Best AA game coming through. How can they even top it?
Best AA game coming through. How can they even top it?
They probably can't
It's been six years and not even the original creator of the series managed to top it with his three games since. They can't.
But it's the worst one
L M A O I N G @ D I S
By not erasing the MC's development.
Probably never will.
I liked the villain but he's not even the best part of the game, by the time you get to confront him it's almost an anticlimax compared to all the earlier shit that happens. In terms of motivation he's still not worse than most AA villains anyway.
AA has always had a limited cast, that circus had like 4 performers you meet. It's obvious that it's bigger than the characters mentioned.
What is the consensus on DGS2 anyway?
It's not bait.
There's no build up whatsoever to him being evil or anything, his motivation is literally insane and makes no sense (DUDE I GOT LOCKED IN A CAR AND MISSED MY DADDY'S FOOD TASTE SESSION SO NOW I HATE THE ENTIRE WORLD AAAAARHHHHHGHGHGHHHHHHHHH)
The game should've ended with Blaise being cornered in court (perfect finale really), just being harder and with the ending being Sebastian coming in to save the day at last moment. This should've just been part of Case 4 as next day and Case 5 shouldn't have existed at all.
The Mastermind being a dumb kid clown with dumb motivations literally ruined the game for me.
>The Mastermind being a dumb kid clown with dumb motivations literally ruined the game for me.
Also to add to this, he LITERALLY the easiest "final boss" in the series history.
>AA has always had a limited cast, that circus had like 4 performers you meet. It's obvious that it's bigger than the characters mentioned.
>Hey Regina, who else works in this circus anyway?
>Well uhm, there's Daddy, me, the lion (i forgot his name), Acro, the ventriloquist guy (again forgot the name) and of course our star Max.
>Is that everyone?
Sorry but your shit doesn't fly.
>believing a literal airhead
Do you like the monkeys?
Don't forget the flowers
You go around the ENTIRE Circus grounds and question everyone. Furthermore you also ask Moe about who works there and he lists the same people. He literally didn't exist back then and his existence is a literal fucking retcon.
I don't get the hype
It was breddy good, but the original trilogy was still more memorable to me
>his motivation is literally insane and makes no sense
>Dad is a shit, his best friend almost got them both killed by locking them in that car, and he was almost killed by conspirators who burned down his orphanage
>Took revenge on them
How does that not make sense? In the AA word that's more motivation than the usual villain, Matt Engarde literally has no good reason to being edgy evil enough to kill a rival.
>literal fucking retcon.
Oh come the fuck on, in the second case of the first game Phoenix says he's never been a defendant in court before. The entire series has small retcons like that all the fucking time.
His motivation is LITERALLY a LITE version of Edgeworth's backstory.
Except Edgeworth didn't become a psychotic proxy murderer and his circumstances were 10 times more traumatic.
It makes literally 0 sense and you can't get PTSD over something so insanely mundane.
Taking revenge on Debeste for being a corrupt piece of shit in general would be THOUSAND times better motivation than DUDE I GOT LOCKED IN A CAR.
I forgot, couldn't Simon have been hired between AA2 and AAI2?
That's what I assumed. It would make sense. I don't know if it openly said though.
>He's been with us for years and trained all of our animals
No. His backstory is that he worked for the circus ever since the orphanage "accident".
Not saying it's an amazing motivation but why are you singling this one out compared to the rest of the entire fucking series
I agree Simon was shit, but not enough to ruin the rest of the game, at least for me. Everything else is pretty damn good, so i am willing to ignore his twist.
Ah, alright. Didn't remember if they mentioned how long he worked on the circus, thanks for clarifying.
And to elaborate, he even says himself.
I'll paraphrase since I don't remember the exact wording:
>Well what the fuck was I supposed to do? Let Debeste find and kill me? So I ran away, changed my identity and became a clown in a wandering circus. What better way to hide your identity than in a wandering circus amirite?
I'm saying that Edgeworth's backstory was edgier and more dramatic in that it made sense. And even then it's not like it caused Von Karma to become Satan himself, he was always obsessed and Edgeworth case simply is what pushed him to serious crime for the first and only time in his life.
