Hello and welcome to Sup Forumsidya, After Dark. A little early today at 10:45, After Dark usually happens after midnight but it's Friday night. Some people are out and about and some are just hanging back and enjoying the video games.
While Konami isn't the organization it used to be with their gambling machines now, I salute the company they once were. Truly in their time, they were something pretty special.
Do you miss video game codes? I know I do. Sure it might get in the way of a trophy or two but hey, something I just wanna go all out on enemies and such.
Today's Board News: -Don't forget Monday morning to check out the Eclipse. Watch safely out there user, if you can't find any solar glasses, at the very least try several pairs of sunglasses or a pinhole system something- sun damage to the eye can permanently ruin your Vidya Experience!
Meanwhile in the slower boards: - /n/ Transportation has some nice biking threads, might now be a bad time to break out the ole' two wheeler. - /po/ Papercraft & Origami has an user trying to build a functional computing device out of paper. Will he succeed? Only time will tell. - Meanwhile the brother board /vr/ has a thread for spooky games of yesteryear, "Dark n' Gritty Old Games". A little early for Halloween but something to look forward to this season wouldn't you say?
A salute to all you hardworking anons out there and if all you did was stay home today, that's fine too. Sometimes we need a little Me time.
I've never seen this before and I usually go pretty late, but hey, seems more quality than the average Sup Forums thread so I'll bite
Asher Collins
cheat codes are one of the things I miss the most in modern games
Camden Scott
This seems comfy. inb4 some fag calls it cringe
Mason Campbell
Thanks user, every post counts. These threads are a work in progress but as a weekly execution it's managable.
It's a tragedy. I was watching my sister play Horizon Zero Dawn and she was starting over from the very beginning. A cheat code here and there can help reduce the feel of grinding- if I've already beaten a game having to regrind the same things is just a hassle and sometimes I just want to check things out. Sadly, they've fallen out of favor in the times and I honestly can't recall the last game that had them.
Cooper Flores
Wanted to make the room with desk and tele not look trash for some time. Only realised I don't know anything about this once the money was available. Any of you have nice rooms?
Nicholas Morris
This reminds me of those threads on Sup Forums that had that rain soundtrack and jazz on loop
Julian Rodriguez
This is an uncharacteristically chill thread for Sup Forums, I bought crypt of the necrodancer for ps4 a few days ago, it's really fun, most characters soundtrack is exactly the same, but with a stylish change in genre, like the Bard having groovy synthwave or Eli being more 80's Rock.
Wyatt Powell
yeah I'll join in I actually hate inputting codes on /vr/ games, but it sure it was better than the cinematic faggotry we have today
Julian Campbell
Xavier Phillips
that was pretty cool we could have a cyberpunk version of it, with some techno music (also jazz for dat noir feel) and the rain thingie
Logan Martinez
Lurk somewhere else. We're actually trying to relax in this thread.
Logan Thompson
Ryan Cooper
Can't play vidya for a few days because I'm moving. Is Spectrum good for vidya?
Carter Anderson
god I never cringed so hard. Go back to r#ddit for that sort of shit.
It's fine, but ISPs are always dependent on the location; my Spectrum could be better or worse than yours
David Morgan
was right. Go fuck yourself.
Chase Richardson
You have to go back.
Kevin Jackson
These threads remind me of ROB threads. What happened to Robguy anyway? Did Sup Forums shitpost him away?
Ryder Brooks
This sounds familiar as fuck.
Tyler Bailey
Sup Forums has enough faggotry and shitposting to deal with without some faggy r/a/dio knockoff.
Advertising your stream/site is against site rules, kill yourself.
Grayson Miller
probably, although i heard he got banned for avatarfagging or something, but thats just a rumor
Charles Kelly
Cooper Hill
>good threads aren't allowed >only shitposting, console war faggotry, and memes I hate nu-Sup Forums.
Andrew Watson
*exasperated sigh*
Zachary Long
>faggot circle jerks >"good threads" Kill yourself. If you just want to listen to video game music, vip and source both still exist and are still being updated.
Not that you'd know what I'm talking about, because you are nu-Sup Forums.
