What the fuck is wrong with these "people"?
What the fuck is wrong with these "people"?
why are you so obsessed with them?
They have different opinions than you.
They go on other sites constantly to spread their bullshit. A lot of them are here.
I could ask the same about this place
So just like Sup Forums?
They're NeoGAF
Girl fetishist detected
Reversed Sup Forums
I don't actually go on other sites or post anywhere else besides Sup Forums really
The overlap in population between Sup Forums and GAF is obvious and quite large
Nothing. You are a racist and misogynist.
>a message board full of gamers and various people has varing opinions on things.
Cultural marxism
Sociopaths/Marxists who'd never realize they're horrible people... even if they were marching dissenters (i.e; wrong-thought meanies and white people) to their deaths.
The OT board is literally the virtue-signalling Olympics.
They also thought the Vita would destroy the 3DS
They pretend to be good people, in reality they are rapists and pedophiles.
it's an echochamber full of faggots just like Sup Forums or reddit. we are only better because we are not banned for voicing our opinions in a harsh way (e.g "horizon is a generic shitty far cry primal clone in 3rd person ft. stronk wymin"), which doesn't mean the quality of our posts are better
Like Sup Forums is any better.
This is the root of the matter.
It isn't really. Other boards on Sup Forums are much, much better thougb
You don't get banned for posting the wrong opinion here
It is, if only because cucks are not tolerated and free speech is allowed.
Slight Correction: There is no wrong opinion here, because this place has no overt bias or ideology other than freedom of ideas.
>making neogaf look good
>free speech is allowed
That's not true at all. It is much better here though.
they can influence gaming trends, unlike Sup Forums
>varying opinions
And exactly what influence has neogaf had on videogames other than a tiny easter egg in Scribblenauts?
They much better and interesting discussions on video games since they ban the morons. People on Sup Forums just get mad because they can't call someone a faggot or whatever without getting banned.
^Faggot Supreme
what can't be said here other than gg related e-drama? I can only remember a few instances where mods banned someone calling other a nigger, but I'm sure it was bad luck of the user, you can literally create threads bashing races or faggots and they'll reach autosage really fast
That user isn't wrong. most of you can't go a single post without some kind of insult or slur thrown into the mix.
>early 2000s
>Nintendo DS dominates sales
>Neogaf slobbers Nintendo's cock about it, anyone saying the DS sucks is mob rushed if not banned
>Sup Forums doesn't care about this
>present day
>PS4 is sales leader
>Neogaf slobbers Sony's cock about it, anyone saying the PS4 sucks is mob rushed if not banned
>Sup Forums makes several threads per day about Neogaf to say how awful it is
literally all gaming forums in existence are better than neogaf
You mean nu-Sup Forums?
They were also mentioned in the credits for Sunset Overdrive. Also have lots of industry folk with accounts there. Don't know how much "influence" they have but they're undoubtedly a major enough gaming forum to have Geoff Keighley or people with access to NPD numbers like Mat Piscatella. And of course the infamous banning of Derek Dyack.
They suck the dick of what sells more, search google there people on neogaf talking about it when someone cry about xbone getting lynched over there.
>They suck the dick of what sells more
So its like Sup Forums then
This, so much.
Don't you DARE have a different opinion, or you WILL be banned.
What's your favorite Neogaf expression? Mine's "gross".
For example, during a thread about hate speech laws, one user said it was "gross" that the US doesn't drag people at gunpoint from their homes for the wrong opinions like Europe does.
i don't see the problem here
I wonder if the mod who did that ban actually realize how ironic that is
he probably didn't
>Also have lots of industry folk with accounts there.
And how many of them are still active? Most of them have long stopped posting when they saw how much of a shithole it became.
>Denis Dyack
That was a full decade ago.
They are our friends
They fight for freedom
If you support Sony you won't have an issue. Its surprising they think not a single person out there actually owns an xbox or had a 360.
>Neogaf never had a non-Sony bias
You get banned for some really stupid shit sometimes.