Simon's backstory isn't anywhere near as traumatic and tragic to cause him to become literally Satan and kill a fuckton more people and do shady shit that makes Von Karma look like a pet puppy.
Don't even get me started on the game also retconning Edgeworth's backstory into all being caused by Debeste.
>Dude I gave Von Karma the infraction which is what pushed him down the slippery slope that killed your dad LMAO here come the waterworks ;_;
Didnt Simon think Dover was his father, so he killed Knoghtly (Who he believed to be Gustavia's son)?
Yes which further makes no sense (and he even explicitly admits that he's Gustavia's son shortly before his breakdown).
I mean sure, he's not a fantastic villain or anything, but I can buy his excuse for going psycho. Getting revenge on the people who fucked up your life as a kid is fair enough as far as murder mysteries goes. I agree that Debeste facing his father was much more immensively satisfying than anything that came later in the game.
He was also eternally salty for Knightley locking them up the car and nearly freezing them to death.
I'm replaying SoJ, and it's still fun as fuck. Anyone else done that recently?
I still have issues with Nahyuta, too, but I feel they're kind of overblown here. He has a lot of good moments and the cases bring a lot of good foils for him (Blackquill vs. him makes case 4 a lot more bearable than it'd otherwise be).
My problem is basically that the entire shit with Simon and basically entire second half of 5th case had no point to be there. Debeste was perfect final boss and Simon was so underwhelming and forced that it ruined the game for me.
Blackquill is truly the best thing that came out of DD, and I'm among those that thought DD was okay. Nahyuta not handling his banter was great.
>My problem is basically that the entire shit with Simon and basically entire second half of 5th case had no point to be there.
what the fuck
>the mastermind behind the entire game had no point to be there
Are you retarded?
It tied the game together. It was underwhelming because the it came after the greatest moment in the game and the presentation in comparison was pretty weak, but it's nowhere enough to ruin the game for me, and I wouldn't call it forced as much as just weak.
He didn't have to be there.
DGS but better. I'd probably say it's about as good as 6 but maybe a little worse.
As it is Takumi I'm going to assume they have the opposite problems in that 6 had great mysteries and messy story, DGS2 has a great story and lackluster mystery?
FFS there being a mastermind behind the events has been confirmed ever since the 4th case. It's been fucking obvious that Debeste wasn't the finall boss considering he was obviously not the man in the raincoat.
Forced and out of nowhere my ass.
>reading comprehension
>underplaying simon's backstory
>bound and gagged by his best friend + his father at like, age 7 or something
>locked in a car in the freezing cold, so cold that the doors couldn't be opened, would've frozen to death if it weren't for Dogen, lost his memory, was abandoned by his father
>witnessed a murder was was forced into extremely harsh interrogations from Miwa when he was only approximately 13
>put into a situation where he literally cannot go for help because everywhere he could go was under one of the 3 people who fucked him over's control
What's the problem? Sounds pretty fine to me. Not to mention that as far as Simon joining the Berry Big Circus, it was never once mentioned when he joined. It was just said he did it eventually. Nothing really contradicts him being there; he was stated to be a newer member in training, so it always seemed obvious that he was a more recent recruit. I'm fairly sure him being around isn't a retcon. Sure, that doesn't exactly explain what he did those years before joining, but that honestly doesn't matter much.
The only thing I would've changed is that Simon manipulated Knightley into killing Rooke rather than Knightley randomly ending up a psycho for no real good reason as well. It would've made that part of the story stronger and would've painted Simon as a scarier villain.
Knightley wasn't a psycho, he was just your average petty AA killer. Not every killer in AA is a psycho, most of them are just immense assholes.
>Storyline/general themes:
AA1 > AA3 > AA6 = AAI2 > AA5 [power gap] > the rest
>Case gameplay/writing:
AA3 > AAI2 > AA1 = AA6 > AA2 > AA4 > AAI > AA5
>Main Villain(s)
AA1 = AA3 = AA2 > AA5 > AAI2 = AA4 > AA6 > AAI1
>Ways to rank Ace Attorney
By individual case > [power gap] > anything else.
