RIP monster hunter, Dauntless is the new king...

RIP monster hunter, Dauntless is the new king. It already had 100x more viewers on its first day than monster hunter did in the history of being on twitch

Is this one of those Chinese clone games?

is it good though?

First time hearing about it

yeah that's what happens when you pay Lirik to play your game.
not an argument.

It's a F2P P2W Monster Hunter clone that does nothing new and nothing interesting.


Quality character designs.

SSD is the only good non-MH hunting game.


yeah mh is already better, pre-designed trash is trash

>some fuccboi on the left

hol up

Extremely impressed. How much does it cost? Link?

Anyone got an extra code they dont need a nigga poor

Watch this asshole stop playing dauntless when the hype train ends and claim to be a "mh veteran" mh world drops

do the japanese even use twitch? thought they were on nico nico on some shit, also no one watches mh streams they play mh because the playerbase isn't that retarded

>some fuccboi on the left
Actually, far left is a "girl" (female)


I dunno about you guys but I want a mh clone. Niche fan base is the best. Having triple a numbers will RUIN online

not working?

Is this Runescape

This looks like shit OP, good bait.
The fuck is wrong with the guy on the left?


Try HFO3-GH2X-CW9K. I'm reading off a sheet of paper.

that's even worse
not gonna be surprised if they just copy everything about MH and push their shitty ideas in to make it 'new'

Lots of MH fans wanted a PC game/clone
but this does not look like it meets expectations of MH at all, also it's F2P which makes it worse because you know how monetization works these days

so yous be sayin?


Shut the fuck up.

sjws were a mistake

Dauntless is getting desperate. They're probably the source for most of the anti-World memes too.

still nothing

>yfw the one on the left is a woman


>>Lots of MH fans wanted a PC game/clone
>MHW got announced almost right after people started looking at Dauntless

why is Sup Forums shitting on this game? like it seems to actually run well on PC. When was the last time a monster hunter game ran well on PC?

I don't like dauntless OR worlds
worlds looks casualized like fuck - no surprise, to appeal to western audiences more

50/50 whether it flops or succeeds for the west, as they've shown they're not interested in MH games in the past but casualizing it just makes veterans not want to play it or at least give it a try and say it's shit because it's not gonna be a main series MH game

that armor and weaponry looks so fucking trash. I despise western armor """"""design""""""


>random chance to get loot after battle
>this loot is actually a crate that gives random materials, essentially gacha within gacha
>but of course, you can pay for increased drop rates

This might be the single most cancerous loot system yet created by man.

literally any MH game on PC? are you retarded? PCs can run literally any game fine with a good enough rig or low enough settings

MHFU runs pretty damn well with PPSSPP

god damn, everything about the art direction is fucking terrible

>worlds looks casualized like fuck
Found the upset nintenfaggot, the game looks just like monster hunter. i thought you people were bitching about MUH COLORS now?

>World looks casualized as fuck
Are you actually stupid?

No. Dauntless is amazing. Played four hours and had more fun than every MH game combined. Kill yourself.

god damn what an ugly group

Okay gamespot.

tell me this isn't the actual loot system
not even gonna bother trying the game if it is


MH isn't a nintendo exclusive dumbass I've played FU, P3rd, 3U, 4U.

As someone who disliked MHW when it was first shown off but likes it now, I wouldn't say it's too casualized. I guess streamlined is the better word for it. It'd be something that's generally easier for newer players to pick up.

Can we not? Goddamn. Fucking children, I swear.


Here's a different code:


Still looking for codes b0ss

People just reacted negatively to shit like no flexing but never accepted the part where even though you can run it has a slow refill, and canceling out of healing makes you lose the potion and cuts off your health regain.

Only thing I can say is actual casual is that they went nuts with the fire fly effects.

Everything else is pretty much normal monster hunter.


Looking at some stream this looks like Kingdom of Amalur or TERA.

notthin still

Mate Dauntless looks like garbage I agree but please dont be an idiot about world. The recent trailers convinced me that it would be a good game despite MH XX not coming to the States and the initial impressions when the game was first shwon at E3.

>There are people ITT that haven't already learned of, monitored/researched, and dismissed scornfully Dauntless months ago

This is truly the age of plebs

Dauntless is getting shilled by already big twitch names yet it's already failing to hold views.

The game just feels boring to play. There is no challenge.



