Leave Japan to me

>Japan totally won 2017 for vidy-

Not so fast weebs.

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Fuck off dude
Inb4 300 replies

Fuck off with your flavor-of-the-season kickstarter open world f2p zombie survival rpg thing

>random early access third person survival game
>winning anything

no zombies

Sorry weeb. but the numbers keep growing and it's getting world wide attention

your zelda shit can't compete with Western ingenuity.

muh earth is shatterun


>Kill streamer
>Banned for Stream Sniping
>Honk horn in car
>Banned for Stream Honking
>Leave game to not deal with streamers
>Banned for Stream Leaving

Fuck this game.

>Streamer kills random
>Gets banned
Oh noo, how terrible

Turns out that random was another streamer. It was a double stream sniping paradox.

>popularity = quality

So I guess mobile games are the highest quality games out there, right? Who needs PUBG when you can play Candy Crush?

>Streamerbait is now the best that the West has to offer

Did yuou know that Japanese people LOVE PUBG?

the players are the zombies



*tips fedora*

Which makes it all the more humiliating for weebs and nintendkids

but japan loves this game

what chinese animation is that ?



Not a joke user
go back to playing your early access survival zombie game

3/3 sachiko nooooo

Wake me up when it outsells what GTA V did in 2017.

This thread is about a good game, you should probably go back to your pedobait loli jprg.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

what's so wrong if nips enjoy this gook game?

I'm with the GTA guy. Battlegrounds is eclipsed by GTAO

Feel free to post pictures of the game and discuss the game then, for once.

why are arma mods always so popular?

>Combines the absolute worst of all gaming trends
>Early Access
>Loot crates
>On top of banning anyone who looks at a streamer funny
Japs still won.

nah. you lose weeb. the west wins again

>mfw own a ps4 and can't buy this for $60 yet

where was japan when halo 3 was the greatest console shooter?

What guns do you want them to add? I feel there just aren't enough in the game.

people who care about video games don't play stuff like this.

I care about vidya and I play this game regularly.

what the fuck does that even mean?

it's a korean game, what's the fucking difference

*blocks your path*


It's a game played by people who don't like video games.
Like Candy Crush.
It's accessibility is part of its popularity.

>That cover
Jesus christ I'd take the stupid ign quote over this garbage.

>Flavor of the season
wasn't it just called flavor of the month?

posted about game. you talked about anime, game boy ;)


it's a cute anime game with cute girls doing cute things

Its hunta x hunta

Great, can you explain now your reasoning for this? What's this accessibility you speak of?

keep in mind I have not played this game, but i want to know why it triggers Sup Forums and warrants 10 threads full of 200+ replies everyone pointing at each other yelling about boogeyman shills DAILY.

>this trash is what normies are into now


it's literally an asian game


The MC is a phone gamer and his VA irl is cuter than FmC

Flavor of the month doesn't mean something is only popular for exactly 1 month.


PLAYERUNKOWN isn't Asian and this is his game

not an argument

he's not even involved with the development of this game, the company bought the IP and is using his name to advertise the product

at best he's a glorified idea guy

This is going to be one of the biggest games of all time.


literally his game

Then how come it is the most watched game right now on Twitch? It's literally beating out League of Legends.

They can't even make gameplay that is not about grinding. How the fuck did the Japanese win anything?

In this case it was supposed to be, this "dayz clone" was NEVER going to get anywhere player base wise

>Great, can you explain now your reasoning for this? What's this accessibility you speak of?
There isn't. He's a troll. This is one of the less accessible titles due to the performance problems you'll have. Yet it's the most watched game on Twitch.

The reason why it triggers Sup Forums is that generally Sup Forums is pretty bad at video games. This is a very competitive game that does not hold your hand even in the slightest. Sup Forums gets upset that they are dogshit at it and the game doesn't give participation trophies like other games do.

Is this the new TF2?
When are the fashionthreads gonna pop up?

