What are your hopes for Pokémon on Switch (assuming it's not just a shit port of the shitty Sun & Moon)?

What are your hopes for Pokémon on Switch (assuming it's not just a shit port of the shitty Sun & Moon)?

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More cutscenes and routes that are straight lines, less battles and competitive stuff. Also they should cut out the entire pokedex and sell it as dlc, not just the national dex this time

1080p fixed 60fps would be enough of an improvement.

A reboot of the series.
My hope is that the game fixes some of the biggest issues, like the Nido line and pokedex order (pichu should be before pikachu in the national pokedex)

>pichu should be before pikachu in the national pokedex
This is autism

>assuming it's not just a shit port of the shitty Sun & Moon
they've confirmed multiple times that it isn't, ultrasunmoon is coming out for 3ds

>they've confirmed multiple times that it isn't

It's just coherency.

Not him but why not? it's someone's job to think about that stuff, and the original number order isn't sacred. There's no reason why the national numbers shouldn't be reorganized to account for new evolutions and such. It's the kind of thing that would take only 2-3 hours to figure out.


I guess we will get XD 2.0 or some shit.
And since its sorta handheld, we won't get Stadium Switch.

you're retarded.

Open world pokemon that still follows the classic scripted format (gyms/challenges) but is not so closed off. Simply having more room to explore, catch pokemon which only expands upon progression.

>inb4 all the regions and all the pokemon
But this is how it should be for a home console anything less would be insulting.
>but muh models
They have all the work done you can trade all the way from gen1 to current if you actually kept up and weren't a mongoloid.

Just make the NPCs' teams and wild mons' levels scale based on how many medals you own and that could work.

Minigames like in pokemon stadium 2.

Overhaul of items

Team rocket

Mmo and single player modes

Actual fun ways to grind for things if grinding is so necessary

who am i kidding, the quality will be shit, theres no point

Would still need to be area specific though, otherwise it would make it boring to level weaker pokemon when you're further in if you prefer fighting with the weaker one instead of substituting or whatever item shares xp.

My hopes will never be met because Game Freak just shits out the same formula with slight changes ever couple of years and adds awful new gimmicks and Pokemon.


Mods please there are 4 pokemon threads

>What are your hopes for Pokémon on Switc
That I won't regret buying it

That's what regional Pokedexes are for. The National dex is sorted by generation.

Stadium 3, or at least have a mainline Pokemon game with a proper rental system/randoms instead of this half-baked QR shit. There is no reason why I can only do this on Showdown's shitty format but not in a Pokemon game

It is going to be a re-imagining of Pokemon Red/Blue that keeps the formula of the core games. It will make towns look more than just a plot of land with 4 houses, cities big enough to get lost in, and Viridian Forest not look like a nature trail.

Genwunners pls get out

My only hopes are that it's a proper Pokemon game in 3D but that they don't sell two fucking versions of it. I haven't played since Gold/Silver so I don't need much more than that to be satisfied.

>but that they don't sell two fucking versions of it
That's hilarious
They're already selling SM to us 4 times.

I hope it has cute girls, since that's the only thing Gamefreak doesn't fuck up.

Literally an entire board dedicated to this

Isn't the official explanation that they didn't even know Pichu existed for so long because Pikachu are so protective of them?

It's not the only Pokemon entry that does this. It's like the Nidoran male and female split.

I really hope they take some pointers from BotW and how open it is, but you can't really have a super open world with a game that's as progression based as Pokemon. You'd have to have some stupid level scaling mechanic and end up with starter area teenagers having level 100 rattatas.

I hope it's a good game.

Also more Hex Maniac.

>tfw won't ever get a true open world pokemon ARPG
>instead we'll get the same boring turn based shit except with marginally better graphics
The last trailer for USUM reminded me why I hate this franchise now.
>Lycanroc stays still in its idle animation, the model itself gets shaken a bit, then disappears, some particles and that's it
How lazy can you get? And how do people accept this?
Let Monolith Soft make this game, please.

That would mean no more eeveelutions, which would piss off a bunch of fans

Hoping for another B/W where we get another region and Dex strong enough to stand entirely on their own. Region locking makes the new folks feel special and encourages you to go out and make new bros.

Well the all the regions, all the pokeymans would be a great game, if it was built in the way most rpgs are. With sidequests, not just a linear main quest. But GF doesn't want to make a good Pokémon game.

>Well the all the regions, all the pokeymans would be a great game
yeah if you're 12

You do realize that just setting a level curve would be an absolute nightmare for a game that size, right? Hell, take B/W2 for example where you had everyone at the preschool using Lv. 50+ Pokemon.

Local multiplayer as in stadium is a big thing for me. Just let me fight someone on my console with split joy-con, everyone can choose from my perfect IV and EV trained mons

Explain how having all regions is a bad thing


Pls explain to me how a game that has a huge ass map for you to play on, different quest lines which means different characters to interact with, many Pokémon to choose your favorites from every region, it's level of difficulty scaling depending on the level of your team and having "mini games" like the battle frontier for example, is good only if you are 12. Pls.

Not the most important feature but I would like to see other players doing their thing out in the world. I recall some fanmade mmo of pokemon doing that and the game felt more alive.

You're basically asking for 'a game where you can do anything and go anywhere'
Literally impossible to make for any developer. And literally something only a 12 year old would seriously ask for.

Well It's going to be 2 games with slightly different rosters with a 3rd one most likely releasing afterword.

I am talking seriously here and you are trying to troll me.
At least that shows who of us is actually fucking 12.
>it's impossible to make a game that you can do everything
>literally every rpg ever created except pokeymanz

Ah shit, you go me Todd. Okay, okay, I get it. I'll buy Skyrim for the 4th time.

>less battles
He said SM, not GSC.

Does Skyrim include all the 4 games before it?

>Let Monolith Soft make this game, please.

I posted it because user said you can't make a game where you can go everywhere and do anything, that it's impossible for any developer to make. That is a shitty statement made by gamefreak to milk the franchise by making 2 different copy's of every region and then a sequel for that very same region. The maps don't even have to be as grand as Skyrim's or anything similar.

That they further improve the graphics in their quest to emulate the Sugimori artwork in 3D instead of falling for the PBR or Ga-Ole meme

I have no particular hopes for the gameplay because everything I want is 100% certainly happening or not happening

>load up my HG cart after 6 years of no play
>400 hours or some shit
>16 badges
>235+ pokemon
>at Mt. Silver
>look in my PC boxes
>6 or so boxes full of pokemon
>bred, traded, etc
>make a team of 6 after 30 minutes of browsing
>go into Mt. Silver
>realize none of the pokemon have HM moves
>turn off the game
>put it back in the box
I don't even feel like playing these games anymore. How do you guys stay interested?

Just give me a new Stadium game or something that plays like Colosseum/Gale of Darkness.

I haven't played a Pokemon game since Generation 4.

>or something that plays like Colosseum/Gale of Darkness.
I would love this but it's a never-ever.