>that kid who was raised by a single mom and became a huge faggot who told you that your tastes were shit but liked meh-tier entertainment and keep lying and taking your shit behind your back but then said his dad owned nintendo so if you let him borrow your DK64 cart he'd give you new games and then once you called him out on it he left town and everyone forgot about him
That kid thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>that kid who treated everybody like shit but got away with it because he was an autistic fuckhead who people felt sorry for.
>that kid's older brother who he swore could kick your ass but never showed up and when you went to that kid's house he lived alone with his mom who beat him
That kid that never had the courage to stand to his bully so he vents out on a imageboard. Pathetic.
ya seething
>that kid that bullied me is working at mcdonalds while I'm a comfy neet that receives a lot of money from my father
Life is fair
>that super autistic kid who got bullied by a girl and kicked her in the face in a fit of spastic rage so he never had any chance of getting a gf
I want to say I have no regrets but I do. It was a bad move. Well it was a great move technically speaking, but it was a poor decision to execute the move in the first place.
>that kid who blogs on Sup Forums
>that kid that went to your house smelling like shit and ate all your food but the one time you went to his house his dad beat him
>that kid that watched this with you but you both weren't gay
>that kid who'd constantly defend microsoft because his parents were poor and could only afford used xbox consoles
this is depressing don'y make fun of this
>that kid whose parents could only get him those shitty mcdonalds happy meal games and never got an actual console until he was 16
>tfw it was the fucking wii
>that kid who day-dreamed about singing his favorite song in front of the entire school, wooing his crush and making everyone like him and stop bulling him
still sad
Better if it was PS2 or SNES
How was it edgy?
you making fun of poor people
story time pls
How is that edgy? If I said I hope all of them get cancer from poisoned water supply for being fags, then that would be edgy
>that fucking kid who after about a year of "friendship" asked me if he can borrow my white tiger megazord and like i retard i said yes, i've never seen him again to this day
>that actually autistic kid who played on his ds in class and the teachers would let him because they had no clue how to deal with him.
>but every now and then a teacher would call him on his shit and watching him sperg out would make your week.
That's a big step up. I guess.
Best feeling in the fucking world man
>that kid who was kinda annoying but still nice until you went over to his house and made you do his chores and then he became a dick because his parents became divorced
>that kid who became QPU misaligned
>that kid who had a shitty mom who never made you and your friend anything to eat
>That kid who makes """"""""dank""""""""" memes in your school and acts cool for it even though he's a major fucking hypocrite beta cuck whenever he posts to follows other peoples opinions.
>that kid who ran around like sonic through the school hallways
most kids my friend teachers are being raised by single moms, like two third according to him. he teachers third grade
>in your school
Sup Forums confirmed underage
I was born in 1991
99% of my friends had shit parents. What a fucking wasted generation
>that black kid who wasn't white enough for the white kids and wasn't black enough for the black kids and ended up being a Sup Forums poster and might have touched his little sister in his sleep
>Tfw you looked exactly like op pic when you were younger
>that kid who put a hole in your wall
>grew near military camp
>everyone was nice and has a complete family
>spent childhood playing outside catching little critters
>vidyagames were like a magical artifacts when i found out about it
Good times.
this is a confession thread isn't it?
99% is fake except these:
Steven is that you? I still want my copy of Metal Gear and Armored Core 3 back, you fucking asshole.
good thread
I never took any game from any friend
my name os not Steven either
However friend advice: buy MGS Twin Snakes it's 100% better
Yeah you're just being an asshole. Edgy isn't a catch-all term.
>buy twin snakes
>just a re-skinned mgs1 with anime backflips and no other notable inclusions
nah, gameplay is better, graphics 100x better and voice acting 99% identical.
Not my fav metal gear but a pretty good one
Don't talk shit about Dakota man, he's got a 1000 followers on instagram and just found out about what a doggo is
Do i want to know?
>that kid who loaned you a game and you forgot to bring it back on the bus like a day later and he says he's going to have his parents make you buy him a new game so you tell him to fuck off and bring it the next day because you're like ten and wtf
>that kid who borrowed one of your games and moved away before giving it back
you fell for the borrow meme
Some fag at my school that has autism and is would've voted for Bernie if he lived in America.
And before you write off my use of autism as 'Sup Forums buzzwords', the kid is actually autistic.
He's also friends with a guy who posts on r/Sup Forums and says shit like 'Kek' and 'Dank meme'
>knew that kid when I was 15
>his mom was an alcoholic stripper and 29
>fucked his mom
not funny
also, reddit-tier.
Wh-who would do something that stupid?
ha haha... heh...
>5th grade
>In the middle of class, during silent time
>Have to sneeze really bad
>Right as I sneeze I let out a HUGE fart
>Chair was plastic so it was amplified
>Entire class loses its shit
>Teacher gets upset, tells the class to stop laughing because it's "natural" to fart
>Everyone thinks it was the kid next to me
>From then on everyone would make fun of him for what I did, meanwhile I get away with it scott free
>Mfw that same kid ended up slitting his wrists in the bathroom freshman year because he couldn't take the constant bullying anymore and bled to death
Shit was crazy, man.
