There were always assholes in video games but the MOBA genre has created a culture where people think they are supposed to be dicks by default in any online game
There were always assholes in video games but the MOBA genre has created a culture where people think they are supposed to be dicks by default in any online game
dota isn't a moba
Literally most cancerous and toxic communities. You can be playing a normal match, not any sort of ranked or competitive scenario, and you still get fucking faggots flaming out their ass. Why are people literally unable to have fun with these types of games?
dota > lol
anything else to discuss?
"People who are positive win 50% more games" is a completely false statistic. If you're going to lose and have half an hour of your time wasted, might as well tell the person who caused it to go play in traffic for costing you that wasted time and effort due to their shit performance due to them being mentally challenged or just a sack of shit intentionally throwing games.
Dota 2 is the best game ever made and if you disagree you are a League baby that deserves to be put down.
Because people take things too seriously. There is actually some basis for the anger inherent in the gameplay though. In these types of games if just one person plays poorly enough it can literally cost the entire team their chance at victory and can make the experience extremely frustrating, like if an enemy gets fed to the point that they can just walk up to any other player(s) and kill them all without a care in the world. A lot of the anger stems from the snowbally nature of these games because you can often quite justifiably blame someone else for ruining the entire match for you.
These asspained players then go on to try other games and take their bitchy attitudes with them.
The games are designed to breed contempt for your random allies because 1 person can literally make a game unwinnable.
Yeah where did your caretakers get your padded helmet? I know someone who wants to play DotA so we're pretty sure they're retarded.
>it's a team game
And yet other team games like Counter Strike you have way more control on the outcome of the match. One person can dominate an entire team given they are all on even power levels throughout the whole match. In these sort of games you can gain a huge advantage either over time or having the gold lead.
>the MOBA genre has created a culture where people think they are supposed to be dicks by default in any online game
No, it has created a culture of whiny kids who piss themselves the moment they get any sort of negative response. They can't process criticism and they want to slap their 'toxic' sticker on anything that opposes them, rivalling the modern day use of calling everyone a terrorist just for the sensationalism. They're that hurt that they're not just going to mute everyone, but instead resort to reporting anyone for anything, even straight up reporting the enemy team if they win. That's what MOBA games have created.
How is it any different? One person can still dominate because being better makes them stronger.
sounds like shit game design.
Being better has much less impact in this games though. Skill can only do so much against a hero that is just better late game or a hero who has a lot more items because they dominated your terrible allies.
>this team game is bad because it's more team focused than most team games
Protip: try actually having friends
Criticizing a team game for being a good team game is pretty retarded
You missed the point entirely. Congratulations. These games push solo queue as a staple of the game. Hell, I promise you they are easily the most played modes. They are fine coordinated team games but the average player isn't going to have a 5 man stack every time they play.
This is pure bullshit. Telling teh new guy to kill himself because he's new to the game/genre isn't criticism, it's being an asshole. Mobas are full of some of the worst neckbeard faggots in vidya, they're just genuinely shitty human beings.
How is it a good team game if one person can drag a whole team down through feeding?
>These games push solo queue as a staple of the game.
No they don't. The design of the game does the exact opposite.
I'm sorry that you don't have any friends to play video games with, but that isn't a reason to say team games are universally bad.
>how is this game a good team game if it heavily focuses on your whole team playing together effectively
Are you stupid or just baiting?
>solo queue mmr is a thing
It's neither, you social retard. If someone randomly tells you to kill yourself, you know what he is? Mentally challenged. If you have that thin of a hide that you get offended by random cursing, then you need to get help as well. I mute my whole team until 20 minutes into the game, because there's nothing they're going to say that is ever going to add to the game.
>a thing existing in a game automatically means it's the focus because it's the one I pointed out
I literally only play Ability Draft in Dota and its actually fun. I recommend dropping ranked and only playing fun gamemodes such as ability draft.
>Telling teh new guy to kill himself because he's new to the game/genre isn't criticism, it's being an asshole.
Sounds an awful lot like a certain website
easier to blame someone else and feel fine with yourself
anyone wanna play dota?
Game A is good if all players are at the same power level
Game B is bad because some players can get higher power levels
Does that argument sound as retarded as it seems?
I would but my headset broke
Yeah, its not about wining or losing. I've lost games with satisfaction because it was a close match and it was fun, both teams did their best. I've also won games that were no fun with some guy feeding couriers and himself.
>we que together
>try to make small talk
>have 3 other spanish speaking players on our team
>enemy team riki gets a double kill on them
>"jajajaja xd"
>they snowball and win
>one of us make an excuse so we dont que together again
>have you on my friendlist for a few months before one of us decide to delete each other
there I just played dota with you
I am the only one that misses the old days where you could buy a thousand couriers and feed them. I loved seeing a line of baby roshans marching towards the enemy base.
Did you save a thumbnail or is the image just that small?
it was made that small on purpose
Sounds like you got banned because you were a loudmouthed faggot to me. Kill yourself retard
Some guy was doing this today, Is there a limit to how many couriers can you feed now?
I don't know how is it possible for people to take my wards out of the courier plant them inside the base and fill the courier full of iron branches. I know I can return the items to the owner, but they can just buy more iron branches instantly.
Theres a lot that could be done to prevent this kind of thing. At least its not that common.
Smoll loli is kawaii nigger
people were always dicks in online games, stop being soft
>cosmo after a nosejob.jpg
You can buy like 1 courier every 5 minutes
But user, its 2017!
But doesn't league ban you for being a dick to others? How is League at all fostering a bad community when they punish you for it?
Because mobas just cause cancer, you are locked in a game for 30 to 60 minutes and will be punished if you leave. This makes people hate other players because mistakes waste atleast an hour of time.
