Do you guys think it'll be fun?

Do you guys think it'll be fun?

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The Fox engine is great, I think it might even save this game to at least be 5-6/10, hopefully a 7


The game has all the tools to be fantastic. It's got the engine, it's got the designers, and it's got the production capability/funding. All it has to do is forget being a Metal Gear game and focus on gameplay depth. MGS5 did all the hard work for them so it would be difficult to fuck up.

Nope, dead on arrival as well

how much is it?

When does this come out?

even if it would be the most fun vidya ever, it would still drown in hate right after release. i have no idea what kind of retard thought it would be a good idea to quarrel with kojima and then start releasing spinoffs of his title, it's commercial suicide

When does it come out for PC?

You mean MGSV


As a multiplayer co-op game, absolutely

As a Metal Gear game, kinda

It's just a spin off. It's better than nothing, since we aren't getting a sequel anyway.

shit still not cancelled?

wait is there new gameplay

where did you get that screenshot! answer me.


Probably not
MGSV has great mechanics, it just didn't use them properly. However multiplayer stealth doesn't sound good, and shooting wave-based zombies is boring as fuck, as Fortnite proves

>mp stealth doesn't sound good
that depends on execution. assassin's creed multiplayer mode (the one from brotherhood or revelations, i don't remember which one was that) was infinitely amazing

It won't be full price. So expect $30-$40.

Caramel ????

There is going to be a single player mode, but so far all they've shown was base defense shit. I hope there would little more than that but even the controls are changed to support base defense so I dont know


It'll probably be alright, but my major question is why zombies? They've been done to death at this point.

Is this game gonna be full price?

normies don't fucking care about le ruse man you retard
stop being solipsistic

The thing is that if someone doesn't know what this is, one google search will lead to a league of spergs shitting on it

Never be game over

>However multiplayer stealth doesn't sound good
Even just taking the base game to play with buddies with AI lethality cranked up would've literally been fine.

More media come out for it? Haven't seen this before.

V has good gameplay, so I'm actually looking forward to it.

MGSV had so many tool to fuck around with that co-op would have been an endless stream of fun. But no FOBs and a shitty MGO3.

They could have just re-released MGSV with a multiplayer campaign and I'd have paid for it to play with friends.

> v is hyped for metalgear zombie

What timeline drift i into...

There were screenshots released for E3 2017 where a booth was setup for people to play a small demo. The release date was also pushed back from 2017 to 2018 so Konami could polish it more.

Metal Gear Zamba

That's The Division's HUD, what the fuck.

lmao, same font even

On paper I'm not opposed to a Zombie Metal Gear set in an alternative dimension, but it just looks so boring.

There's seemingly no memorable characters, just generic character creation dudes, probably doesn't even have a proper story. The enviroments are so ridiculously rehashed MGSV assets and makes the whole "alternative dimension" thing seem extremely lazy. To top it off the zombies look like shit, it's some kind of red crystal thing growing out of them? Ok, but almost every zombie just seems to be a gray dead body with a crystal head, really unappealing design.

They somehow managed to take such an outlandish premise and make it seem so generic and unimaginative.