>survival minecraft clone

cute girls

It's popular because of mass appeal

Even as somebody who plays PUBG regularly right now, it isn't a "good" game yet. It's full of massive amounts of bugs and the devs are slowly but surely showing themselves more and more incompetent in handling all the attention

It'll crash and burn before ever becoming genuinely longstanding, just like The Culling did. Not to the same degree, but it'll be a fraction of it's former popularity by January. Screencap if you want

What part of it is minecraft? not defending the game, but the bit doesn't make sense man

cute things

reminder people are actually autistic enough to play this or H1Z1

It is. Multiplayer FFA FPS. It's a pretty difficult game to win in.

>Even as somebody who plays PUBG regularly right now, it isn't a "good" game yet. It's full of massive amounts of bugs and the devs are slowly but surely showing themselves more and more incompetent in handling all the attention
Even with the bugs and all that it's still a vastly superior game to most other games.

>spawned into sandbox
>have to fend for yourself by scavenging items
>only prepubescent children and ecelebs play it

and sometimes, wins

>Even with the bugs and all that it's still a vastly superior game to most other games.

within the king of the hill genre, sure

people want a good KOTH game. as long as there's room to improve and a vague competitive aspect for casuals and streamers, it'll be popular

but that doesn't make it good. it just makes it better than other things that are also shit

>have to fend for yourself by scavenging items
I don't think you've even watched 5 minutes of gameplay of this, let alone even played the game.
Do you call Unreal Tournament a "survival game," because you find weapons on the ground? What about Doom? Because that's how PUBG items work.

>spawned into sandbox
No, it's just a very big map. I know, it's hard for you people to understand that are used to corridor shooters, but it really is just a big map.

>another shitty early access survival game
No thanks


>it's just like unreal tournament and doom so harcore!
this damage control.
face it kid, no one wants to play your spyro reboot streamer garbage.

This is about as much a survival game as Doom is. It's just an FPS with a big map and random weapon drops.

It's not hardcore. It just requires you to have good aim. Half of Sup Forums is console shitters so they have no idea what having good aim is like. A quarter of Sup Forums is awful at games in general, so they also have no idea what good aim is.

let's not pretend pubg isn't console trash.

Who said pubg was like unreal or doom? The post literally made a comparison on how the other user's post could also relate to unreal and doom which are no where near minecraft

Yes, it will eventually get a console launch too. The priority is all about PC though.


thats The Division

>no one wants to play your spyro reboot streamer garbage.
Currently on its way to be the number one played game on steam

it's a console game that just happens to be released on PC first.
That's why so many complain they can't run it, the entire audience is literally just kids with consoles.

Donald Trump approves of redpilled, all-american games like Playerunknown's Battlegrounds!

PUBG is great training for the road war, anons. Sorry you're either liberal nyntoddlers who need to go back to NeoGAF or so incompetent you won't last a day. War is coming and time is short, anons.

>seeing vidya in a positive light
Nice try Bernie, you'll not lead me astray into your socialist setting where weapons are distributed evenly across the map.

>That's why so many complain they can't run it, the entire audience is literally just kids with consoles.
No, people complain that they can't run it, because the game requires good hardware. I'm wondering how they will get this to run on consoles. The amount of interactable items in the game world is pretty big and there are no loading screens.

it runs like shit on Intel CPUs specifically, consoles will probably be fine.

runs perfectly fine ob my 6700k dear poorfag

i don't even know if consoles can even handle full matches with 100 people. they might have to cut the number down

>people play trash like this only because streamers are streaming it

When did gamers get so shit? Remember years ago when actual games with depth and real gameplay like league of legends became popular on it's own merits rather than from streamers shilling it?

Dead in a week.

the 7700k has trouble with it, don't joke around.

When is China going to do their own hilariously bad knockoff version of PUBG anyway?

It's a race war simulator, not a child's "video game".

Why wouldn't a republican like me who was in virginia a few days ago endorse it?

I turned all settings to max. My 4790k with gtx 1080 gave me a good 70-120 fps.

Then I turned the settings back down again, because I'd like to see shit.