Jayden Morales
Are you mentally incapable of reading more than the first few words in the OP? You sound like a faggot
Tyler Sanders
It's less of a circlejerk than console war faggotry and other common Sup Forums threads
Luis Sanchez
Dylan Morales
>People being chill and trying to enjoy themselves means it's a circle-jerk. Whatever man,that's you're opinion.
Anybody get any dirt on the TF2 Pyro update? I've been gone for a few months.
Kayden Allen
Bumping for potential enjoyable thread. What are you anons playing tonight? I'm getting down on some Rimworld at the moment
Ian Moore
My favorite part of these threads is the spergs that crawl out of the woodwork to try and derail something because it's not the constant stream of shitposting they are used to.
Jacob Lopez
Valve's still stalling it. They forgot what it's like to have to do real work.
Zachary Taylor
*your Better correct that little mistake before someone uses it to undermine my intelligence, anyways, I've been looking for a good MMO to play, any recommendations?
Gavin Turner
You mean where he's talking about the fucking solar eclipse and /po/? Yeah, what does that have to do with fucking video games? It's almost like the goal of this thread isn't to discuss video games, but to be an autistic circlejerk.
And are you mentally incapable of reading the rules? How is blatantly shilling your site/stream suddenly okay?
David Nguyen
So did you.
Adam Martin
You and me both. They were great for squeezing every last bit of fun out of a game.
Joseph Barnes
Leo Robinson
Logan Evans
>The guys that made Fusion are working on Samus Returns Why is Sup Forums acting like this game will be bad? I remember lots of hype during the reveal.
Blake Evans
Except I never defended this fucking thread. You were so caught up in your autistic rage you did not even bother to read what the thread was about, talking about rule that wasn't even broken because no site is being shilled. Sure you could argue half the OP isn't on topic though, but that's not what I was fucking talking about.
Ryan Gonzalez
Nobody cares, shitbrain.
Juan Young
We used to have gentlemen threads with rainy mood music and fun oc from time to time.It just kinda stopped being posted.
>bewareoblivionisathand >BOBBYBIRD will always stick with me for some reason.
Colton King
You did enough to reply.
Christian Price
>gentlemen threads cringe, literally fedora tier
Juan Smith
All the same person, trying as hard as he can to undermine a thread
Kayden Brown
TORtanic was a mistake.
Brayden Reyes
When was the last time Valve did fucking ANYTHING. Seriously I'm so...I'm not even mad. I'm way past that. I'm just disappointed.
Christian Russell
I like this thread but I hate the faggots in it
Tyler Gutierrez
Running any significant content mods? I like Rimworld a lot, but after 100 hours or so vanilla got really boring. I feel like the "build a ship" thing is there just for the sake of having a win condition. I gave Hardcore_SK a shot but it's kind of clusterfucky.
Nathan Ward
I think we should take solace in the fact that there are anons that legit want some chill threads without going up in arms about the smallest thing.
the only way to keep any thread on Sup Forums up for more than a few minutes is to incite pointless arguing.
Jose Cruz
I guess that means every time someone posts a link to Imgur, Twitter or YouTubethat counts as shilling, Right?
Easton Watson
I'd be hosting lobbies for my obscure anime fighter but alas, I cannot
Luis Anderson
>Linking a site is the equivalent to shilling I bet OP is also the Gaming Historian right? It's obvious that OP is trying to create a "comfy" thread where people browse while listening to music
Cooper Cox
Rez Infinite is incredibly fun, and it's a spiritual experience in VR. Pretty chill if you want it to be.
Brayden Russell
What's the point of this post? One more game-related thread doesn't hurt the board when at least half of all threads at any given time are explicitly off-topic. I don't understand where your butthurt is coming from.
Brandon Howard
Stop posting to the obvious troll. It says a lot about him that his main purpose at this time of night is to shitpost in a thread that is trying it's hardest to be free if typical Sup Forums trash. But I guess this is just more proof that Sup Forums just doesn't exist anymore.
OP: I miss fun/silly codes like banjo Kazooie or Tony Hawks pro skater. Ones that didn't really alter the game in any ways, but were also cute/neat little quirks. I think when you have cheat codes to just go god node or whatever, as soon as you know that code, it just sits in the back of your mind the entire time.
