>Everyone loves Borderlands 2 >So let's make the next Borderlands an expandalone made by incompetent Aussies >Get Telltale to shit out a press Q to awesome game >And make Battleborn, a game which nobody wanted and is entirely reliant on multiplayer success
Can someone please explain the thought process at Gearbox? This isn't even getting into their questionable publishing.
Haven't all their recent games belly-flopped hard? How the fuck are they even in business, coasting on Borderlands revenue?
Noah Wilson
>Everyone loves Borderlands 2
Jose Wood
Let's not forget Borderlands Pre Sequel was only on PS3 and 360 in a time when PS4 and One needed games
What a fuckup
Aaron Cox
>Get Telltale to shit out a press Q to awesome game Except it is considered to be the best borderlands game by far. No tedious grind, all atmosphere. borderlands gameplay is not fun without the atmosphere, telltale simply did away with the unnecessary part. Gearbox would be wise to collaborate and leave story and writing to telltale entirely and concentrate to make it a decent shooter.
Tyler Reyes
>press Q to awesome >not press Q to badass
David Moore
Gearbox deserved to die in the gutter.
Wyatt Phillips
Sup Forums is not representative of how popular a game is. Borderlands 2 was a huge success. It still has a decent playerbase, pic related is right now. Keep in mind this is a singleplayer/coop game. It's still on the Steam top 100.
Battleborn isn't even on the list.
Mason Reyes
Considering the success of the Telltale game and how much people praise its writing, I'd like to think Gearbox would just hire them to write 3.
They won't, but it would be nice.
Brody Martin
>they shit out BL3 >normalfags eat it up >they stay afloat for another decade
Thomas Wood
I liked borderlands 1 and thought it was fun borderlands 2 I enjoyed, mostly because handsome jack was a great character, but I didnt like the combat or weapons nearly as much presequel I liked more because it still had handsome jack with a more interesting story imo, and they fixed the weapons up as much as they could, with ice weapons, lasers, and glitch weapons tales from the borderlands was stupid, and I disliked about every character but again I liked jack, which was gearbox's selling point about the last few games now I know that because im saying this, gearbox will find a way to do it, but I dont think they can milk handsome jack anymore, and instead will focus entirely on BADASS XD while fucking up the combat even more than what it was before I'll probably get shit on but borderlands is a series that I honestly really liked, and I just know that borderlands 3 will be utter shit
Gabriel Morris
>Borderlands 2 on top 100 >Battleborn is lucky to get 100 players Really cultures my vegetables.
Leo Phillips
You have some shitty opinions. I actually like the Borderlands series but you have the order all wrong in terms of what is good.
normalfags love telltale garbage and they're cheap as shit to make battleborn would have been a guaranteed moneymaker if blizz didn't curbstomp them with OW, since the market was crying for a new """hero shooter""" at the time and while I refuse to play any gearbox game post BL2, the general opinion of Presequel is that it's much better I'm not saying they're a great company but there are better reasons to criticise them
Benjamin Phillips
It wouldn't have been though. That's the whole problem. Battleborn was a bad game, straight up. The UI was a mess, the characters were a mess, the graphics were a mess, everything was a mess.
Overwatch isn't even a similar game. I can say with 100% sincerity that even if Overwatch didn't exist Battleborn would have flopped.
Henry Morgan
Is destiny like borderlands
Jeremiah White
Well atleast they gave the Homeworld franchise some kind of a second breath with the (broken) remaster and even published a new game.
Jeremiah Morales
You want more of a game and are happy when it's broken?
Logan Edwards
I loved BL1 because it's a sci-fi diablo 2 FPS, that's it.
BL2 is like diablo 3 fps with memes. The magic of the first, all gone.
Chase Watson
You forgot to add that gearbox is now publishing We happy few and now that game is going to be 60 dollars(its 50 right now) and it's still a Early access game with a season pass.
I've played through BL2 like twice, and I've seen two-three memes, tops.
Can someone list some of the memes in that game?
Jonathan Diaz
Wasn't it part of the remastered edition though?
Ayden Gutierrez
They're only really in the mini achievements thing. People here seem to think pop culture references are memes.
Im hoping that since tales grounded the setting we'll see fewer tired references in 3 and more world building
Brody Edwards
It really annoys me how no one is willing to accept Tales from the Borderlands is a good game. I can't get anyone to play it because they refuse to believe its actually good, and it drives me fucking mental.
Bentley Carter
I point to all the reviews, as pretty much all of them say "I don't like Borderlands but I loved this".
