How's your game coming along Sup Forums?

How's your game coming along Sup Forums?

>making games in Unity

We do what we can man

Doing my usual cycle of write code -> move on to another part of the game -> rewrite the original code because I need to add/change things for what I'm working on now -> oh fuck what was I thinking, need to rewrite things again in a not retarded way -> loop this a few more times for good measure.
It feels like Groundhog Day almost every time I work on my game.

Coming along alright, programmer working out all the typical ryona gameplay stuff while I make assets.

The lines are a little obvious. It doesn't look like what you're trying to portray as much as lines similar to it.

I got the slide move put in today and everything seems to work pretty well so far. I might take a break from the hard work and just make some environment assets for a while

whatever helps you sleep at night. no-game engine faggot.

After seeing yo noid I'm interested in how they got their retro graphix to work. Either way I use 3d game topology logic for my 3d models.

This is fantastic. Are you in the Discord?

Need to fix this

I am a programmer fuck you

Not exactly a game like you're thinking, but a couple of days ago I finished making command-line chess. Took about 4 months and I'm glad to have it finally over and done with. I had to basically rebuild it twice from scratch to structure things better to add in x or y feature.

Nope, I often forget I even have discord installed

Don't put in a Discord link if you want threads to be active

You have read the Pepsi universe document right?

I have no idea what you just said.

I've been working on this thing for almost a month now, rather barebones atm. I'm trying to get some turn-based final fantasy combat going but it's being a surprisingly big challenge for me, not so much to calculate the back and forth damage calculations but to actually animate the thing. virtually everything I've ever made has been real-time and I am very much a hobbyist, I've been blazing a lot of new trails in this project.

any tips or tricks for turn-based combat, especially in regards to animating it, would be greatly appreciated.


still pisses me off that the steam chat basically died, I hate voice chat.


You bet I have

Arms aren't whips, they don't curve like in your last frame, also rigth arm is a little bit short.
No one cares, you decided to pu your art in the line of fire, you get shit like everybody else you whinyass

VR puzzle game
Basically a game with a bunch of "experience" crap meshed together to create interesting puzzles
The idea is a series of short puzzles that can be beaten in 30 seconds to 5 minutes (up to 10 max as they get longer)
They'll start out with some levels that help demonstrate how you play, then it will escalate to legit puzzles.
Imagine "Portal" except instead of a portal gun, you have VR gimmicks.

>You can now lean over edges as long as your hands are over solid terrain AND within a certain distance of your body to prevent cheating
>Fixed hand color issue (was accidently setting color values over 1 when they needed to be 0-1)
>Fixed/Implemented transparent/opaque fading for objects. Basically requires me to manually edit the material shader at runtime whenever I want to make an object transparent or opaque. The issue before was transparent objects at 100% alpha don't work the same as true opaque objects.

Current goals
>Create 5 obstacles from my list of obstacles (currently have "Disappearing object", "Key", and "Key Stone")
>Implement fall damage (already implemented player health)

Things needed soon so I can design levels more
>More obstacles from my list I've planned out
>"Item belt" that lets you grab things and attach them to your person without having to hold onto them (keys and guns mostly)
>Collectable item that the player has to gather (coins)
>A timer for levels to record how fast the player completes levels
>A concept of "Bronze/Silver/Gold" for each level that includes both completing it in a certain amount of time and collecting a certain number of 'coins'

My goal is a game is
• 4-5 Hours of gameplay (excluding trying to master speedruns)
• A game that is good for showing off VR to others. Easy to pick up and enjoyable enough to be more than just experience garbage.
I always have the issue of not having that interesting of games to show people with my Vive, so I decided I'll make them.

Isn't this just the same as the Anubis boy game or some shit like that?

Why player health and fall damage?

Climbing, things that push you off of other things, and in general.
I've already implemented a hard floor on the world where if you fall off the stage, you die and reset

Not really. Like Zelda II with a dodge roll. And adult content.

Fuck off fag.

Adding more variations of weather to my game.

You have a blog?


Is game maker allowed?

go for it my man

Just finished my first finite-state-engine text game following a tutorial on C# and Unity

im sry