There were always assholes in video games but the MOBA genre has created a culture where people think they are supposed...

There were always assholes in video games but the MOBA genre has created a culture where people think they are supposed to be dicks by default in any online game


dota isn't a moba

Literally most cancerous and toxic communities. You can be playing a normal match, not any sort of ranked or competitive scenario, and you still get fucking faggots flaming out their ass. Why are people literally unable to have fun with these types of games?

dota > lol

anything else to discuss?

"People who are positive win 50% more games" is a completely false statistic. If you're going to lose and have half an hour of your time wasted, might as well tell the person who caused it to go play in traffic for costing you that wasted time and effort due to their shit performance due to them being mentally challenged or just a sack of shit intentionally throwing games.

Dota 2 is the best game ever made and if you disagree you are a League baby that deserves to be put down.

Because people take things too seriously. There is actually some basis for the anger inherent in the gameplay though. In these types of games if just one person plays poorly enough it can literally cost the entire team their chance at victory and can make the experience extremely frustrating, like if an enemy gets fed to the point that they can just walk up to any other player(s) and kill them all without a care in the world. A lot of the anger stems from the snowbally nature of these games because you can often quite justifiably blame someone else for ruining the entire match for you.

These asspained players then go on to try other games and take their bitchy attitudes with them.

The games are designed to breed contempt for your random allies because 1 person can literally make a game unwinnable.

Yeah where did your caretakers get your padded helmet? I know someone who wants to play DotA so we're pretty sure they're retarded.

>it's a team game