PC gamer put it in their top 100 must play PC games recently. It's the only Borderlands game in there (and the only telltale one)
Jackson Thomas
Okay mr.telltale salesman pls don't shill here. Wait....Randy ? Stop shilling here Randy !
Liam Hughes
You forgot the fact these cocksuckers killed off the Brothers in Arms franchise. Damn I loved those games.
Jaxson Cruz
>Everyone loves Borderlands 2
Alexander Thomas
>after BiA 3, i wanted them to make BiA 4 and finish it >now i wish that IP to remain buried and not get ruined by nu-Gearbox what a fun time to be a fan of dead IPs
Dylan Reed
>Everyone loves Borderlands 2
Borderlands 1 is better because it doesn't insult me with awful SJW cringe writing.
Anthony Gutierrez
This attitude is similar to saying "everyone hates Fifa and CoD"
When in reality it's just Sup Forums that hates them.
Gavin Hernandez
Since when does Sup Forums hate CoD?
Robert Lee
Why retards keep releasing games with gearbox? Cant they see how bad bulletstorm did?
Easton Garcia
Not all popular things are good. Unless you consider Twilight a good book.
Kevin Gray
>randy making a good game in an alternate dimension maybe
Asher James
It has cringe SJW themes though in its writing and dialogue.
Kayden Foster
I'm not saying it's good. I'm saying it was very popular.
Owen Powell
>BiA 4: Baker gets killed in the first mission by a nazi who says "You know, actually its actually about ethics in Europe's politics" >Then BAM!!! the nazi is hit by an MG42 being used as a bat >The camera reveals an african american blue haired female soldier wearing a transexual pin on her shirt >"Fuck you bigot" >Xhe grabs Baker's M1 rifle and tells him, your time is over white man, I'll be taking it from here >The camera reveals a bunch of people behind xher, a mexican with a flame thrower with a "make donald drumf again" sombrero, An asian woman with a dyke haircut holding hands with an african woman in pharaon clothing, an australian abo woman with an aussie hat using a colt 1911 with 3 barrels and a fat white man holding hands with an african american soldier, both of them using a single MG42 with a bunch of german dog tags used as decoration for the weapon, not to mention a pink bow on the barrel of the gun >Nigger woman looks at the camera and says >"We are coming for you Adolf" >BROTHERS IN ARMS: ANTI BIGOT SQUAD appears on the screen
Hunter Stewart
i wont let you hurt me anymore
Anthony Garcia
>mfw i realize this would absolutely happen if gearbox did another one
Colton Barnes
Borderlands 1 is a legitimately good game
Logan Diaz
You probably thought this was hilarious in your head.
Jose Bailey
Im not Randy, so no
Anthony Young
>Tales >game Oh fuck off already. Not a single one of plays BL for the plot. It would be dead if not gameplay and no one gives a fuck about the plot in BL because BL2 plot is Buttstallion shit but people still playing it.
Yeah, the story in the base games sucks, but that's the thing, Tales makes it good. There's a reason people like it.
Aiden Wilson
Randy stick to pitching your ideas to the marketing team
Carson Thompson
Randy has a marketing team? Or its just his homo kid putting my little pony stickers next to ideas he likes?
Henry Adams
>incompetent aussies Ehhhhhhh, I'd give them a second chance. They did make bioshock 2 after all
Robert Reed
Some devs were never good. They just had a single good idea others happened to agree with. If this idea is the first idea they put forward, it's easy to mistake that developer for a genius. This is usually aided by mutual misunderstanding. People thought some parts of the idea were meant ironically or weren't serious.
Not any different from two people having opposite political stances but agreeing puppies are cute. Every other idea the other person has isn't right just cause they think puppies are great.
Hunter Jackson
There's no second chance since it was closed in 2015
Isaiah Robinson
The level design in pre sequel is fucking horrific though
Lucas Jones
Nah, they're just bad
Gabriel Peterson
I love the Borderlands games, but Destiny is much much better gameplaywise
But yes, at the core they are quite similar
William Sanchez
I guess I'll get Destiny 2 then
Benjamin Morgan
BiA wasn't just a generic shooter either, they went through an autistic amount of work for a mainstream shooter. Got range time with all the weapons, poured over after-action reports, field manuals, reconnaissance photos, interviews went over to France and Holland to get a firsthand look at the battlefields, shit you don't see done with modern shooters.
It just baffles me that the same company that made BiA, got famous with a "dude badass lmao" franchise that they're now running into the ground
Joseph James
They made Opposing Force too
Evan Williams
>In war, no one fights alone >You do everything on your own in the first CoD games Genuinely, what did he mean by that?
Michael Price
Not sure what are you talking about. The first CoD was regarded among the first WW2 game where you can fight along with your allies, and that's what randy implied too.
