Hows the summer skin hunt going?
>inb4 console baby
Glad I'm not too autistic for a controller
Hows the summer skin hunt going?
>inb4 console baby
Glad I'm not too autistic for a controller
Have literally gotten no skins, will probably just buy widows
got free mercy and reaper so I'm gud.
Have money for 2 more so probably 76 and widow
Got only widow. I want reaper but have no money and can't count on luck. I'm on pretty deep shit here
>bought Grillmaster: 76
>got Tulum Sombra from a box
Don't care about Widow since I can't aim for shit, and Lifeguard McCree and his bleached hair just looks ugly to me. Might get Mercy's, but I still think her default's the best.
Have Reapers and Soldiers. I really need to get Sombras.
>console fps
>giving a fuck about skins in a fps
end yourself redit
I know the feeling bro. Dva's default is the Best for me
All I've gotten was Junkrat's
I've opened at least 50 boxes
What the fuck
Got mercy's and junkrat's from boxes and haven't gotten shit since.
I couldn't care any less, though.
Halloween is what really matters.
Also Lucio ball was ass before and is ass now. Shit needs to fuck a mile off
Op here I've gotten 76's and mercys.
I want reapers more than any of them as well. Grinding my heart out and nothing yet
>mad cause he can't aim with a controller
Go back to your old dark souls thread fagotron
I just love to hate this game, been throwing games since master till gold, i just enjoy makin autistic kids cry and scream, they get so happy when they see the "diamond" logo in their team and proceed to throw.
I swear my life is getting better for each throw game.
>windows phone
Fuck off Pajet
I hate lucioball but its easier to grind the three lootboxes with it than anything else
Your life must suck then. Glad you found some way to enjoy it
I haven't been able to play Overwatch since I switched to PC. Can't afford it on PC yet.
I don't care about missing this event, but losing my Blackwatch McCree and Talon Widow skins?
Fucking kill me.
Yeah kinda, i work all day, got money to waste have a bunch of good friends and shit but feels like empty, play 2 or 3 games every night and make some randoms suffer get me rock hard
>I enjoy playing games with objectively worse control systems
Russia leave
Would you rather have Reddit playing on your platform with you?
Got everything you can get now. Had most from the summer games last year.
Had tons of banked gold too.
>old Zarya skin
>other old Zarya skin
>punk Tracer skin
>shit non-event Widow skin
Fuck this shit game.
I was drunk and bought a 40€ summer crate pack.
Got every summer skin except for McCree's, and a bunch of other legendary skins and stuff.
I don't even know you but already hate you
I literally have every cosmetic in the game. Minus some sprays and the bastion blizzcon skin. But that's because I've been buying lootboxes since the games been out. I probably spent $800+ so far. I'm also on the ps4 ^:)
good for someone who hadn't been around for the first summer games
>New Soldier 76
>New Widow
>New Reaper
>Old Lucio
>New Mercy
>Old Tracer
all I need now are
>Old Zarya
>New Junkrat
>New Mccree
>New Sombra
really want that sombra skin
Saved up the 3000 gold just for Sombra's skin. Got a few of the last event skins, but I don't really care. I'd kind of like Widow's or Mercy's skins, but I don't play much Mercy, and even after about 350 hours of total play time my Widow stat still reads
Ayo hol' up, a skin where Sombra doesn't look like an ugly dyke?
I got Zarya, Widow, and a non event legendary.
there's no good skins in this event, i'm hoarding gold for the fun halloween and christmas skins
>want at the very least Pharahs new highlight intro, regardless of the fact i hate it
>got like 12 boxes from arcade/levelling
>due to the new changes havent got any duplicates at all
>constantly getting blue and white boxes because thats all i havent unlocked, compared to duplicate golds and purples enough to buy the things i want
>have been 200 coins away from the pharah highlight intro the entire event
Fuck these new box changes, they work so shit compared to the same Hearthstone changes.
The only thing i didn't find yet is those 2 waifu skins and a friend to play the game with
>Hows the summer skin hunt going?
Pretty good considering I'm not playing this piece of shit game.
Is that you Maximillian?
>want Grillmaster 76
>want lifeguard McCree
>don't want to play Overwatch
Oh well.
>get to the brink of hitting PROMOTION
>stop playing and wait for event
>summer event comes along
>reinstall OW
>don't get 5/10 boxes or whatever when I hit past Level 100
>still need to get 20k exp to level up even when I'm at Level 1 again
Guess I ain't getting shit.
Bought the Widow skin immediately before I realized how terrible the gun looks and got the McCree skin which has a surprisingly great golden gun
You play overwatch. That's already pretty autistic
To be fair they did make an announcement when they changed the early level xp stuff. Overall takes less xp to get boxes, in exchange for the low level xp requirements.
With the goal that people don't feel forced to stop playing until the next event once they reach lvl100.
Well now I don't wanna play, period.
You can do arcade for free boxes each week, it has such FUN game modes like Total Mayhem, 3v3, and Lucioball.
this arcade rotation makes me want to fucking die, when do we get no limits or ctf back, at least those were somewhat bearable.
>it has such FUN game modes like stuck on the payload for 90 minutes, S76+Pharah+Mercy v S76+Pharah+Mercy, and Once-again-your-blast-didn't-hit-the-ball.
I have EVERY summer skin from this ear and last year. All highlight intros as well. Spent 20 bucks now Suck it
I've gotten the ones I wanted the least. Reaper and Junkrat. Thanks game
>there are people who willingly use a skin because it looks "lit"
>there are people who willingly use skins like the Nutcracker Zenyatta eventhough it adds 30% more visible mesh and thus making easier to spot and hit you
>Be Britbong
>Try to play in Europe servers
>No one talks
>Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond--no one fucking talks
>On the rare occasion they do talk, they are most likely Turkish, French or German with horrible English
>So, got to America server
>Everyone is a self-entitled asshole
>Toxicity levels at an all-time high, yankee cunts with nasally voices throwing shade and being more passive aggressive than teenage girls on their periods
>And they all talk like this?
>When they call out something they're all
>Mercy on point?
>Reaper low? Reaper low?
>Direct hit on the Monkey?
Fuck all of you.
I got Soldiers pretty quick and maybe Zaryas
Simbras is the only one I want because it actually makes her look decent
I got only old skins. Guess no grillmaster for me
>I am unable to conceive that people play differently to me REEEEEEEEEEE
>british accent of any kind
i got mercy and i'll buy widow's @ 28th if i dont get it
just for, you know, the collection.
>for OW
its 6v6 with a single choke, use your eyes.
god I need that sombra skin
only got the sombra and mccree one so far