Uh, no Gael thread?

Uh, no Gael thread?
Care to explain yourself Sup Forums?

Artorias was better
Orphan was better
Dead game

*Performs jumping crossbow attack on you*

Was he Irish?

>meme boss
>true though
>more peps than DaS1 and DaS2

u mean gael gs, the 3-hit combo pvp cancer? yeah it's ok

the story and ending fight of The Ringed City screams of rushed content

>screams were fucking annoying
>its surely a lot more alive then you beloved memeborne

First time in a long time I've had to go out loud "YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" while playing a game. That attack was fucking sick.

Artorias was great.
Orphan was god tier.
Gael is kino.

Orphan was the best boss in the soulsborne franchise, until TRC released. Gael is just Orphan but better, just like Friede is Maria, but better.

His moveset was pure porn.
He can LITERALLY insta auto summon himself using soapstones, how fucking cool is that, Memetorias le Cringewalker would certainly not be able to do this.

>Orphan was the best boss in the soulsborne franchise, until TRC released. Gael is just Orphan but better, just like Friede is Maria, but better.


dark souls 1 was the only good game in the series, you know I'm right

too bad his moveset goes to shit in phase three when he just starts autistically thrashing instead of winding up attacks, with 360 degree hitboxes

Orphan was shit, he had a ton of one hit kill attacks, had huge amounts of tracking, spent 90% of his time in the air being unhittable, never even pretended to run out of stamina and his lightning may as well have homed onto your face.

user, Bloodborne is my favorite soulsborne game, but that doesn't change facts. From just gets better at making bosses, which is normal, no doubt their next game will have its own version of Maria/Friede and Kosm/Gael that will be even better.

There was some user a month or two ago that had a ton of Gael webms. Does someone have the webms of Gael shooting his crossbow while airflipping like the abyss watchers?

I thought this the first time I fought him too, but after my second playthrough I realized the fight is a lot of fun if you just stay up in his face the whole time.

Generic design.
Plays exactly like a reskin of Orphan.
Boring arena.

Mediocre fight all-round.

because there are better things in the series than him

>boring arena
>the literal desert of oblivion at the end of all time
>flanked on all sides by the remnants of the last three games

The fuck is wrong with you?

Extremely lazy boss fight, they give you such an amazing arena and never do something creative with it
Dark Souls 3 is a fucking disgrace

Souls threads are filled to the brim with sonybros and trolls. Just don't bother

Don't give a fuck about whatever made up context you want to give it. It was a big brown bowl with a couple of rocks in it.

>He can LITERALLY insta auto summon himself using soapstones, how fucking cool is that
Wait what the fuck?

is Gael a Daddy?

Well what the fuck did you want the end of time to look like?

Yeah, if you try and run he will use soap stone summoning to bring himself closer to you.

If you go too far he can teleport himself close to you. If you look carefully, you can see him using summon signs, soapstones. The guy has been around since the war with the dragons and can LITERALLY manipulate his own timeline into summoning himself.

>tfw you notice his cape is torn apart because he cut pieces of it to serve as guides for you in the dreg heap and ringed city
He was a real human bean, and a real hero.

>Well what the fuck did you want the end of time to look like?

Maybe something slightly different from the shitty brown and grey colour scheme used in almost every other fucking area of DaS3.

That's fucking wicked, I never noticed that.

Gael did nothing wrong

how exactly did he plan to return home with the pigment

More like, GAYL! FAG!

Stop insulting my uncle!

Yeah it's fucking cool. Did you notice that when the fight is over, there is no more sun? It's over, the fire faded, and Gael has literally been alive from the very beginning to the very end of the world. We skipped fast forwarded time with the egg, but Gael has lived through EVERYTHING, just so a little girl can paint a new world (which is Bloodborne in case you're slow).

He knew he would get rekt by the dark soul, and was counting on YOU to finish his mission. Gael is the greatest character mankind has ever created.

Which boss did the least amount of wrong?

He didn't, he knew he would get corrupted by the dark soul. That's why he left markers to guide you, he was hoping you could find him and give the blood to the painter.

the end of the ringed city solved my question about what the hell is all the bother of the gods to preserve the flame and whatnot if everything gets fucked up everytime or at least you don't see any glimpse of good times in the dark souls universe

I like how it's implied that Gael destroyed/consumed everything in his path until he became a force of nature capable of surviving the end of an era, and all of that just for his duty to the painter girl.

