>Highest critically rated game of all time
>Regularly considered by people to be GOAT
>only sold 8 million copies (rounding up) and the remake sold half that.
Something doesn't add up here...
>Highest critically rated game of all time
>Regularly considered by people to be GOAT
>only sold 8 million copies (rounding up) and the remake sold half that.
Something doesn't add up here...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Quality directly correlates which how many units it sold
You're a special kind of retard aren't you?
There's nothing GOAT about it people are just fucking retarded. I bet most people who call it the GOAT never even played it, fucking casuals who just see the zelda name and remember the game from their childhood.
Fuck Zelda so much. It pisses me off how all the braindead idiots think it's some WOW SUPER AMAZING VIDEO GAME SERIES OMG even though it's basically braindead button mashing crapola
That's the most overrated game.
>the ''best thing ever'' is decided by the smallest chunk of the gaming populace
That sounds pretty retarded to me.
It's a classic and every gamer needs to play it. It might be ovverated by modern standards, like for example breath of the wild is a better game overall. Where oot excels over botw though is iconic moments
Get back to player unknowns battlegrounds
You see OP there was a magical time in videogame history where games didn't need to sell 20+ million copies to be considered good and successful. The market wasn't propped up by an endless supply of casuals who happily bought up whatever #'d installment of a given game when it came out just because that was "the big game to get at the time".
and yet ocarina of time is still fucking overrated garbage normie trash
kys yourself
A nintendo 64 game selling 8 million copies is fucking insane.
Back then 200-300k was considered a good sales number, 500k was a huge successes and 1mil was like mindblowing GOTY material.