Better luck in NG+.
Better luck in NG+
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Serves you right for being a hipster shit and not taking the main path.
Name ONE(1) game that actually does this.
Alpha Protocol and Hard Reset are the absolute worst about this. I made a similar image a while back.
> kill guy
> he drops no significant loot
> you're actually supposed to backtrack to the spot where you killed him to pick up his awesome armor
> game gives you no reason to backtrack like this so you would never normally get the item
I would have to say that its a case by case basis. Games that offer incentive to explore must give a set rule for what progression is. For example, In a game like Super Mario Bros 3, they establish that progression is mainly obtained by going right, and unless otherwise shown, and shouldn't go in any other directions. If a game can't present a fork in the road with the clear option that one is progression, the other is misc, its doing it's exploration aspect badly.
If I ever made a game id put in 2+ branching paths that all lead to the same place and cut off going back
For a game that handles constant points of no return well, look at the new Wolfenstein games. Whenever there's a PONR, the game lets you know, because it's always some sort of drop into a room or other obstacle that the player knows can only be traversed in one direction.
While playing TOB and TNO, I never felt like the game was trying to trick me into going through a point of no return. In Hard Reset, on the other hand, you'll frequently move through objects that don't even look like doors only to have doors show up behind you. Sometimes an explosion or something will happen behind you, blocking the path with debris instead.
What really pissed me off about Hard Reset was how it would show off the secrets you missed right after you went through a PONR. There'd be unbreakable glass showing you a room full of goodies, and you'd have to restart the whole goddamn level if you wanted to go back and get it.
kek this actually happened to me on one of the Saudi missions
I find most games have right as the correct path, I think game designers took into account most people are right handed and probably have a small natural bias to going right in vidya games
While the opposite left is mainly for treasure and optional routes
Anyone else think this?
>see 2 paths
>not sure which to take
>reload if I take the right path
It's happened too often to risk missing something.
I seem to remember it more in the indoor levels, but almost the whole game is like that.
Have fun checking out every branch and every nook and corner instead of smoothly going through a logical path.
brainlet post
this was like my one legit issue with DOOM singleplayer
>lots of collectibles and a metroid-prime -kinda map that inventivizes exploration
>lots of levels have multiple points of no return
fuck that shit man
No idea why but this thread reminds me of Nutty Putty cave.
last remnant?
But I thought Martian Manhunter can phase through solid objects?
>overwrite save after taking the wrong path
Man. Dying in a cave named Nutty Putty. What a way to go.
His body will be more useful as fossil fuel as it ever will be in life.
If i were his family i would put his body with a legal claim so in the next generations they can sell his fossil.
I go right because right is always right.
Shame this cave was sealed off because of this. My brother and I went just shy of where this guy died back in 2008.
It literally says he didn't die
>*record scratch*
>"Whoah, freeze frame!"
>"I bet you're wondering how I got here..."
No bullshit, he actually died. That image is just describing their efforts to rescue him. He was trapped upside down and he ended up passing out and dying.
They declared the cave a public safety hazard and sealed it up after that.
What make a person go "THIS HOLE" IT WAS MADE FOR ME!" like real life was some amigara fault shit?
Fucking hate missable shit, especially when there's no NG+. FF games are super guilty of this.
>Oh, you didn't land on this random island in the middle of nowhere and fight the random unique monster encounter that can only appear between finishing dungeon A and starting dungeon B? Enjoy having a hole in your bestiary forever.
Cave diving is the last form of exploration for anyone that isn't rich.
It's just the natural human desire to know what's over there.
Rocks, water, darkness, maybe the occasional bug
The fuck do you expect to find in there? Pirate treasure?
Fucking claustrophobia and death is all you'll find.
My heart is running faster and I can barely breath just by looking at those pics.
Just go and visit some random forest instead
Yeah. And what do you think is at the bottom of the sea?
>some fish, rocks and lots of water
Or in the depths of space?
>lots of literally nothing stellar bodies that have been documented a hundred times before
And yet, people are driven by a desire to know beyond any doubt. Humans are like that, for some raisin.
Top kek
>comparing the deep ocean and space to a fucking hole in a rock
>all those permabuffs in the Witcher 2 tutorial that can be easily missed
I'm just pointing out the flaw in the logic that says "If there isn't anything unique to find, then you shouldn't be exploring it."
Human beings are curious, even when it has to do with the most mundane shit. Have you ever seen a button or switch, and had the desire to press it just to know what it does?
Fuck, why would anyone do something like this?
