Which character was the best Sup Forums?

Which character was the best Sup Forums?

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what am i looking at

Prototype YorHa unit A2


I really didn't like 9s, nor playing as him. Being able to play as A2 was a god send.

Most developed 9S
Most fuckable 2B
Most fun to play A2

What is the purpose of this anatomically correct robot?

Did you know that you can do heavy attacks with 9S by either delaying the button press or attacking while dodging? 9S's heavy attacks are easily the best in the game, so good they're almost broken.

Short hair A2 was the cutest, I would have a healthy relationship and cuddle with her
9S was the worst in terms of gameplay and the most annoying
2B was just 2B I guess, she didn't really stand out apart from being the very first character you get to play as and the game mascot

To replace humanity, of course.

a2, both character and gameplay wise


A2 > 2B >>> 9S


That's not fun though

the commander

2B. A2's body isn't as detailed.


A2 should have been Vergil to 2B's Dante. Sam to 2B's Raiden. Instead she just had one angry mode.

>2B was just 2B I guess, she didn't really stand out apart from being the very first character you get to play as and the game mascot
Yeah her personality was kinda flat

They're all trash.

Those are some wide hips

Wasn't overly attached to any of them.
2B didn't get much in the way of depth for her story, though had some added retroactively by developments later.
A2 was the stereotypical "leave me alone, I don't care... but I'll help you" anime trope.
9S was by far the most developed character, but he seemed whiny a lot of the game and by the end his character became somewhat 1-dimentional, which was disappointing.

9S becomes a bit more interesting when you realize he knew, to some extent, that 2B was an E model and killing him over and over all along.

Novel came out and confirmed Ending D+E as canon. 9S was pure yandere crazy mode by the end of it, but also really messed up by the virus.

the one that looks like a hooker.

I cared more about Pascal and many other machines you encounter in sidequests. While mostly tragic, they seem more relateable in their emotions/reactions and more interesting.
Talking with Engels or following Emil's quest to the end was ultimately more interesting than any conversations between the androids.

both 2b and a2 are kuuderes

I agree, machines were by far more interesting

9S > Commander > A2 > shit > 2B

Operator 60

objectively wrong, 9S is almost the only one with a semblance of character development in the game.
all the others fail in comparison.

You're right, his character went from shit to absolute fucking garbage

if you mean character retardation then yes, 9s is the best

Absolutely this

The whole game is about 2B/9S, you can't really separate them and judge about one without mentioning another.
A2 on the other hand is barely present and really uninteresting compared to the nuclear murder journey of 9S or sheer hopelessness of 2B's situation.

a best




A2. Midriff > Butt


Fucking CUTE





art kinda looks like it was done by the bravely default guys



9S is the only one with actual development but his arc was rushed as fuck. You're literally being spoonfed what the fuck his problem was at the very end with that novel. Could have been a bit more subtle desu

You can lock on while hacking.
It is really op though.


Pic related; the rapid shift from curious and happy to Robo Caim made for a good time.

That being said I enjoyed A2 a considerable bit. She's practically tied with 9S.

9S, anyone saying otherwise is a waifufag

t. shota dick lover

Want to try and explain how 2B or A2 is a better character in terms of writing without referencing attractiveness?

They're more fun to play as than edgy hackerman

He was never was truly happy, just good at hiding his real personality, which is simply lonely, just like 2B.

all meme anime tropes

Read my post. I said in terms of writing, but gameplay is debatable.

If you want writing go read the stage play about A2 and her original team

Nowhere nearly as good as all side materials dedicated to 2B and 9S.

Well that's just like your opinion man


all I know is 9S is absolute shit tier, stereotypical annoying JRPG character that nobody likes

If you read the thread you would see there are people who like 9S

Why do the Android "males" look like faggots? Did Yorha not have access to the proper chad physique?

The only thing i see is assblasted waifufaggots mad that the whole game is dedicated to him.

Only faggots like WhineS

Papa Nier had Chad physique and he fucked humanity, and not in the way they were hoping. Plus the male androids were all Intel and recon, while the primary combat units were chicks.

I didn't like him during route A. He grew on me when you start playing as him due to the contrast of operators and other interactions, plus gathering additional information from the story you didn't get as 2b. Makes sense that even though he is chatty, he doesn't share a lot of the Intel and data he gathers aside from uploading to the bunker, so the data collection guy wouldn't seem as interesting when you don't know the kind of shit he does. I imagine it would be like escorting a spy of sorts as murrica gun soldier and he doesn't tell you what he is digging up across enemy lines while you murder other soldiers.

Im assuming you mean Yorha males, some of the males in the rebel camp look normal or tough.

First route only taps the surface of the story in general. You see 2B constantly acting weird but you don't really understand why because her extreme, nearly tender care for 9S suddenly changes to being cold and aloof to him, you see 9S who is not supposed to be good at combat, yet he is the most crucial part of all operations who either deals the most powerful blow or debilitates enemy enough to finish him off.
The real story only starts with route B, hell the title card only appears when you start playing as him.

I never tried that game.
How hard is it to get the Nier characters?

If faggot means someone who likes well written characters, then yeah you're right.

>Taro shit
>well written

There was a male-only YoRHa squad and they almost fucked over the entire world though it's quite possible that 9S was in the very centre of those events.

boner no

That's a different argument in its entirety, get off the thread