ITT: Dead or dying games that cannot be saved

ITT: Dead or dying games that cannot be saved.

Well, yeah, that's why they're making the sequel.

the game just hit lowest price on all plataforms,EA's last shot to selling it since everyone will move to the sequel once it's out,it should receive some playerbase for its last breath.
It deserves to die though,hackers everywhere

No amount of updates will save her

I'm still mad.

Not even being free will save it

The wrong hero shooter died.

How is gigantic dying?

>Only 6000 on launch week and dwindling without slowing down since
>Devs had LITERALLY zero dollars left on launch and likely haven't made enough back
I'd be surprised if still running at the end of the year

>dead game meme
Hello Activision shill

What on steam? Bcus it's avaible on arc, windows store and Xbox One.

Oh yeah I'm SURE the windows store and arc client are where the real numbers are user.

Not to mention the Microsoft Store version of the game only plays with Microsoft Store and Xbone players. So the Steam and Arc version and Xbox versions are split playerbases.

The amount of people running the game through Arc only instead of Arc/Steam is probably negligible. Their only fucking publicity in the last 6 months was that Steam release.

To be fair Planetside 2 has been "dying" for the past 3 years. It has at least 2k+ ccu users at all times, which is more than enough to have the massive zerg vs zerg clusterfucks the game thrives on.

Planetside 2 is such a cluster fuck

>It's another episode of a Bossk player with a spinbot who has 500 kills and 0 deaths in a 64 vs 64

It's not a bad game, but seeing the same cheaters in every game is annoying.

>Uses EE-4 and rolling mechanic
>Plays Bossk in every game when hero drop is picked up
>playing as Chewie
>No player hosted servers or dedicated browser
>Similar game modes separated into small segments because of DLC
>puts all of the top players on one team and the casual ones on the other

Gee, I wonder why this game is near dead. The fact that AAA companies can get away with this without losing any face is appalling.

The ultimate edition of this is $5.

Its dead, Jim.

>Windows Store
>Not mobile cash grab shit

I know that, I wasn't speaking highly of the Windows Store in my post

>arc client
I have NEVER heard of this. The fuck is this?

i unironically enjoyed SWBF more then BF1

It's a style thing its just a launcher for a devs like 4-5 games.


The sequel still doesn't have a Conquest mode. What are they doing?

>was $120 at launch unless you bought from Mexican origin

That game needs more content and better balance.

maybe im dreaming but i think this is going to be a game that never actually dies and keeps a slow build. the mechanics are just too fucking good.

its really a shame that they released it at the exact worst possible time.

however i know its down the line but since they have such a great foundation, if they made 3 with a massive PVE campaign there is no way it would not be a blockbuster.

Being lazy and or greedy. I'm sure thy'll add it in DLC.

Dead on arrival

RIP Source mods

Was never alive in the first place. I think it didn't even break 10k ccu.

It is barely any better than the old one

As long as the devs are still given the chance to make Titanfall 3 and it's not released on top of the newest BF and COD installments simultaneously, it will catch on. It has better MP than BF1 or Infinite Warfare by a fucking mile.