it's fairly standard for a JRPG.
The bulk of the game is straight up linear and the battle system is just as shallow as most RPGs.
William Edwards
Dragon Quest VIII, X and XI are as good as Chrono Trigger. In large part because the best part of the Chrono Trigger team made them.
And Vanillaware games are keeping the medium budget feel of Chrono Trigger alive.
Benjamin Evans
>smRPG is better than CT
Has a more shit opinion ever been uttered?
Jaxon Reyes
XV's combat was decent, shame the game itself was unbalanced.
Mason Barnes
Xenoblade Chronicles was way more impressive to me. Like seriously? People living on giant 'mechs' or whatever? Who the hell thinks of that? Awesome.
Jeremiah Wilson
Chrono trigger is an overrated bucket of puke. The art looks like shit, the music is shit, the story is fucking retarded and so is the combat. I can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to waste time on such a trash game.
Dominic Clark
Classic Turn-Based and ATB are equal in their unengaging, mindless nature. They weren't even a product of """gameplay limitations""", they were a product of creatively bankrupt developers. These old school SNES RPGs praised as classics are just visual novels with shitty plots and forgettable characters. Phantasia is exactly the same, except with actual gameplay.
Alexander Murphy
Is that the only reason you like it? I just started playing this game and honestly I'm kind of finding the combat and exploration to be lackluster. And every time I reach a new area or boss, I have to sit through a tutorial because they flood you with a billion skills.
Chase Ramirez
yeah just look at the OP of this thread
Jeremiah Kelly
Final Fantasy now is compared to Final Fantasy then. Chrono Trigger wasn't super popular until emulation allowed everyone to play it.
Adrian Clark
>Classic Turn-Based and ATB are equal in their unengaging, mindless nature. Not at all. True turn based allows you to think of what to do. Actual strategy is involved. ATB just encourages the player to mash attack since it is faster than choosing a skill.
Now of course you can also just mash attack in a turn based game instead of using skills. But that's your own fault. Like those idiots who hit a wall and grind 10 levels in a Dragon Quest game, then blame the game. You wouldn't need to grind if you actually used the skills given to you. Instead you just mash attack and throw a fit when it doesn't work.
>These old school SNES RPGs praised as classics are just visual novels with shitty plots and forgettable characters. No one is going to say an RPG plot is the gold standard for writing. But some of them are still well written. Just like a movie for 'kids' can still be engaging if you have an open mind.
>Phantasia is exactly the same, except with actual gameplay. The gameplay in Tales games are shit though. There's plenty of other ARPGs with better gameplay. Even Seiken Densetsu 2 is better.
Luis Roberts
>Chrono Trigger wasn't super popular until emulation allowed everyone to play it.
Wow, go back to class kid
Benjamin Robinson
He's not exactly wrong. Chrono Trigger sold like 600,000 copies in the west. Which is higher than most JRPGs, but not exactly Final Fantasy/Pokemon level popular. Only one person in my school owned a physical copy for example. But once emulation became common though, everyone played it. All my friends played it through emulation.
OP comparing Chrono Trigger to FFXV is just stupid though.
Robert Johnson
Suikoden 2 > Trigger
Blake Fisher
They're both equally good for different reasons.
Logan Reyes
>True turn based allows you to think of what to do.
Action games allow you to "think of what to do", except they give you much more freedom and expect you do do this faster.
>Actual strategy is involved. When? Give me an actual scenario in an actual RPG where such strategic thinking happens in a more in-depth way then what occurs in action games and RTS.
>Now of course you can also just mash attack in a turn based game instead of using skills. Umm, this is such a low standard that you're just shitting yourself. You're basically admitting that the games do generally allow you to play them in such an utterly mindless way and let you get away with it and that you basically have to pretend the case is otherwise and deliberately restrict yourself to make things 'strategic'. But of course, you can do this in every other genre, and get something with even more depth.
>You wouldn't need to grind if you actually used the skills given to you.
So I take it that just doing something other than spamming attack is 'strategy' to you? I mean, there's way more tactical play going on in a match of something like Rocket League, but ok.
>The gameplay in Tales games are shit though. How so compared to most turn based JRPGs? I mean, I don't even disagree that there are other action/RPG games with better combat.
Lincoln Perez
>No one can match the magic and atmosphere created by these games:
Why not? What changed?