I like to believe the Gael fight is a glorified pvp invasion within the story of the game, you're the invader of his world at that point, at certain part of your progress Gael as a "player within the game" goes further beyond the limitations of your own game but at the end he was someone like you, the player.

>which is Bloodborne in case you're slow

Literally nothing suggests this in any way whatsoever.

then why is he surprised you turned up

Probably Gundyr. The dude was just out of luck and woke up too late, his firekeeper was gone and there was no fire. Not only did he not do anything wrong, he literally didn't do anything at all. And his armor is totally not a direct reference to old king doran. And his second fight was utter flawless perfection, literally 10/10 boss design.
>tfw he shoulder bashes you into oblivion

This DLC was so disappointing. Why in the fucking world would anyone care about Gael? His visual design and first two phases are a joke. And the lore surrounding him reads like fanfiction. Last phase is cool tho even if it still feels like you're fighting an oversized garden gnome.

Because even tho he was hoping you (or another ashen one that bought the DLCs) would find him, it's still pretty surprising for him that you managed to survive until the literal end of the world. His "what, still here" is just that. But at this point he doesn't remember you, or the rotted scrap of the painting, he just sees another bearer of a piece of the dark souls, and we know that he eats people for their piece of the dark soul.

I'm surprised how there isn't a "I'll just take a quick sippy" dark souls nito fight comic version of Gundyr.

I guess, it's pretty underwhelming though
one thing bothers me though, he didn't know the pygmy blood was dried up until he got there
so he wouldn't have known in advance that he needed to eat the dark soul, and therefore he shouldn't have left markers for you

dude he's just like us it's fucking poetic bro it's KINO

>This DLC was so disappointing
it really wasn't, best content From has made, even better than the old hunters.
>Why in the fucking world would anyone care about Gael?
He is just like you user, a literally who, one out of millions. He's even less important than you, he's a slave knight. You're not supposed to care or not care about Gael, just like nobody cares about you, the guy had a hard life and just wanted to let a little girl paint a new world.

He is what every player is, someone who never quit. The dude lived through EVERYTHING, and didn't turn hollow, just like you, the player who finished the game and didn't ragequit, and all the other who did. He's just one in many that had an unbreakable will. He is the very definition of Dark Souls, a literally who who made it. This is the most Dark Souls ending Dark Souls can have. Even the direct reference to Artorias when he throws a body at you. Artorias is a prestigious knight of Gwyn, cream of the cream, that throws a nobody at you. Gael is a nobody, worse than a nobody, a slave knight, that throws a pygmy lord at you, one of the most important figures in the souls world. This is just god tier writing (and tons of copy pasting but who cares, japs don't give a fuck about anything as long as it looks cool, and it fucking does)

>it really wasn't, best content From has made, even better than the old hunters.

Nope. Old Hunters actually fixed about the only major issue of BB (lack of weapons) while RC fixed literally nothing.

RC is shit.

he probably didn't knew about pigmy blood thing but that doesn't change anything, since his journey, his sacrifice was planned from the beginning. He knew that such big manifestation of dark soul will corrupt him to his very core and he wont be able to deliver pigment to painter, even if blood wasn't dried up. He was counting on you since the start.

Not that guy. I don't think it's Yharnam on a literal level (she has no reason to paint that with no reference whatsoever) but I think it stands to scrutiny that this was Miyizaki saying that Dark Souls was over, hasn't had a soul since II, and you should be playing Bloodborne instead. The whole game basically beats you on the head with the "end the world pls pls pls" ending, with the DLC getting you to build a new, better world out of the literal blood of Dark Souls.

That guy made it sound like a literal thing, which it wasnt, but more of a thematic thing.

>stating he's a "nobody" while simultaneously stating he's some fanfic tier superpowerful demi god thing that has survived until the end of time

Mixed messages.

>so he wouldn't have known in advance that he needed to eat the dark soul, and therefore he shouldn't have left markers for you
We don't exactly know if the only people he ate where the pygmy lords, or if he ate others before, but in any case his armor or weapon or whatever states that "he knew the dark soul would likely ruin hin" or something. He knew he was fucked no matter what.

