New weapon tonight, boys
Splatoon 2
>free content
This is honestly incredible. Who else in the industry would think to do this?
Rainbow 6 Seige
Dota 2
Rocket League
Killing Floor 2
Small free updates are standard in the industry nowadays OP
Get this trash out of here. Nobody gives a shit about shitoon
>Squiffer finally returns
>I'm going camping for the next three days
>nobody cares about shitoon
>Sup Forumsirgins kicking and screaming so much about splatoon 2 threads and how there were "so many that they should all just fuck off to /vg/"
>buy Splatoon 2 as close to midnight as I can fucking eShop imploded that night
>put in 50 hours easily within the first week of release
>go to anime convention recently
>basically haven't touched the game since
I just got the notification for the Brella last night. What the fuck is wrong with me bros
Autists have difficulty understanding that other people may feel differently than them and consider any opinion they don't have to be "out of the norm" regardless of any evidence to the contrary. It's genuinely kind if sad how they can't even process a reality different than theirs.
>this oblivious delusion