What hobbies are you gonna partake in when vidya inevitably dies?
You do have other hobbies, right?
What hobbies are you gonna partake in when vidya inevitably dies?
You do have other hobbies, right?
watch more anime and read more manga
Might get into anime, G Reco was that bad and easily the worst Gundam show.
Running has been a lot of fun recently.
Films are cool.
Hahaha jokes on you films and /lit/ are my main hobbies i only play like 2 games a year
>worst gundam
>not iron bloded abortion
>not SEED destiny
>not Wing
Haven't seen IBO. Wing and Destiny are bad but not this bad.
start working on my backlog
hell i rarely buy new games these days
Play the backlog
Maybe pick up drawing again.
I kind of want to take up gardening but the fact that it is ice cold here 2/3's of the year severely limits my options.
What gave you the impression that people play more than a handful of games on this board, /vee/ - The Vidya?
Got any of your drawings you can post? Seeing a creative person on Sup Forums is neat.
so you play 200% more than the average user
>vidya dying
My backlog is fucking huge, once vidya dies there'll be plenty of functional emulators to play all kinds of games you couldn't before.
In any case
>start jerking off more
>start working on my anime backlog
>start pouring more money into quadcopter builds, maybe even learn helis if I have too much money to blow
>more gardening
>learn more programming languages/do more small hobby projects
The world will keep spinning, vidya or no vidya
Flight simming
Drawing and reading
>when vidya inevitably dies?
Been hearing this since the 90s. No thanks.
Also, music.
200% of 0 is still 0
>not ibo
>not Wing
Fuck you.
I've started collecting vinyl records. It's goddamn expensive. The average price of new record in aus is $50.
Is there any real reason to collect vinyl records instead of CDs? I know they look better but I've listened to a lot of them and their digital counterparts usually have better sound quality
producing music, singing and DUDE DRUGS LMAO
>video games
start a job, learn a skill, do shit and improve my looks
I already do gardening and occasionally make alcohol or something else from my garden products.
I read books and comics, and watch animu and cartoons. I might get more into mango sometime down the road, and I also like photography, although I don't do it as often.
I also enjoy studying.