I think he spent eons just killing everyone, literally EVERYONE for their humanities, and ate just he pygmies.

maybe its because if nothing is broken, there no need for fixes

t. Nintendo Employee.

The DLC was pretty good, but personally I was still a bit disappointed that none of the important and hinted at characters like Kaathe made a return. I guess it was unreasonable to expect Miyazaki to spell it out directly.

Depends; both are awesome
SP is never dead, fag

The trees surrounding hunter's dream are totally not the archtrees.
It's just for fun that you see a DeS armor in the oldest parts of the world (chalice dungeons).
Gundyr's armor is totally not a DIRECT reference to old king Doran.
Dark Souls 1 is totally not the last tombstone in DeS.
Evangelists in DaS3 are totally not the mayors of DeS.
Marvelous Chester is totally not from Bloodborne.
Aldrich and his age of the deep sea has NOTHING to do with the deep sea rune or all the water talking in BB.
Oceiros and Ocelotte have absolutely nothing to do with Mergo and his wet nurse.
Firelink Shrine and Firefu are totally not Memeden in black and the Nexus (and Firefu has even literally the same dialogue)
There is totally no link between the hunter's dream and archdragon peak, places accessed through dreams/meditation that are unafected by the outside world.

There are plenty more that I'm forgetting, but this one is the most obvious, Miyazaki literally tells you it's Bloodborne:
>final cutscene of DaS3, mid fight with Gael
"Aahh, is this the blood, the blood of the Dark Souls"
>Bloodborne Willem
We are born of the blood, made men by the blood

It's almost like Miyazaki knew since DaS that all the games are in the same universe and managed to tie everything up.

I thought it would've been neat to fight another Dancer in the DLC, with time's passage making her grow bigger and more aggressive. Kind of like the Blue Smelter Demon.

Gael was a great final boss. It's great that From finally got the Oscar quest from 1 into the game.

Imagine being such a faggot you think any attempt by video games to be subtle or deep is being artsy fartsy shit and should be immediately mocked and ridiculed.

Cunts like you are why Silent Hill is dead. It tried to be subtle and people were too thick to get it.

>an alternate Dancer where Sulyvahn gave her a thicc-er ass
I am intrigued

I want to FUCK Gael!

It's the point of it all.

You're a literal nobody that defeats him.

Nobody versus nobody, both the most powerful in the lands. All the lords, giants, and dragons, how ye mighty, toppled by nobodies.

Well, after demon prince we access TRC via Frampt's hole in Firelink shrine, and we reach Midir's boss room via a secret meeting room with statues of Kaathe (that whole "show your humanity" part). And Midir's boss room is totally not the cave where everyone found their souls in the DaS intro.

Plus we have plenty of statues of primordial serpents in Lothric's Castle, so we know what happened, Frampt was sperging out like a DaStard about muh Gwyn while Kaathe was sweet talking Manus, Yuria, Lothric, pretty much everyone about muh dark, muh usurpation, muh lord of hollows.

>DaS3 is such a complete and total rehash that retards like this think it's some kind of subtle suggestion that all these games are connected

I wish he was harder

kys fagtron
If we had an alternate universe in DaS3, I'd rather see Lorian in his prime when he slew the demon prince, before he lost his legs. Dancer is fine the way she is, she had a hard life.

The mural in AOA probably depicts the 2 serpents being vanquished by some entities.

Explain to me the people turning into trees lore and what the hell those flying things are in Lothric.

I'd rather follow Alva and Zullie's adventures if we're going that way

Nobody, not even DaS3 fans think that DaS3 isn't a rehash. And that's ok, because From has been rehashing since DaS.

But if you weren't retarded and knew how to read, you'd notice that I also mentioned references from other games, like Marvelous Chester, you know, the guy that comes from the futures and looks like he's cosplaying V+Bloodborne. Or Dark Souls being the broken archstone of DeS, with the fog, the greyness.

Play the fucking games before shitposting about the fucking games.