I could kind of understand if he was exploring a new cave network and then fucked himself, but there was literally a sign telling him that it was a bad idea to go further. Then he squeezed through a tunnel the size of a fucking dryer, not even considering that he might need the space to turn around and leave.
Part of me wants to laugh at the retard, but a larger part of me feels pity for him. That is like in the top 5 of worst ways to go out, without someone else being involved.
You know you can explore that shit using technology and not actually going there yourself, right?
Some of them are pretty fucking cool man
It's about common sense, if you really gotta know what's in there than find a better way to do it than squeezing yourself into a space obviously too small for you
Come back with digging/drilling equipment for fucks sake
What? Caves, or the sea/space?
Because I acknowledged that caves are for poor explorers.
>why would anyone do something like this?
You can all stop that. We all know the Nazi gold was just a bit further, and you won't stop me
There's a difference between exploring big open caves like that in big groups and crawling alone headfirst through tiny holes in the ground.
Do not read this
Why does anyone have an 'extreme' hobby at all? All they're doing is endangering themselves.
Uh, I mean: what are you talking about?
Nah, Nutty Putty Cave is just the current resting location of the Ark of the Covenant
No that's 2 blocks down, this one has the holy grail
>It's about common sense
Yeah I know. Common sense would tell you to never go rock climbing or scuba diving either. But people still do it because some people are drawn to that kind of thrill.
Can't really argue this though. Some people like to go into holes they barely fit into, some want to do backflips on a two-wheeled block of metal powered with gasoline.
Only arguement I have is that at least you'll look radical if you die doing the latter.
when people is born on a rich family they get easily bored and believe they are immortal gods, so they just keep doing extreme shit until they die in some retarded way.
What I got is that it teleports them to a preset time and place, possibly an alternate dimension
Or that teleports them just to another place and forces them to loop the time it takes them to die over and over
>Find a portal to the planet of horny porn stars
>You materialize up just 20 feet above the earth's core
This fucking shit just infuriates the hell out of me.
fuck shit like this
just use a walkthrough
>just have the game spoiled for you on your first time so you can avoid the inherent design flaws in Shitty Fucking Game 3
Yeah it seems like they all arrive in the exact same moment, they can hear the person ahead of them but they can't hear any person behind them I guess.
People who squeeze into those tiny caves are insane.
usually I just don't bother at all because playing with a walkthrough drains much of the fun
it's better to ask or find if someone else asked if there are missables/major missables or points of no return
and looking shit up online wasn't an option back in the day, son
depends on the walkthrough desu, good ones don't have story spoilers
If you are playing any game past the year 2007 and you require a walkthrough, you are borderline retarded.
Zodiac Age fixed that
>sealed it up
Don't forget they sealed it up with his body still in it.
Are you seriously saying you beat Undertale without a walkthrough?
>Have fun
Well, obviously
>thousands of years from now the cave will be unsealed with his body in it
>anthropologists will write entire papers about how we buried our dead upside down in caves
>we'll look like backwards fucking savages with no sense
Thanks for nothing John.
>playing undertale
do people actually do this
The jump pad puzzle was a bit tedious but everything else was pretty easy.
We should blow up every cave and crevice on earth.
>stealth game
>sneak past enemies without disturbing them and reach the door to the next area
>can't interact with it in any way
>turns out it's linked to a scripted event so the room needs to be clear for it to start
Fucking Last of Us
Someone already went back to look at his corpse. They took pics.
>room needs to be cleared to be stealthed through
that's terrible but kind of funny
possibly not related to the thread, but:
>see important npc
>kill them
>reload to see if my actions have consequences
>the miniboss/optional boss is harder than the actual boss
FF8 was particularly bad about this since Ultimecia was a fucking pushover
>Have to backtrack to room C if you went there first
Does a looking up the criteria for the endings count as a walkthrough
Because if not then yes I completed it without one
Something something size of the tunnel they're stuck in varies depending on who slides through
Source pls
>fork in the road
>take one side
>meet another fork
>decide to go back to the first fork and take the other way
>another fork
If you step into the little campfire and survive you get +fire resistance and I believe if you find the assassin's creed reference you get reduced fall damage. There may be more but it's been a long time.
Sauce now you lying nigger
>game has loot randomly strewn about levels
>big areas mostly full of nothing
>still have to search every nook and cranny or you'll find you missed something at the summary screen
Shame that cave is flooded now.
With what?
Multiple saves.
>game deletes every savefile apart from the automatically saved one once you pass a certain barrier
No game does this