Can we talk about how objectively fantastic this game is? It's like completely perfect...

Can we talk about how objectively fantastic this game is? It's like completely perfect. Not a single class could be added, or removed. All the weapons and classes are so good. The artstyle and visual design is really distinct and superb. Even the music, sound effects, and voice acting are god tier. Can it possibly be disputed that this isn't an amazing game? It takes everything essential, and perfects it.

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If it was perfect Overwatch wouldn't exist and people would still play your shit game.

The update isn't going to be until October at least

Id rather we talk about how the silhouette taste has been taken as too literal an absolute as design goes


lower the graphics pls. i can't see the particle effects of my $420 hat in 144fps

>Not a single class could be added, or removed
How about ONE class with actual depth instead of nine that play like Baby's first FPS?
>All of the weapons and classes were so good
What's the point of good weapons if you can only use them under certain classes? Everyone should have those weapons.
>The Artstyle and visual design is really distinct and superb
No it is not. It's cartoony, and cartoony graphics drawn in children. See Overwatch.
>Even the music, sound effects, and voice acting are god tier
That's because it's Valve. I can remember every sound file from Left 4 Dead 2 like the back of my head.
>It takes everything essential,
you mean it steals ideas from other genres and dilutes the FPS waters?
>and perfects it
Uh, no. We will never get a perfect and pure FPS because most FPS design has gone on a massive tangent thanks to this game.

Fuck you. You ruined first person shooters.


>cartoony graphics drawn in children.