I recently finished that part so let me see if I got this right.
>Gael went after the Dark Souls because his Lady told him to
>After crossing the entirety of Ringed City BY HIS FUCKING SELF(I call bullshit on this) he found the "Dark Soul" that started the entire series and eat it(?)
>then he got the powers that he shows during the boss fight
>Then after you kill him you get THE DARK SOULS(the thing that gave name to this series) and its just a key item
>You can then give this item to the painting loli back in the Painted World and she talks about how she is going to use it to draw a new world for everyone, which I'm guessing will be a new game

Is this correct? Did I get any of this wrong?
If so, how the fuck Gael is the first to get the Dark Souls? After alll this time it been there just waiting?

The Dark Souls was separated among the Pygmy Lords. When he tried to get it by cutting them up, he discovered that they were so old that their blood was dried up. He then decides to eat it to mix it with his own blood

One more thing. I know the woman holding that round white egg is the princess of the Ringed City, but what is the round egg?

>like Marvelous Chester

Actual foreshadowing of BB.

>Dark Souls being the broken archstone of DeS

Nope. Literally nothing suggests this. The incomplete area of DeS was intended to be some kind of castle with beastpeople as enemies.

Why did Gael not trigger the egg-destruction of TRC by himself when he clearly reached the ringed city before us, given that his cloth is in the shared grave

I'd rather follow Aldia and discover what lies beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of dark if we're totally honest senpai.

Damn, DaS2 and DaS3 has some kino dialogue writing.

What happened to the dark soul being humanity? Why did humanity disappear from DaS3?

>Dark Souls being the broken archstone of DeS
Are you mentally challenged ?

>yfw he suddenly teleports through a fucking white sign

Hard to say. Some say it's Midir's egg. Some say it's a transposing kiln (yeah, like the one Ludleth uses to transpose boss weapons, third best girl is literally transposing the ringed city). Some say it's just a physical representation of the ringed city. If you look closely, you notice that the crack in the egg is the same as the "crack" in the wall surrounding the ringed city, a huge chunk is missing.

But no matter what it is, we know that this egg and Filinofu's sleep are puting an illusion on the ringed city. When the egg breaks, and she wakes up, we see the world as it actually is.

I just realized I forgot about that one dude that shows up traveling around The Ringed City with amnesia.
Do you get to summon him in the final battle?
I remember having a talk with him before reaching the church with the giant dude but then he never showed up again.

Egg Lady was hiding the portal to the Pygmy Lords, who were put at the end of time (past the Age of Fire and Dark). Gael went in ate them.

you missed out on Patches' final speech to the player

Because he didn't use the egg. We fast forwarded time, Gael lived through all eternity.
Didn't you notice how embers are just burned humanities? It's literally the same item but red. Remember we're unkindled, we're ash.

It was a neat fight, but what the fuck was even happening through all of those DLCs?
What was Ariandel, and why was Freida watching over it?
Why were there mutant bird fetuses, and why could one of them speak to you?
What was Freida's position, exactly, and why does she attack you unprovoked?
Who was the girl making the painting, and why does Gael worship her?
Why does Ringed City take place so far after the rest of the game (some armor set mentions the Ashen One's journey happening a very long time ago, plus the shit with Lapp), yet you can just teleport to it?
What was with the woman holding the giant egg that shatters when you touch it?
Why does Gael think that the player character has the dark soul? Is he just hollowed and confused?
I'm so lost.

Yeah you have to find the purging monument and tell him about it. He then remembers his name and you have one final cutscene that pretty much sums up the character of Patches and the whole story in general.

but why didn't he use the egg
did he just get up to Halflight and give up?

He knows that it is rude to interrupt princesses while they sleep


So that dude is Patches. I'm guessing you find out how he loses his memories?
Cuz he was in the game and he spents a longass time sitting on the shrine selling you stuff.
Also what the fuck, wasnt he supposed to be just a "funny" character

his quest line ends with him remembering who he is and kicking you off a fucking cliff again

It's kind of a long running joke about how even at the end of time itself Patches is still around and still a complete dick ass. People only go hollow when they lose their purpose, Patches' purpose was to be a dickass and he never lost sight of that.