And normal comfy threads get pruned while sometimes the most shitty and derailed ones stay.
Well like I said the NPD guy still posts there. The guy from Digital Foundry who was doing that series on failed game consoles posts there too as well as random indie devs or people who work for major studios (one of the mods worked on the last Turok game). Even taking into account people who don't post there anymore that's a hell of a lot more confirmed industry activity than this board as ever had.
How any even vaguely sexy female character is "creepy". Sexy men however, are curiously not creepy.
users nowadays are not the same from 2004?
>go against the majority opinion/mods on gaf
>get banned
>go against the majority opinion on Sup Forums
>get called a faggot
>your post is given the same platform as any other
>no retarded clique-like forum drama because everyone is anonymous
Wow I wonder what the better platform is.
What do you expect by Sony dicksuckers? They don't know better.
I wouldn't call the typical conformist neogafer/redditor marxist, it's simply about lower status males being opportunistic hence all the virtue signalling. Recognizing them as a political entity is way more than they deserve. Not that Sup Forums is much better in that sense but at least holding non-mainstream opinions is somewhat respectable in comparison due to there being nothing to gain from it (in our current society), if anything quite the opposite.
College breaks your brain if you're a low test bitch boy
There's way more indie devs here thanks to /agdg/
Journalists are faggot
The NPD guy is literally the only person they have, and he's only there as PR since those faggot have been a pain in the ass of NPD for yeara. Even still they drove the few people who give legitimate numbers off the site entirely and just steal from them whenever they post on VGChartz
>And exactly what influence has neogaf had on videogames
I didnt want to trigger you or the mods so I left a vague "trends", otherwise you'd tell me to go back to Sup Forums
>make a World War 2 game thread
>thread evolves into Sup Forums circlejerk
Which video game related site does it?
Any image board sadly
NeoGAF hates women.
Report the posts and tell them to fuck off? If you legitimately what do have a discussion you can phrase the OP better so it doesn't invite the Sup Forums boogeyman shit into it.
What video games? NeoGAF screams at "girl fetishist" and goes on a alcoholic drugged induced ragefest about Donald Trump. There's no clearer example on the internet of a collective hivemind that's unhinged. It's like you go to a NASCAR forum and see nothing but politic topics instead. You will hardly see any NeoGAF topic that has actual discussion on Gaming because thread derailments happen so fast without the perpetrators being banned.
Good looking women? Thread derailed about social justice.
Gameplay mechanics too hard? Thread derailed about not enabling the mentally challenged.
Game has a church or politics? You just hit NeoGAF jackpot for maximum liberal hivemind shitposting.
Are neogaffers merely 28 year old men going through their 13 year old girl phase? I swear I see this a lot... their vocabulary level leaves much to be desired.
Even when it says in the thread "do not let this thread evolve into Sup Forums", guess what happens?
>do not let this thread evolve into Sup Forums
Saying that is basically an invitation, dude.
You just proved there's no win.
They do
>Report the posts and tell them to fuck off?
(not the guy you're responding to) I used to think like you, but that would require competent moderation
Too bad college is one of the few ways to land a career before the era of automation. If you don't go, you're basically saying "replace my unskilled factory/service/etc. job and put me on welfare before age 40"
Their patron saint is Campster/Errant Signal, who has unironically used the word "icky" to describe a video game.
GAF is great desu
>grown men stuck in the "girls have cooties!" phase
That would explain a lot. Those poor bastards.
>back when PS+ price was first jacked
>following months games are utter shit, servers still have problems
>make the off-handed comment "Looks like that extra cash is being well used."
A recent DmC thread had me checking out what Neogaf thought of the game on release and almost all dissenters are banned.
Yes you are. I called out Cyberpunk 2077 and got banned in no time.
>every anime/Japanese made character is a 12 year old with huge tits
>it all panders to pedophiles
last time i heard an indie game dev mention 4chin is notch and he has denounced this place since then. When's the last time a game dev has actually acknowledged this place in a positive light.
this one post does not represent all of neogaf. Plenty of people there slobbering over booty as there is here