just that description alone is enough to turn me off the game
you havent seen the HUD yet. also when you make a triple kill etc. the announcer yells "motherfucking triple kill"
Haven't actually heard this line yet. I've seen somebody get 'Double Motherfucking Kill' - a rare line that I've not had crop up for me in ~150 double kills.
I know that "BOOYAH - triple kill" exists and sometimes instead of "You win" you get "You win - you are awesome." but that's about it. Thankfully the game's toned down a LOT of its old 'attitude' because holy shit one of those old trailers made it look like it was trying to be so x-x-x-treme.
motherfucking epic
>LEGENDARY game designer Cliff Bleszinski
The only thing legendary about him are his failures.
>Game is so bland and boring Sup Forums doesn't even care that it's crashing harder than BattleBorn
>they are not #SKILLEDAF
>literally who twitter quotes
every time
I was actually really looking forward to this game. Even back when it was called BlueStreak.
Too bad its a load of shit.