>AA3 > AAI2
I'd actually say that AAI2 has the best mysteries in the series. Every single one was long enough to be crammed with turnabouts and the payoffs were extremely good.
>tfw when you realize the location of the wig
Nah the mystery's okay. It's not hype enduing like best games do but you definitely are left guessing until the last chapter on a couple things. The draw is definitely the characters. Every regular is a less dry than their original counterparts so overall it's funnier. Pic related was a great way to open the game. Takumi definitely got over whatever slump he had with DGS1 I'd say. I think why I don't like it as much as the best games is just because it really hasn't had a case where I got really drawn in. I would say all the cases in DGS2 are solid but none are really blowout amazing. I feel like if there's ever a DGS3 we might get that amazing case, but I hear it bombed in sales so I'm not sure. DGS2 wraps up much better than 1 did though so I wouldn't be as angry if the series just stop continuing.
Great pic
>By individual case
Except it's a game of cases, you can't just look at each one separately when it's specifically created to mesh into one another.
I replay the 2nd case from time to time because I fucking love that case.
It didn't seem to do well in terms of sales. I hope the next thing Takumi gets to make is a pet project with free reins like Ghost Trick.
We are in the post-post-honeymoon phase
Case 4 is just so fucking weird, I can't even bring myself to dislike it as much as I should.
I just wish that they'd at least reference older characters rather than pretending they don't exist if they won't show up anymore, just to appreciate that they exist, you know?
September 8 is just around the corner, people.
worst boy.
Always has to get someone else to bail him out when you corner him. Plus he acts like an entitled prick
Boring as shit really. It's better than AAI 1 and that's about it.
It's honestly time to put this series to bed. How much longer can every case tie into some convoluted backstory?
He's worst boy becoming best boy, user.
Have you even finished the game though?
Who the fuck is this animu piece of shit and why should I care?
>Have you even finished the game though?
I stopped after beating Case 2 that was like 2 years ago.
but considering this board and them worshiping shitty characters by lying that they get better, I doubt Debeste never stops being Deworst
You'll slowly realize that there's a core group of people that hype this game up no matter where it's discussed. I've played through the entire series outside of DGS and I don't understand why this game is so lauded. The quality of the fan translation was the best thing about it but the game itself? Mind-numbingly dull at points.
Me too pal
You should finish it.
Besides, it's not just this board. Everybody who has played it agrees that he redeems himself and becomes an incredibly likeable character in the last two cases.
If you didn't finish it, you can't give a properly informed opinion about the characters.
All AA games have their fair share of not so fantastic moments. In my opinion it is the one with the least of them. Every case is good to great, which I can't say about all the other games.
So I think it definitely deserves all the praise it gets.
You should finish the game, the story and characters in general is uphill from case 2. is literally what happens.
> the story and characters in general is uphill from case 2
people said the same thing about T&T and it kept on getting worst and worse
If you thought T&T went downhill during the last two cases then you've just got irredeemable taste.
I wish the overarching story was better and that both the AA and PL elements weren't so casualized. It has the best music, atmosphere and banter in the entire franchise by far and the multi-witness drifting was pretty fun.
Well at least in the case of T&T I can see where he's coming from, because you have to get through Recipe first and that case is by far the worst case in the game and one of my personal least favorite cases in the franchise.
It's definitely underrated. It has some big flaws but it's amazing it happened at all, and overall it was pretty fun.
too much Spirit Maiden crap and dealing with Dahlia
Yeah I'm not gonna defend that one, but if he thinks the game still got worse after that one there's no denying he's got shit taste.
True, I just assumed that he got into that one and dropped it, which of course is a mistake.
In SoJ they literallly mention Gumshoe and Mia by name
I mean that it's ridiculously convenient for the story for him to randomly be a killer too, it would've been a lot more satisfying had he be manipulated as well. Especially as he turns out to be a pretty interesting dude.
