Everyone loves Borderlands 2

>Everyone loves Borderlands 2
>So let's make the next Borderlands an expandalone made by incompetent Aussies
>Get Telltale to shit out a press Q to awesome game
>And make Battleborn, a game which nobody wanted and is entirely reliant on multiplayer success

Can someone please explain the thought process at Gearbox? This isn't even getting into their questionable publishing.

Other urls found in this thread:


Haven't all their recent games belly-flopped hard? How the fuck are they even in business, coasting on Borderlands revenue?

>Everyone loves Borderlands 2

Let's not forget Borderlands Pre Sequel was only on PS3 and 360 in a time when PS4 and One needed games

What a fuckup

>Get Telltale to shit out a press Q to awesome game
Except it is considered to be the best borderlands game by far.
No tedious grind, all atmosphere.
borderlands gameplay is not fun without the atmosphere, telltale simply did away with the unnecessary part.
Gearbox would be wise to collaborate and leave story and writing to telltale entirely and concentrate to make it a decent shooter.

>press Q to awesome
>not press Q to badass

Gearbox deserved to die in the gutter.

Sup Forums is not representative of how popular a game is. Borderlands 2 was a huge success. It still has a decent playerbase, pic related is right now. Keep in mind this is a singleplayer/coop game. It's still on the Steam top 100.

Battleborn isn't even on the list.

Considering the success of the Telltale game and how much people praise its writing, I'd like to think Gearbox would just hire them to write 3.

They won't, but it would be nice.

>they shit out BL3
>normalfags eat it up
>they stay afloat for another decade