Is this the greatest Pokemon to ever exist?
Is this the greatest Pokemon to ever exist?
Reminder this is the only acceptable waifu-mon.
It's funny you say that. Pidgeotto is the reason I got into Pokemon. He was the first monster I saw in the cartoon while my cousins were watching and birds are my favourite animal.
So yes.
Don't mind me, just being the actual greatest Pokemon to ever exist!
What makes Pidgeotto different from all the other birds?
Training your first shitmon to become this cool asshole
he looks like a mozzarella pizza
funny you say that.
For me it was this art of Pidgeot that got me into pokemon. Birds aren't something great in general but I really dig this version, almost super saiyan-ish. Too bad this wasn't the design that was stuck in later versions but it was cool to see when Ash's pidgeotto evolved
Literally just a bird
Waifu pandering
Overdesigned garbage
The exact same bird in the OP but with longer yellow hair
Pokemon is shit
Not even the best bird in the series.