Blake Thomas
Uh, yeah. This isn't a news article or something, and 90% of the time someone links to Youtube here, it's blatant shilling. Sup Forums has its own playlist, there's no reason to post shit like this.
Brandon Rivera
>Do you miss video game codes? I know I do. Sure it might get in the way of a trophy or two but hey, something I just wanna go all out on enemies and such.
Cheat codes are great. Unfortunately, when they were commonplace, a lot of "hardcore gamers" (or, at least, the most vocal minority of them on the internet) hated cheat codes. "Cheat codes ruin games" was a fairly popular opinion. I'm afraid that game developers actually listened to them.
Most of Sup Forums seems to think cheat codes went away because achievements/trophies were added to games, but this explanation really makes no sense at all, considering it's entirely possible (and easy) simply to disable achievements whenever cheats are used. This has been done in a number of games which have both cheat codes and achievements.
You don't see cheat codes anymore because their implementation is extra work which many gamers didn't appreciate.
Zachary Cruz
>Sup Forums has its own playlist
You mean some attention whore made a playlist and claimed it's an official Sup Forums thing? Neat.
You realize those things are never good, right? The "Sup Forums's Recommended Games" wiki is currently maintained by Redditors who don't post on Sup Forums or don't even know what Sup Forums is.
i mean i was enjoying the thread but you're just asking to be called retarded with a post like this.
Blake Williams
I hate video game codes, at worst they were old school locked content at best they are some kids free pass through single player
Blake Brown
>some kids free pass through single player
but how could you possibly give a fuck
Brayden Cooper
Honestly i feel that some people play on easy mode or cheat with code or guidebooks then come on Sup Forums and get into arguments with people who played the game str8 up and dont account for the fact that they literally cheated when giving you their opinion. It happens all the time one example is when i got into some argument over DS1 back before 2 was even announced. Like 10 posts in on this guy shitting on the game then it turns out he used the drake sword then after that it turns out he followed a guide and knew everything about the game before playing it. These kinds of people FILL threads because they dont play games they just argue about them on Sup Forums. Its like talking about PoE but the other guy is playing noobcore but wont admit that.
I mean im not rupturing a blood vain over it but its annoying, also its much more rewarding to play it out and do it right then take the easy way out even if you have to force it on people they will be better off in the long run.
Ian Russell
>it's much more rewarding to play it out and do it right I'm with you on that one >even if you have to force it on people they will be better off in the long run Not so much this. Especially if it's single player, I don't give a shit. The whole purpose of a video game is to enjoy yourself and have fun, and if people don't enjoy an actual challenge then it's whatever. I don't get it, but I'm not gonna act like "forcing" a more difficult experience is going to be better for them than letting them have an easier experience.
Camden Harris
Well whats your opinion on "story mode" difficulty options then? If you are agreeing with people being able to breeze through these games if thats what they want then do you think a game like darksouls should have a "story mode" difficulty setting?
Juan Myers
Rocket League
Cameron Thompson
Playing Ghost Trick, it's fantastic so far. It's one of the few games that have made me burst out laughing
Eli Gray
Yeah, sure, I honestly don't care. I think achievements should be disabled for such a difficulty though, or handled like games such as ToME where there's a different achievement set for each difficulty.
William Martin
I remember seeing someone trying to reclaim the wiki by holding polls on Sup Forums, but I think they gave up cause the threads always died
Jack Edwards
>achievements disabled Why?
Adam Gomez
Not sure if I'd call it nice, but it's reasonably well furnished and comfortable. Best advice I can give is to bundle your wires and use furnishings to cover where they need to go where you can. If you're looking for furniture, there's no shame in picking up pieces from thrift stores; my cube shelf in the picture was only 30 bucks and it's a rock solid figure stand/media cabinet.
Hudson Bailey
Because, as you said, people who play on higher difficulties tend to like the challenge and tend to also like to have something to show for it, and understandably feel like they should have something to show for it that is also something that players facing a lesser challenge don't have. Meanwhile, people who play on easy or "story mode" settings don't give a shit about achievements, otherwise they'd likely be playing on higher difficulties. It's a win-win. People who like a challenge have something to show over those who couldn't/wouldn't complete it at the same difficulty, while the people playing on easy get to also enjoy the game.
