Who is your main class Sup Forums?

Who is your main class Sup Forums?

Who else plays the most underappreciated class?

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Sniper, unironically.

widowmaker is my weapfu

I like pyro, but fuck me I can't find a phlog for the life of me.

Im the autistic pyro main that rocket jumps and hits you with a rake at 500mph

Never played. Whoever has the shotgun

thats like four classes

I like to play as Mei


Scrap.tf if that's still a thing. Haven't used it in years.


I main engineer because I'm shit at TF2


I play heavy because I get a rush mowing down enemies.

>eceleb fanboys
>not jumper soldiers pretending to be ster_


What is wrong with the Kritz? Nowdays alot of people bitch about it ingame

What the hell is going on

>"We don't have a date for the Pyro update that we can share yet, but we're working to finish it as soon as possible."
Tough luck, pal


>Tfw star_ isnt coming back to tf2.

>gotcha FAGGOT

good riddance

mostly because turd meds are using it against sentry nests or in hopeless situations where an über would have been better


>pyro in ecelebs and HAX tier
>sniper not in rape my face

>Escape Plan Soldier is in the closet or trolling
Why would anyone not use the escape plan? It's objectively more useful than the other melees. There's no reason to switch out of it other than to use the whip I guess, or to screw around with melee weapon X for fun. It's amazing how good it still is even after the handful of nerfs it had in the past.


[YEES and explosions commence]

Movement speed is always goat utility in fps.



Fuck you too buddy, and here's your complimentary crit-heal buff as you come back from spawn, you shitbag. Maybe I'll uber you if you aren't jacking off in a worthless corner of the map.

Scouts are easily the most cancerous players

Holy crap, who gives a fuck about crates. How about you put a random drop every time you level up in casual mode?

who cares? tf2 is dead

'k mate

This thread is dead

Do you know what else is dead?


Just accept it and move on already

'k mate

>We don't have a date for the Pyro update that we can share yet

Post loadouts

what ever the team needs, and that usually is a good engie who actually maintains teleport routes and forward bases.

Pic related

I will take a psycho and murderous german nazi doctor over some waifu wannabe

I mean, she's cute and everything, but Medic fits better in a war/shooting game

>le "ded xD" meme
>about a game in Steam's Top 10
If you're going to criticize TF2 at least make it believable.

[acid bass mumbling in the background]

Why is TF2 such a sausage fest?

Seems like tonight isn't the night.

I main centurion




Medic nerf+rework when?
Heavy and Engie rework when?
Pyro buff+rework when?
Spy support buff when?

I always liked Pyro the best, Engineer and Scout are cool too. Too bad my aim isn't what it used to be so Scout I'm kinda done with.

if dr spy is cloaking as a medic as spy then that applies to me

?od tahW .ssa s'dneirflrig ruoy spals yug siht nehw bulc eht ni er'uoY


>No date for the update yet

View class balance holistically instead of as a us vs them you drooling fucktard. You can't nerf OR rework the medic without fucking up everything else, same with engineer. Meanwhile, heavy, pyro, and spy all don't serve a real purpose in a game all about having a specific role, which is why they've always struggled outside of extreme low-skill matches.

>I know, I'll go Medic to help my team and stop being such a useless waste of a server slot
>focused and killed immediately
Welp, I tried

>"Meta" Pyro is a spastic combination of Disgreaser and Powerjack that forces you to swap weapon every half second
>It destroys the flaking role of the Pyro because he can't expose himself too much thanks to the Powerjack
It definitely needs a rework.

>View class balance holistically instead of as a us vs them you drooling fucktard
If you think I'm approaching it as an "us vs them" you're the drooling retard. My approach to balance is anything but.

Medic is my most played class, yet I'm proposing nerfs to it.
>You can't nerf OR rework the medic without fucking up everything else, same with engineer
Everything IS already fucked up.

Engineers and Medics' design encourages stalemates, even when you only have 1 of them, let alone the gamebreaking clusterfucks that happen when you stack them.

Medic is a mandatory class (forcing players to choose between playing a class they actually enjoy, or playing Medic and helping the team win but not enjoying it). Engineer is a near-required class in defensive situations and is a near-useless class in offensive situations, which not only fucks around people who don't like to play Engineer but have to when their team has no defenders, but also fucks around Engie mains who don't get to be full-time viable.
>Meanwhile, heavy, pyro, and spy all don't serve a real purpose in a game all about having a specific role
Reworking and buffing them will accomplish that.

Buffing Pyro's combat capabilities (in exchange for more skill requirement) will make it the only hybrid support+power class.
Buffing Spy's support abilities will increase its role as a hybrid pick+support class.

I love the movespeed boost of the powerjack but that damage vulnerability is a real bitch

Pyro's primaries should be buffed to make Pyro viable compared to the other classes
Powerjack should be nerfed to make other melees viable compared to it
Third Degree, Sharpened Volcano Fragment and Axtinguisher should be reworked to be more interesting

>go soldier/demo/heavy
>no medics so you can make that crucial push and win the game

>go medic
>not a single teammate worth ubering

Puff and sting nerf was a mistake. That was like the one good thing the pyro had and they removed it.
>this happened 3 years ago

t. Pyro main mad that his bullshit Degreaser/Reserve Shooter/Axtinguisher combo doesn't let him destroy any class in under 2 seconds anymore

Do you want pyro to be W+M1? because removing the only other play style is how you get that.

>rewarding pyro with extra damage simply because he pushed M2+Q one time

what valve should actually do
>buff flamethrower
>rework Axtinguisher

(+) 100% critical hits against burning targets
(-) Extinguishes burning targets
(-) -25 max HP on wearer
(-) No random critical hits

Pyro can kill people with the Axtinguisher quicker than he can with the Flamethrower again, but he has to ambush, due to the reduced HP. If he tries to W+M1 at Heavies' faces like the old way, he'll get mowed down easily.

Can we do something with the Phlog too? I want it to have self replenishing ammo like the other grodbort weapons, I don't give a shit about the crits on demand, but having an airblast of some kind would be nice.
Like how about airblast that works like the altfire of the short circuit, it deletes projectiles harmlessly


>Medics' design encourages stalemates

Yeah the mmmph doesn't work when facing anybody with two braincells to smash together.

>see pyro do his taunt
>lay stickies at his feet
>blow him up the second taunt ends or simply run away

In order for the game to have a winner, one team needs to capture all the objectives.
To do that, they need to kill the enemy team defending the objectives.
To kill the enemy team, they need to damage them until they die.
Medic's healing slows down the rate at which players die, and removes attrition.
Because these players do not die, they do not allow the enemy team to capture the objectives, which means there is never a winner.

Therefore Medic's healing encourages stalemates.

Ubercharge partially helps avert the stalemate-causing nature of Medic but doesn't actually fix the problem. If Medic, Engie, and Heavy didn't exist in their current high healing/highly defensive form, then Ubercharge wouldn't even need to exist to break the stalemates they cause.

Here are my thoughts on the Phlog user.
>+5 ammo regained per second
>Deal damage to fill MMPH
>No airblasts
>On MMPH: Alt-fire to use JETPACK for limited time

This would also be acceptable, as long as other fire damage can still build MMPH

Yep, all kinds of damage can build MMPH now, so that shotgun loadouts aren't excluded


I like playing pyro with the flamethrower and the shotgun
too bad he's a more mediocre scout