Jackson Watson
My African American brother
Asher Stewart
Seems to me like you need to play more JRPGs
Ethan Long
>thinking edgy SMT whos only merit is shock value is good
Hunter Hughes
Games turned from a niche product to mass market lowest common denominator
Evan Sullivan
You still get passion projects with every ounce of love and care put into it. Like Yakuza 0, Nioh or sonic mania
Christian Thomas
Please explain exactly what you mean by "shock value". Where does shock value come into play with SMT games?
Ryder Watson
Yknow it's funny that these boring ass JRPGs are lauded so much for being games when really they only succeed in story and atmosphere. For example: Earthbound is one of my favorite games but the game/challenge reward systems are only there to string me along thru the story and atmosphere. Without those battles I doubt the game would be able to hold interest as well, and the weird enemies are great but there is nothing actually interesting about the combat itself. Idk guy, you want a tingle? Go play a game that's lauded for the story, I'm sure there's a nu-CRPG out there to tickle your fancy.
Asher Clark
Modern SMT is bad.
Old SMT is also bad, but at least I like those.
Brody Carter
>Action games allow you to "think of what to do", except they give you much more freedom and expect you do do this faster. >and expect you do do this faster. Good job proving the point you were responding to.
>When? Give me an actual scenario in an actual RPG where such strategic thinking happens in a more in-depth way then what occurs in action games and RTS. In an action game, you learn strategy through trial and error. Bringing up RTS is a really bad example since this is magnified even worse in those games. As you are experiencing a zerg rush for the first time, you have no way to counter it. You lack the skills to have planned ahead for it, as countering it takes planning such as having adequate scouting and the right build order to counter it. Planning you don't learn until after you have failed. Playing a turn based (tactical) game on the other hand, you have the time to see what is coming and plan on how to deal with it. You have the option of winning the battle on the very first try with the options given to you. You may think this makes it 'too easy' or whatever comeback you're going to use, but it's still a fact that turn based games allow you to make these types of tactical decisions.
Things are not that different in an ARPG vs a turn based RPG. Sure, you can still get through some battles in an ARPG without dying the first time. But it really depends on how balanced the game is. If they give you adequate amount of HP and time to learn an enemies tactics and respond with your own. If they don't give you that time, then the player starts to default back to just spamming attack, which is faster than trial and error skills. ATB suffers from the same issue. It just turns out Chrono Trigger gives you plenty of HP (time) to try out skills. While a game like FFIV on DS has a boss OHKO you for using the wrong skill.
Sebastian Butler
You're still not explaining where this strategy comes from.
Daniel Stewart
Yes I did. Try reading the post again.
Nicholas Mitchell
game created at peak of japan's bubble economy
Chase Murphy
>it's fairly standard for a JRPG
Oh fuck off! the attention to detail in chrono trigger is fucking incredible, the way character with projectile weapon act shocked when they miss, that bit where enemy appear when you make a sound and they put a save point just to trick you
How about how every boss in the game is different? I still remember that sand boss that you defeat by making him harder with ice/water spells
Cameron Morris
so besides using damage abilities / spells and buffs/debuffs to make the former more effective, and occasionally healing, where exactly is the strategy in jrpgs
Grayson Allen
so besides using damage abilities / spells and buffs/debuffs to make the former more effective, and occasionally healing, where exactly is the strategy in ARPGs?
Easton Fisher
As soon as positioning and timing of attacks matter thanks to the "action" element, there is a wealth of microchoices that open up and determine performance. Not so in a turn based game where you're only selecting the skill that does the most damage or healing when you need.
Nathaniel Lewis
Well that's a bit unfair. As you said CT is a classic. Comparing one of the best games of all time to the majority of modern games isn't fair.
There were plenty of shit games back then as well. And FFXV is not the modern equivalent of CT lmao.
Joshua Rogers
Why are you completely ignoring resource management?
James Foster
JRPGs always have the shallowest gameplay, it doesn't have the depth of CRPGs, it doesn't require the skill of action games, it doesn't require the tactical thinking and planning of games like X-COM, they're just adventure games with light gameplay.
David James
what resource management? most JRPGs let you be a walking warehouse.
Bentley Evans
They do now. That wasn't always the case.
Samuel Robinson
>Most fights are easily beaten by just spamming attack The game is a master piece in anything but gameplay. Having AoE attacks and moving targets is a nice addition but the mechanic doesn't appear often enough to make most encounters any better than spam2win shit.