I definitely would like the game to have a bit more color too it, not even trying to meme about it or at least have the monsters pop out a bit more.
I also think the logo is rather... flaccid.
The Wildspire Waste trailer got me pumped. It's nice to finally see not just the same three monsters again.

>weightless spam fest sjw p2w trash

There it is
>muh colors

>chinese bootleg monhun
no thanks

So since Dauntless is D.o.A. and MH World is a spin off, MH5 with pic related when?
These were planned for in MHX but they had to cut them out due to time and budget, but it stands to reason they'll be included in the series' future at some point.

You dipshit, there are bots that crawl Sup Forums for steam keys. Use images or .txt links.

you shouldn't turn your backs on the series you only like just because it was on a nintendo handheld for awhile, nintenfats

Monster Hunter has never been a really colorful game outside of X/XX.

World looks like it's basically 2nd Gen with some 3rd Gen monsters and 4th Gen mechanics. They even brought back the 2nd Gen fall and get up animations.

I realise you are memeing but MHW is MH5.

>Only thing I can say is actual casual is that they went nuts with the fire fly effects.
Trying to find monsters in those big ass areas without them would be retarded. This isn't just remembering spawn locations or searching 2 or 3 small isolated maps anymore.

MHW isn't MH5 if it isn't explicitly "MH5" in the title, just as all the denial fags always say MHX isn't MH5 for that exact reason.

>world is a spin off
are you being delusional on purpose?

the colors are good, anime eye rape isn't needed

I hope World fails purely because I'm scared of the game being plagued with horrible twitch viewers who hop on it when their fav streamer jumps on it. Am I selfish?

i'll likely give it a try when I get paid.

>game comes out of NDA
>capcpom releases a fucking amazing MHW trailer

was it intentional?

I'd give this game a chance if they weren't up their own ass with shit like a retarded $80 beta entry fee

no, just stupid

Still see absolutely no reason why I should play this over God Eater or Toukiden 2. Like them or hate them they at least attempted to do something other than straight up clone MH.
Not to mention, it's fucking f2p so it's certain there's some sort of ultra rng loot system in a gametype that is already considered grindy as fuck. And having characters tied to specific weapons goes against every other fucking hunting game.

Twitch streamers are going to invade your game no matter what unless you play fighting games.

>not knowing MHW is a confirmed non-spin off mainline title

No, you're Nostradamus.

>World isn't a spin off but Generations is
Boy these double standards are delicious, may I have some more?

MHW was confirmed to be MH5 though.
But then again someone argued that MHW was Freedom 3 so who can tell who is baiting whom and how.

Why the fuck would I not just pay Monster Hunter?

Oh god no

Try not having shit taste. Kill yourself, cūck.

I think autistic loser would be the right term

It probably wasn't intentional. Gamescom is next week and MHW is playable there.

Series producer said MHW is 5 and that Generations isn't mainline. Where have you been?


are you dense or retarded or something?

They initially pitched it as "monhun isn't on PC so monhun type game on PC."

Now they're freaking the fuck out because world is coming out on PC.

>People I don't like will play the game I hope it fails

What's the current best MonHu to pay that has an active community? I want to get into it.

>people would rather watch a game for free than buy and play it
Yeah, great job.

>EIGHTY fucking dollars to beta test


It honestly does seem like they upped the colors a bit, at least on the skybox, but I'm not sure. I'm just saying that a little color never hurts.

I've honestly never even played X/XX, I'm still working on 4U. I'm just so goddamn fucking sick of all the console war/false flag/wojak shit that's been absolutely infesting it. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out.

If MHW is a success it will be MH5, if it fails it will be another spin-off

So you can only play as poo-in-loos or an SJW tranny? Was this made in England?

Probably some 3DS one. Though most people/veterans/players will recommend you play MHFU on PSP or emulate it as simply put it's the best in content and will make you GIT GUD

I hope worlds succeeds because it would be great to finally play this on a big tv with hd visuals

I don't give a shit about the 3ds, as great of a console it is, im not going to play this shit when im out of the house. Handhelds are made for kiddies

Even with all the changes MHW is still far from becoming casual enough to have twitch viewers stick to it.
So even if they do hop on, it won't last. And MH multi is best played with friends anyway.

I'm not shitposting. I'm literally just saying that MonHun hasn't been a traditionally colorful game. X/XX turned up the color and effects. That's just a fact.