>They are both great
>More alive than any other Souls game

>What was Ariandel
Ariandel is the dude that restored the painting, the one in Friede's boss fight. The painting bears his name.
>Why were there mutant bird fetuses
That's some heavy lore related to Velka, Ariamis, and the crow people from all souls games. Too long to explain, but every souls youtuber made a video about it.
>What was Freida's position, exactly
She is Yuria's sister, one of the 3 founders of the sable church of Londor. She tried to usurp the fire, but she failed. She's unkindled just like you, so she went in the painting world and decided to let it rot and NOT set in on fire. She just does to the painting what she and her sister and Kaathe wanted her to do in the real world.
>Who was the girl making the painting, and why does Gael worship her?
Not sure about the girl, but 99% sure she's blood related to Priscilla, her dialogue hints at that. Gael doesn't really "worship" her. He just ended up in the painted world like many people, and saw hope in her, a new world.
>Why does Ringed City take place so far after the rest of the game (some armor set mentions the Ashen One's journey happening a very long time ago, plus the shit with Lapp), yet you can just teleport to it?
The stone humped hag tells you the ringed city is at the literal end of the world, past the sea of rubbish. We can teleport to it just like we can teleport to Oolacile, gameplay reasons and time shenanigans. TRC is just at the very very very end of the world, Gael fight takes place literally minutes before the sun dies, the end of the age of fire. Now "the fire fades edition" makes sense.
>What was with the woman holding the giant egg that shatters when you touch it?
Gwyn's daughter put there to "hide" and "shield" the ringed city with her sleep.
>Why does Gael think that the player character has the dark soul? Is he just hollowed and confused?
Because we know from DaS that the pygmy split his soul among all "mankind". Everyone has a bit of the dark soul.

don't argue with retards with shitaste, they are not worth

true, but in the end it's you or him

Because he had to live through all eternity. Remember he wanted the dark soul. And EVERYONE has a bit of the dark soul, since the pygmy lord split it across all mankind. He spent thousands of years just killing people, he lived from the very beginning of the world to the last second.

>What was Ariandel, and why was Freida watching over it?
Apparently there was a second lineage of chosen ones who, instead of linking the fire, make painted worlds. For some reason or another Freida corrupted the current painted world and stopped them from painting a new one.

>Why were there mutant bird fetuses, and why could one of them speak to you?
They're the bird NPCs you've already seen in the original painted world as well as in DaS2 and on the Road of Sacrifices. No one really knows who they are or where they came from. Might just be a fancy fantasy species.

>What was Freida's position, exactly, and why does she attack you unprovoked?
She's one of the three Sable Church sisters along with Yuria, except she's doing her own thing.

>Who was the girl making the painting, and why does Gael worship her?
She's one of the people who make the paintings, except this time it's some sort of a special painting made from the Dark Soulâ„¢ so it's more important. She's imprisoned by Freida who doesn't want her to finish the painting.

>Why does Ringed City take place so far after the rest of the game (some armor set mentions the Ashen One's journey happening a very long time ago, plus the shit with Lapp), yet you can just teleport to it?
Flow of time is convoluted in Lordran etc.

>What was with the woman holding the giant egg that shatters when you touch it?
Some magic lady who's holding some sort of an illusion on the Ringed City. No one really knows.

>Why does Gael think that the player character has the dark soul? Is he just hollowed and confused?
You're the only other being left alive at the literal end of time. There aren't exactly a lot of suspects as far as he's concerned.

I dont know if it's bait but.

1.He restored Ariandel's painting (ike that lady that shitted on that jesus painting), outside of that i at least am not sure
2.They were corvians, they were not fetus, and they can all speak, they are just not interested.
3.Friede abandoned the Londor church (that's why she is in the painting, land of the forlorn aka social misfits), she attacks you because you are going to burn the current painting to make a new one, and she doesnt want that.
4. A painter (which coud be related to priscila or the snakes, most likely the former), which is painting a new world, since the one they are in is rotting, since before Friede appeared Priscila ruled over the painting, her daughter is technically the real ruler, and Gael worships her because he is also forlorn, but perhaps there is an implied closer platonic affection between the two, and she will paint a new good world.
5. time is conveluted
6. Reference to a moon movie, breaking the egg reveals the "real" ringed city.
7. Human=holds humanity and humanity=fragment of the dark soul, but he is also very confused and demented, not hollow though.

What the Hell happened to Aldia, the BotC, and Shanalotte, anyway?