Yeah, same. Athena goes backwards in character development and Geiru is an extremely weak villain and the Japanese shit in the case becomes grating and confusing, but... Blackquill and Uendo are both so much fun that it doesn't really matter.
Well he sorta was, pretty sure Simon mentions that he hinted excessively about getting rid of Rooks in front of Horace. That part felt like a stretch to me, but otherwise I thought Knightley was pretty well done.
But he had been manipulated.
Simon says that he came up with the plan.
Everything you said is true. There would be no AA2 circlejerk if it was localized. But because it's the least played obviously it has to be the best for Sup Forums.
That's the most retarded argument since "honeymoon", congrats
>it's the least played
>what is DGS and it's sequel
AAI2 has it's flaws like all the games but it's overall a tight game.
Did 2 fix that problem with DGS1 where they always had some underlying plot threads that went unresolved even by the end and that you never got an actual full case until the fourth one?
I think Yamazaki & co are fine with banter for the most part but Takumi is definitely the only one who gets Phoenix & Maya as a duo, playing this and AA6 back-to-back makes it really fucking clear.
I'm still mad
I think the AA elements were a bit more faithful, but it's a shame the PL were piss easy.
If there's a big complaint about SoJ it's that they did Maya a disservice in screentime. It's really fucking good that she finally gets to channel stuff (case 3 and 5's use of channelling is pretty inspired), but she is first a defendant and then kidnapped. C'mon.
>Based on obscure Japanese nursery rhymes theatre shit
>Fapbait clown
>Literal multiple personalities nonsense
>Noodle discourse
>Entire case makes little to no sense
>Completely out of place regarding the rest of the game
It's probably because they went so ridiculously far overboard with nonsense that it almost became endearing. It's definitely not a good case and there was never a feeling of hype to it, but I can't say it was dull at any points either.
>Athena goes backwards in character development
What character development? You mean the arc with Blackquill that was stolen from Edgeworth and the Skye sisters?
Amazing OST
At the very least, it allows you to get into Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju.
>AA5's villain above anything
>an agent with no identity or emotions who infiltrates a facility for an organization without a known motive and is shot by a sniper that we also know nothing about
The fact that she was shown to be pretty competent in 5-3, calm your autism
i can hardly be suprised it did bad in sales, i mean the first one was an good game, just not a good stand alone game, and i'm sure we've all seen those movies where it hypes up everything for a sequel, only for a sequel to never be made because people care more about being satisfied now then later.
Capcom did luck out with a sequel that i thought would've never been made, which while its twists made me go "oh so thats why ____ happened in the past game" atleast two of them did make me kinda pissed off, if anyone's played it, they could easily guess which ones they were.
Not sure how they would portray any attorney being competent during that case, to be honest. If Blackquill hadn't been a friend of the defendant I'd expect him to call the entire thing bullshit and just walk out like he did in 5-3.
2 resolves all major questions I had going in, didn't leave any major lingering questions and the cases themselves are better. first two cases are very brief but the other 3 are much more like what you'd expect at this point. I mentioned it here but i don't think DGS2's cases are hype enough. PW franchise still seems to have that on lock. Game's noticably better than DGS1 all the same, and I'd probably around it around or just behind PW6 which I personally enjoyed very highly.
I think it was more how the game isn't set in Japan. The average Jap otaku and fujoshi, who I assume is main demographic, probably doesn't know dick about old Britain so it's a hard setting for them to get into. I know what you mean about some annoying revelations though but it's nice virtually everything is resolved now, even if some had to be ass-pulled to get there. Overall still a good time though, and much better than the last one.
i can kinda see where japan is comming from there, not to mention old day britain looks nothing like current day, but i'll leave it at that.
at the very least the game manages to mostly resolve everything on its own, so even if another game wasn't possible, which i have the feeling the higher ups knew they weren't going to get the funds for one, it ends on a much more satisfying note.
Iris still kinda reads like a self insert fanfiction character with that said, but i doubt there's any saving that character.
How does DGS stand as a saga when you look at both games together? It's good that DGS2 resolves the overall story in a satisfactory way, but are the cases still just uneven?