Dylan Jones
hopping from mmo to mmo looking for soemthing to hold my attention. i only have vanilla/wotlk wow installed, along with project beta for mapelstory v40b. Reinstalling crypt of the necrodancer
Daniel Phillips
This seems like a comfy thread.
Adrian Stewart
I actually read OP's post in my head like an actual radio broadcast.
Though I'd imagine an actual Sup Forums radio station would be some guy stuttering into the mic while eating hotpockets.
Nathan Diaz
>tfw you live in a dump
Bentley Thompson
I like your setup a lot. Very comfy.
Jason Rodriguez
Never too late to start fixing it up, and from my experience, there's never such a thing as a pristine home. It's a never-ending battle to keep my place up, especially when the depression hits and doing anything more than staring at a start screen for a game is just too much of an energy expenditure. Sometimes you just have to make peace with the idea that until you get motivated, your recliner is just 'the laundry chair'.
Connor Green
Thanks. This is probably about how I'll keep it for quite some time, especially after dropping my projector for the TV. I do kind of miss my 5.1, but the wires were all over the damn place and my receiver started cutting up.
Colton Thomas
I just want to be able to go on Sup Forums or where ever and have a conversation with someone who played the game fair and square just like I did. But honestly im looking to back out of this conversation because i defiantly cant defend taking away everyones easy mode just to justify my wishes
Good morning, fellow freedom-likers. Sup Forumsirgin radio, the fourth branch of government, the 19 th board. You know, th-th-there are three things we're never gonna get rid of here in Sup Forums, One, the tripfags in the public drawthreads. Two, nitendrones. And three, our six-term overlord... the illiterate, tax-cheating, wife-swapping, pot-smoking Japaneses spend-o-crat... Hiroyuki Nishimura. Now, why are we doomed to this Hiroyuki quagmire, you ask, O reasonable Listener? Because this board is under the stranglehold of... a few tie-dyed tree SJWs who would rather complain about lolis than lock up the Sup Forumstards. So, my friends, let's just junk those dumb-o-crats... and their bleeding heart battleborn threads.
Parker Morales
Charles Scott
I'm about to try aura kingdom because i've run out of options
Josiah Cook
Have you played PoE?
Thomas Cruz
It's a shame that cheat codes have fallen by the way side. They were a great idea that helped people continue through difficult segments and added a lot of replayability to anything with decent gameplay.
Comfy thread OP.
Justin Lewis
Charles Garcia
Before you kids saw those posts exposing certain companies for making fake threads to advertise and started pitching your fits, it was generally acceptable to post a link to another site.
Benjamin Hill
There was a really nice Outrun thread the other day and it made me remember some cheatcode in either Outrun 2 or 2006. You put in MILESANDMILES as your name on the license and it maxed out your miles points so you could buy everything immediately.
Brody Hill
Never gavr it a a true proper shot desu. I'll check it out, user. best server or realm?
Benjamin Taylor
Only two servers hardcore and softcore, play hardcore. Some people can enjoy Arpgs without the rush of hardcore, but i dont think of them as "people"
Michael Mitchell
It's been a thing for far longer than you've been here. You don't even know what I'm referring to.
Carter Taylor
"It's SO old. The oldest thing you've ever seen. It's like, ten times as old as you think it is." Then post it DAWG
Henry Nelson
Do you really think I'm about to let a thread full of redditors in on it?
Jonathan Jenkins
I think, I do know what you are talking about, it was on some website where the whole thing is a media player right? And the mascot was some pixulated animal? Man that IS old, i tried giving it a go but i actually hate like 99% of vidya music
Brayden Flores
What an oddly pleasant thread. Popped in due to PUBG servers going offline for the moment, at least I think so.
Nathaniel Ross
I feel the honeymoon phase of PUBG is over
Dominic Collins
>the mascot was some pixulated animal I don't think you're thinking of the same thing. Are you talking about the tab icon? It used to just be a clover, I think. It's some blue trianglish thing now.