Also punishing for shittalk is BS literally grow thicker skin and deal with it.
I'm aware. I have friends who were the biggest dickheads back in the day, but now they're the ones getting asshurt at the smallest shit.
I can't even banter with them like I used to, so I got new friends. Still pisses me off.
That's an attempted solution to the natural phenomenon OP is talking about.
It doesn't seem to work very well
they do, and to top it all off in extreme cases of toxicity and promoting it they not only ban accounts but people (the likes of tyler1 and grossgore) which means that whenever a guy that got banned as a person starts streaming he gets his current acc banned after 1 or 2 games.
LoL will ban you for picking out of meta though. And people still think its better then Dota
You're right but it's only in the trenches
tl;dr git gud
how do i get started in dota if i don't have any friends that play it? Should i just give up and never attempt to play it?
There is an ingame tutorial to teach you the basics, you'll want to play bot games to understand what characters do before jumping into a live 5v5 though.
It took me over 5 times over 2 years to finally get into dota. LoL made me too casual to learn all the mechanics like turn rate and camp stacking. I say just give it time and dont take it serious at first
visit the /vg/ channel or whatever go to /d2g/ on /vg/
find a stack, play gaem, add people
or just make friends naturally, or even fucking find streamers if you're that desperate
or some dota 2 group
like stop being a beta
if you want friends just say you pick support and will give people cuddles and couriers
also get a good courier and ward skin like cluckles
Play Crystal Maiden or Dazzle and just get a feel of the game
It hasn't "created" shit, it just magnifies the fact that no one wants to accept accountability for their own actions
>support is the most chill role
>getting headpats and all the super tryhard fucks are giving you headpats because you saved the entire team
I am unironically excited for Artifact.
ASSFAGGOTS didn't create that. I know you're not old enough to have played Quake and Doom back in the day but autistic screeching has always been the go-to thing. ASSFAGGOTS just expect you to work with 4 of them.
Just mute and pick off meta, ive been doing that for years.
SC2 died for these.
same actually. the one thing i love about dota is how crazy some of the abilities are. i'm not afraid to say icefrog is a genius, just look at how basically every ability in these moba-type shooters has been copied from dota.
taking the strategic elements of dota and distilling it down into a 1v1 card game could be really good and would escape the 'toxicity' people keep complaining about.
personally i think a lot of the complaining about toxicity is just people being prideful and being unwilling to accept their failures. like yeah that guy told you that you're shit but you probably are and you will get better. you're in a pressure cooker with 4 other people for half an hour of course emotions are gonna run high. not every round of a game can be as disposable as pubg.
Problem is that the rumors about the game make it seem like it's LITERALLY a dota-lite. I honestly wish it was more MTG and even more Hearthstone than something completely and utterly different.
I just want my high quality dota 2 art that isn't just SFM screenshot/models.
I have 300h in DotA 2 and havent played anything outside of Custom Games
Looking forward to the Diablo 2 in DotA 2 custom game someone is making
pls vovlo don't disappoint.
Just don't play poorly and I'll have nothing to complain about
>Looking forward to the Diablo 2 in DotA 2 custom game someone is making
Wait seriously? That seems neat. Although that LoL in DOTA 2 never went anywhere so you gotta wonder if that's going to work.
People used to be a little more civil back when you stood beside your opponent
RTSses were for real males.
Now it's all 5v5 shitfest with little respect either for the ally or enemy team
It's a shame Valve doesn't give two shits about the custom game scene. Everytime a major patch hits, 95% of the maps are broken. Hell, their own flagship custom game was broken for months and months after the big overhaul patch 7.00 that came 7 months ago.
>RTSses were for real males.
you mean robotic koreans?
>play well
>never get insulted
just stop being a scrub
Highly doubt Icefrog is working on the card game though. Dude IS genius though, don't try to convince yourself otherwise. Companies put together teams of hundreds of professionals to try and even come CLOSE to what this one man has done.
I still have decent hopes for D2inD2 and Reincarnation (a full-fledged RPG custom game)
>implying you don't want a 400-apm eight times grandmaster gookmeister in your bed
i'm amazed that he still comes up with some really interesting ideas. monkey king's ability to hop around the tree tops was a real eye opener. i'm excited to see what abilities the two new heroes have.
Games this complicated are never taught
I cant wait for the slutty fairy cosplayers at TI8
I can't wait for the furry fandom to come for the pangolin hero
>monkey king's ability to hop around the tree tops was a real eye opener.
It's also completely broken as it's incredibly hard to tell where he is without flying vision, he should make the tree he's standing in shake back and forth and make some noise to alert players who are paying attention. Not to mention he can jump faster than you can react with a quelling blade.
b u m p
Dota 2 made me fall in love with singleplayer games again.
>that feel when youre just a bad version of another hero, shit, or not even in Captains Mode because of how much OSFrog hates you
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.
rip skeleton king.
i wish the gameplay was fun, the charactermodels and waifus are top tier.
>Somebody plays like shit in your team in Halo 15 years ago
>"you suck dude"
>match ends and you never see him again (chances are you won regardless)
>Somebody sucks in your pug raid group in [MMORPG of the year] 10 years ago
>kick, invite, retry
>Somebody sucks in your MOBA game today
>Stuck with him 30 minutes while he most likely insults you before you even call him bad
>Rinse and repeat thousands of games without stopping
I've played maybe 10k hours of league added up, I went from nice guy to hopelessly toxic back to nice guy cheerleader, it's absolute hell
Those wise guys in white coats that study human interactions should take a deep look into MOBAs, nothing on earth before has made people hate each other more, not even wars of religion