Open World was a mistake

Open World was a mistake.

Shit, nigga, if this game was open world then so was Ocarina of Time.

>I only played Automata

I don't care post 2butt

this game's side quests were the true mistake
fucking pure fetch quest shit
I guess I should have expected it going into a jRPG

Agreed. Automata might have not been such a chore to play through without the open world. You spend as much time on story and combat as you do running in circles and picking up literal junk.

Not really an open world it's just linear pathways that branch to different zones with the city acting like a hub

>open world
And "was a mistake" implies it did anything different from its predecessor. Nier was structured the exact same way you fucking tard.

Why is the combat in this game so shit?
It's literally square, square, square, circle (repeat) while holding down R1.

Am I the only one that was really disappointed with Nier Automata?

The gameplay was so shallow, and the constant shifting to 2D sidescrolling and top-down twin stick and bullet hell was jarring and irritating.

I'm about to give up now that I'm on my second run through as 9S because I really fucking hate bullet hell.

it was also a mistake in the first nier you fucking retard
it's shit
and the makes it worse

It is, but not so much in Automata. Its world is small enough so as to not get tedious in the same way something like Breath of the Wild does. Samey and bland, sure, but getting around doesn't take for-fucking-ever.

How did this game get 9/10s everywhere?

I guess Yoko Taro was serious when he said at the PAX Panel "The world I created is just shit, don't expect too much from it". I obviously thought he was joking but fuck sake.

But the first Nier was full of fetch quests too though.

Did you not play the first? The fuck were you expecting?

and that somehow makes it good in nier a tomato?
what are you trying to say?

No, I did not. I went into the game with zero expectations or exposure.

I'm trying to say that maybe the game is not for you and it's ok.

>it was also a mistake in the first nier you fucking retard
Not that OP would know, since he didn't play it.

But user, have you ever enjoyed fetch quests?
I've enjoyed games with fetch quests in the past - but it was always despite them, never because of them. Fetch quests were only ever acceptable in MMOs because you're supposed to do them with friends so no one's even paying attention, but they should never be given a clean sheet in a fucking single player game.

I did enjoy the fetch quests in Tomato, they were generally easy since i already had all or most of the items necessary and they gave good information about the world and characters.

Fetch quests were super shit, and everything this game tried, the first one did better. Except gameplay.

Yes it was. It always is.

Not the guy you were responding to but I hope you fucking kill yourself

9s was such a huge faggot
why did yoko taro cuck me with a faggot twink


>since i already had all or most of the items necessary
I think this explains a lot.

And i hope when you get over the age 18 you'll learn that people like different things and experience things in a different way. You fucking retarded child.

>it's another "if it isn't perfect it's shit" thread
when will it end?

This website is full of children who only speak in extremes

1. it's not big
2. no loading times between areas
their engine was bad though, the loadings that happen as you move make game stutter