What are some games where the villain is always a step ahead of everybody?

what are some games where the villain is always a step ahead of everybody?

I never played KH. Why are they sitting in those high chairs?

because it looks cool, intimidating, and DARKNESS[/SPOILER]

They're raised chairs of various heights, take a wild guess.

The higher the chair, the more evil they are?

I don't know, but it looks dangerous. Is there a pool below them? How'd they even get up there?

they raise the chairs. there's a cutscene showing it in DDD. they can also teleport on/off them

This looks so fucking silly I can't believe there's people who take the plot unironically, seriously everything about KH looks like a huge parody of the average Japanese plot

Is anyone else sad that they don't have SoD yell CUM GARDIUHN every time he summons it? I dunno why, but it's hype as fuck.

have you played it? i think the plot is actually really good, memes aside

who's the rest of the norts then?

You're stupid.

You didn't answer his question

>master xehanort
>young xehanort
>sora's mom
>kairi's grandmother

as for the rest, one might be vanitas seeing as he has the eye colour. the others might all be new characters, or recycled old ones if nomura gets lazy

>kairi's grandmother
I never did trust this woman. You know she's just waiting for the right moment to strike.

The only one waiting for the right moment to strike is Xemnas when he fucking kills Xehanort at the end of 3.

>kills his somebody
>ensuring he can never come back to life if someone kills him
xenmas isn't stupid user

He grew his heart back. He is his somebody again.

As smart as he is, that's still terra's body in the end.

yes, but if he killed xehanort then he can never be reborn again. why would he want to kill him? unless you mean "killing him" with a keyblade

kek terra really is the perfect example of "all brawn and no brains"

Most poorly written ones.

>no brains

i can't wait to see Sora's keyblade armour bros!

does anyone have any ideas what forms these will have in KH3?

>it took terra literally losing his mind to become a competent keyblader