Lucas Murphy
Aren't they bankrupt now?
Jack Howard
>And make Battleborn, a game which nobody wanted and is entirely reliant on multiplayer success Not only that, but they also decided to compete with Blizzard's Overwatch in comparison to which Battleborn looks like a cheap generic asian f2p money-milking machine. Expect it will never milk any amount of money out of anyone because it fails to reach literally ANY of its target audiences. It weird, really; they lucked out with Borderlands 2 that everyone for some unknown fucking reason liked and failed to capitalize on this fact instead revealing that their success was merely a fluke
Lincoln Martinez
Or maybe, instead of saying that they're just bad, they are good at some sorts of games and bad at others.
Brody Nelson
If Pop culture references were memes, Fallout 2 would've been the most memetastic game of all time.
Camden Jenkins
The first was shit. Just like the second.
Dominic Morgan
Fallout 2 was BL2 of its time
Evan Long
story and character wise, bl2 is better than presequel, gameplay wise, presequel is better, hence why I love playing the presequel over 2
Wyatt Brooks
played this after bl1,2 and presequel. its alright not that great, missed fighting bosses collecting lot etc.
Christian Bell
Tales from the Borderlands was actually quite good tho
Christian Hill
They keep popping their name on a game somebody else made and rereleasing it lately for the most part.
Alexander Powell
2 was never good, if you call the overly obnoxious dialogue funny then I don't know what to tell you. the gameplay itself is shit, do you know how many weeks it takes to get level 72.
Hunter Cruz
Well it doesn't really help that a lot of the writing is very "Let's split up and solve this with the power of friendship gang!". I liked it but it wasn't exactly the most amazing writing.
Landon Gonzalez
>it's another "frogposter invents scenario to be angry about" episode
Adam Gomez
Pop culture references are memes. You don't think meme means image macro do you? That would be very silly of you.
David Walker
>and instead of making BL3 they're shitting out another MP "metagame" turd
It's like they want to bankrupt
William Thomas
I hope that's the B team
Nathaniel Morales
This is the same company that shit out Colonial Marines, and bought the rights to Duke Nukem Forever just so they could remove every single level that wasn't completely finished, add a 2-weapon limit and regenerating health then call it finished. Randy Pitchford is a moron. Some levels, such as the Mothership were 90% finished but still removed from the game. About 50% of the entire game was removed. They destroyed 15 years of work for a quick paycheck.
Zachary Jones
Stop being retarded, the faggot who made that list put the "Over 9000!!!" meme in anime references, or the "I took a bullet to the knee" is listed under vidya references, when everyone knows they are memes, there's a bunch of that bullshit in that list
Daniel Perry
>They destroyed 15 years of work for a quick paycheck. Not trying to defend Gearbox but 3DRealms spent most of their time on hookers and blow and that's why they never finished DNF
Anthony Morris
>but they also decided to compete with Blizzard's Overwatch No, Overwatch was announced later than battleborn, Randy had no idea they were gonna face the full force of ActiBlizzard with a similar game The thing Randy is guilty of, its antagonizing Overwatch calling them names and trying to make fun of them on twitter
Eli Wilson
>Or maybe, instead of saying that they're just bad, they are good at some sorts of games and bad at others. You are right, they are good with games made before 2008, and bad with games made from 2009 onwards
Isaac Jones
I honestly believe that not a single game company deserves to die more than gearbox.
Matthew Miller
My roomie's GF bought the collection on sale last night so our apartment could play 4 player couch co-op. Breddy gud. Id never played a gearbox game but BL2 is fun.
Nolan Gutierrez
Levi Martin
Its frustrating since Gearbox had talent and were able to make fun games that werent obnoxious. Borderlands 2 for all its horrible writing as well had a better PC port than the original so they aren't adverse to feedback as well.
Gavin Peterson
Elijah Johnson
>collectible card game every time
Lincoln Ortiz
Wasnt one of the characters modeled after brian flynt? Shouldnt sjws be lapping this garbage game up?
Besides the fact that sjws contribute nothing being jobless retards.
Brandon Rivera
Battleborn's problem was that nobody knew what it was, and neither did the devs.
Leo Fisher
I guess they wanted to put some time between TPS and BL3 but BB was something no one asked for.
Levi Jones
Yeah, the fact that the game had horrible characters, voice acting, gameplay, writing had nothinh to do with its amazing failure
Nolan Gutierrez
They haven't even announced a Borderlands 3 though. It's not happening.
Jace Cox
Not a single Muslim or Native American in the entire crew? Fucking racist. You white male. You're as bad as Donald Trump. Literally Hitler.