Well let him, he has his own little world.
same thing happened to me but I was a big guy and no one made fun of me they simply laugh
next day I also fart really loud because I hated the teacher
>another guy farts after that
>third guy farts and shits himself
>5th grade
>be friends with the kid in class no one wants to hang with
>find out he's super rich
>play vidya and other shit all day, his parents happy he has a friend
>he would do anything if i asked
>move away
>later find out everyone didn't like him because he was gay
>he did all that stuff for me because he had a crush on me
>don't care because I moved away
>it was an anime song
>that kid who was your best friend but his parents would always get him cool shit
>that kid who was your best friend but then you got jealous because he started making other friends
>that kid who was your best friend and he left you in the dust
Does he have a feminine face and/or body? You could make him a trap and inherit his money
>that kid who day-dreamed about terrorists breaking into the school and him defeating them and saving his crush in the process
If he was cute I'd go for it desu
Not because the money though, I'm just that desperate
>when your technique and form are perfect and you get the exact result you're looking for but you're forever branded as the asshole who spin-kicked the tire off a girls wheelchair
I gotta better one
>that kid that prayed for a zombie apocalypse in his town every single day
still do desu
>that kid who daydreamed about transforming into mahou shoujo characters in front of everyone to defend against the school shooters
>that kid that bantered with the whole class
>sometimes got out of hand and it became serious
>that kid that stomped on the face of a girl because she kept talking shit
>that same kid also brought vodka to school
>that kid who didn't know how to double jump
Man we always picked on that fag in PE
That kid who thought he was tough shit in PE but was actually just autistic.
die virgin user
>that kid who daydreamed about transforming into mahou shoujo so he can get raped by other mahou shoujo and discover the magic of yuri
I was really close to suicide and then hrt thankfully lifting fixed me
Everyday, i do imagine this.
>That kid who brought this book to school
>pic related
yeah that was me
That kid was a fucking legend
>that kid that liked videogames but only played GTA and fifa and you had to pretend you liked them because he was a lonely person
He also was quite popular, too bad he got thrown out of school.
>mfw counter-scammed every one of them before they could rip me off
Shit, that was sad, i'm sorry homie, i'm sure you are good enough for the latinos and then make the full transformation to white.
Fuck you, if you come to my house is to have fun, not to be an inconvenience to mom.
>mfw the song was smashing pumpkin's Zero
>that kid
>met him in 5th grade
>we're all talking about video games
>another friend and i are talking about parasite eve
>i've already beaten it, that kid ask us if we can lend him a copy
>i volunteer to be a good guy
>he lets me borrow the crow: city of angels
>played 5 minutes of it, it was complete shit
>two weeks later the faggot refuses to return parasite eve
>gives me some bullshit about how he visited his dad over the weekend and left the game with him
>keep asking for my game back every day
>faggot keeps giving me excuses
>finally tells me his dad accidentally threw it out
>get picked up by my dad, ask him to stop by faggot's house
>his mom answers the door, give her the crow, ask for my game back
>she comes back a minute later "there you go, dear!"
>thank her, get in my dad's car, go home, be thankful for both parents and my game back
>faggot was mad at me the next day, told him to blow it out his half-spic ass
Glad no one ever actually got to steal my games, but that was the last time I lent something to someone who wasn't a good and trusted friend.
>that kid who wanted to suck your penis just for play at your sleepover
>it wasn't for fun...
>That kid who got bullied so much he tried to suffocate himself in the middle of class and then disappeared from school for two weeks.
I wonder if anyone knew I was locked in a psych ward.
>That kid who would purposely turn everyone in the room against him
It was fun, honestly. One day we had a substitute and the principal came in to talk about how to improve the class, because the class was doing worse then others, which slowly turned into the class complaining about the teacher. The teacher was a pretty legit guy, but the other people in the class would constantly get assmad that he would tell them to do their actual work instead of talk the whole class. Soon they started blaming the teacher for failing their classes, which was a total load of shit. I had enough of hearing them make excuses for their own failing and said something along the lines of, "maybe if you all shut up and did your work like you're supposed to, then you wouldn't be failing you classes. Stop making excuses for your own failings." The whole class got triggered as I laughed my ass off because they began making MORE excuses. Even the principal chuckled at it. Needless to say, that class hated me, and it was fucking great.
Reminds me of the few elementary school years in Clearlake,there was a mercury spill so the water was tainted in some spots
>this meant that a major part of the population was on the spectrum and it showed in school
>one time a few of the severely tarded kids got loose from their wranglers
>about a handful of tards but only 3 wranglers so it was quite a scene even for a 2nd grader like I was
>the few "normal" students were told to stay in whatever classroom we were in for our safety
>all we can hear is punches landing and shit through the walls so it made it hard to focus at all
>the tards were in the library just down the hall and an additional wrangler came in
>after an hour they were finally rounded up but 2 wranglers had to get medical attention for their injuries
>the whole time my class was cracking up whenever a tard would cuss or yell
someone sang walking on sunshine at our school talent show. I can't hear the song without laughing.
[Danny, if you're reading this, you've kept me laughing for over 10 years/spoiler]
You mean like Naruto?
Shit taste detected
Same here. I want to live in a world where it's more acceptable to kill someone if they piss you off enough.
>that kid who tries to find every excuse imaginable to become emo
That kid was annoying. He "cut" his wrists and kept acting like a depressed fuck. There was a female version of him in the same class, so it was twice as bad. The she-emo brought a dildo to school and I gave the he-emo a shiny verizion pokemon card because he didn't start out emo.
>Be 8
>Get PS2
>Two best friends, who are brothers are also Sony kids
>"Hey user can we borrow your copy of Jak & Daxter for a while?"
>Sure why not
>Fast forward in time
>They give the game back
>Still works but it's all scratched up
>Their parents notice this
>Days later they come to my house and give me a new copy
>Friends get to keep the old one
>Everyone has a happy childhood
12 years later still my fucking bros
>that kid that made a presentation about communism
>that kid that got pregnant at 14~15
>that kid you'd see in school maybe once every 3 months
>that kid who day dreamed about transforming into some creature with god-like powers
No, you're just being retarded
>That kid who becomes a philosobro and thinks that matter doesn't actually exist.