this thing is going to become a great console isnt it
This thing is going to become a great console isnt it
Brody Gray
William Butler
Only if you didn't update yet.
Logan Thomas
It's a handheld
Isaiah King
It's the gamecube 2
Brayden Morris
Maybe after a year when they release a revision
Sebastian Johnson
Eli Bailey
A handheld video game console?
Nathan Price
With shit features, specs, and next to no important games?
Naw. It'll be a Gamecube at best.
Logan Perez
Some would argue it is already providing them with great gameplay experiences, which you in turn might argue really is all you can use for gauging the greatness of of a system itself.
Joshua Price
>a total of 1(!) game to this date, Splatoon 2
>the game in question is dead on arrival because it requires a monthly payment to be played online