Tell me Sup Forums, what are you:
>Intending to play next.
>Notable psp games?
Currently playing freedom wars after finishing a pacifist run on Undertale. Getting back into Dissidia 012 too, the Vita is underrated.
Tell me Sup Forums, what are you:
>Intending to play next.
>Notable psp games?
Currently playing freedom wars after finishing a pacifist run on Undertale. Getting back into Dissidia 012 too, the Vita is underrated.
kill yourself
You seem nice user
Wipeout 2048
Wipeout 2048
More Wipeout 2048
Wipeout pure/pulse
There's nothing else on the system that I feel compelled to play. Anyone got recommendations?
Was thinking about getting a PS TV for Persona 4 golden and dancing all night, worth it? I never played persona 4.
Do you have a ps3? If you do Persona 3 and Persona 4 (not gold) are either five or ten USD each. If you want japanese scooby doo play 4 first, if you want emo kid uses the power of Jesus Christ to kill death play 3, and if you don't have a ps4 persona 5 is also on the ps3.
its a lot of fun imo
I chiseled the dust off of mine and used it to test the PS4 remote feature with Horizon. Neat little trick but wasn't consistent quality and the control substitution is awful because it requires you to let go of the Vita in order to reach the touchpad. It's really sad nobody supported it outside the chinese cartoon industry.
Replaying Corpse Party on 3DS and Dungeon Travelers 2 on Vita. Waiting on Mary Skelter. Stranger of Sword City is such shit
Gravity Rush 2 via Remote Play.
Playing PS4 games on a handheld is maximum comfy.
Been playing Final Fantasy Tactics.
It's alright I guess.
I'm gonna buy an sd2vita soon but I don't know why, because there's nothing I can think to play. I just want to replace my PSP for good.
have any of you played the darkest dungeon on vita? i'm on the verge on buying
I got persona 3 on ps3 and finished it but I would like p4g cause hd textures and more content. P5 after i get a ps4.
Replaying Muramasa for the Xth time. Could play this game forever.
good fun and since it's on a lower version it retains a lot of stuff that got nerfed in later pc updates. also has a dlc coming later this month
Freedom Wars, Trearaway
>Intending to play next.
Cold Steel
>Notable psp games?
DJ max
Just finished chap 4 dq builder. Pretty good.
>playan next
Not sure, cold steel perhaps.
>psp games
Dunno. I skipped psp.
>Stranger of Sword City is such shit
Are you retarded? It's the best dungeon crawler to come out in years
adventures of mana
muramasa, freedom wars, ys origins
>playing next
the darkest dungeon
>psp games
>adventures of mana
Good choice user, the Gameboy game is one of my all time favorites. I don't think the remake is quite as nice but I enjoyed being able to play on the Vita
>all that crud on it
Fucks sake user clean that poor thing!