>vidya opinions that legit make you mad
What's her name, Sup Forums?
>vidya opinions that legit make you mad
What's her name, Sup Forums?
Smash is not a fighting a game.
>playing game
>teammate is doing retarded shit and feeding the enemy
>tell him to fucking play right
Fuck off
>Games are art and should be treated like deep-meaningful period pieces that belong in a museum.
>it's old and people like it so it must be nostalgia!
Hasn't this EXACT same thread been posted before, right down to the wording and image?
>Skyrim is 10/10 and one of the best games ever made
>Sonic games have ever been good
The whole fucking point is to go fast and the garbage platforming is slow as shit and you can't see slightly ahead of you because the camera is focused on Sonic.
>Video games have good stories
>turn based combat is shit and you only like it because of nostalgia
>Dude like who cares if the balance is trash, it's a singleplayer game!
Stop excusing bad game design.
>it's the player's responsibility to maintain balance.
Overwatch FFS
Gameplay should be king.
They can have good stories but gameplay should always be number 1.
>"Mass Effect 3 was good until the last 15 minutes"
>Mad by people who are obviously fucking with you.
>game is the worst out of the bunch, therefore its garbage
Name one game that DOESN'T have a good story, I'll wait
Protip: you can't sweetie :^)
resident evil 4 is the best in series.
Leon sucks cock m8.
>Playing Overwatch
You must be 18+ to post here, kid.
its not, its a party game, the creator said so himself
>Fighting games are not popular because they are too hard
>Fallout 3 is just as good as New Vegas
>Dark Souls 2 is a good game, just not a good SOULS game
>Dark Souls 2 is the worst in the series
>BRAAWWWWKK Polly want a cracker, BRAAWWWWKKKK!
>Dota 2 and MOBAS in general are objectively bad games
Usually spouted by people whose top 10 games consist solely of Nintendo titles or first person shooters.
>X isn't hard
Never before in all of my years on Sup Forums have I ever seen someone say that, and then post something they think actually is hard as a counter example.
Man some people sure go to a lot effort to try and convince others some party game is a fighting game huh?
see the last point on the second image. Also if you think those images are a lot of effort then how do you get out of bed in the morning?
Are you being serious user?
I want to know because if you are, please look up the Technomancer.
It's actually not bad, it's the cheesey B-Movie of the gaming industry.
>how do you get out of the bed in the morning
Sometimes I wonder that myself
Zelda games are good.
They are just absolute garbage, wtf man.
>story and graphics is more important than fun gameplay, good sound design, tight controls, and unique or detailed artwork
>Are you being serious user?
What do you think, redditor?
Mario 64 is a good game
I agree except for wind walker I love that game.
>Bloodborne is perfection
>DaS2 is shit
I genuinely don't get either of these. BB was the only I couldn't finish because it was so unfun. It wasn't hard, I just wasn't feeling it. And the only thing shit about DaS2 is the graphics at some points.
>overwatch is a good game
Fuck you, Mario 64 is a good game. I know Sup Forums shit post with fake bad opinions but you're taking it to far.
>The Zelda series are RPGs because links HP increases.
I've legit never been to Reddit.
Overwatch is fun, if anyone deludes them self thinking it's a good game they're stupid.IS themself one or two words?
>Glitch-fests and low budget games are the "Pure experience" of a franchise
Not looking you Meleefags, you're alright.
MVC2 fags deserve to be gassed
Even worse-
>It's not actually hard when you know what you're doing.
What an astute observation.
>battlefield after 2142 has good games
especially pic related
>hat in tf2 were a good idea
destroied the community
>early access and microtransctions are not cancer
Themselves, user.
>Videogames need to get smarter!
>But by that I mean that I just want a pat on the back for looking at pretty art assets, fuck any game that steps outside of my comfort zone.
>I only play single player games
>I only play multiplayer games
Equally annoying to me for some reason
>Crysis is nothing but a tech demo
>New Vegas feels like an expansion pack
thank you.
>The game is fun
>It's not good
This applies to the OP question for me you sub human brainlet
>X (videogame) is ludo/Kino/art
More than make me mad it gives me second hand embarassement thinking I share my hobbies with such subhumans.
>"Super Mario 64 aged poorly"
>"GTA 3 has aged like a fine wine"
>Normies like it so it must be shit
Sprinkle on top
>you're telling me you didnt do the most optimal thing in your first playthrough?
DMCfags are especially guilty of this
This. Fucking former scene-kids.
It's difficult to describe it as an opinion, but people who lack the skills to compete while using the meta, so instead choose to avoid the meta and imply that's the only reason they don't win every game.
>Story doesn't matter!
>Skyward Sword is shit!
>Pokemon Sun and Moon are worse than XY!
>Unity is the worst in the AC series!
>Overwatch is balanced bro, just get good!
>Calm down it's just a game!
>Works fine for me :^)
>It's Reddit because its currently popular!
>I know more about video games than you because I own retro consoles and games in the current year!
>ME3's ending was good
Oh there was a pic for this but it went sonething like
>plays lowtier
>if I win i can laugh at the loser for losing to lowtier
>if I lose its because I chose low tier
Perfect pillowfort
it's fucking shit. mario is so floaty and slippery, you can only jump high by backflipping, boring slow levels where you have to stand on a fucking carpet that moves 2kp/h, giant drops of water that land exactly where you stand, endless pits everywhere, fucking lives system, disgusting colors, it's a shit show. only blind nostalgia fans think of it as a masterpiece. it may have been for it's time, but not anymore.
>80% to hit
>it misses
>Woah, what a bullshit game
I still cant decide whether people are serious when they say that and thats what makes me so angry.
I dont play mobas anymore, but my favourite time was always playing murky in heroes of the storm.
Fuck the meta - I have fun playing small angry murloc.
>game has female or minority characters or was made by females or minorities
>i-it's sjw propaganda!
When you have a 90% chance to hit you should at least be doing some damage, with a grazing hit or one out of 3 bullets from a burst, etc.
>Spec Ops: The Line was a good game with a powerful narrative.
Just because it wasn't the average shooter doesn't make the narrative good.
Name three games where the above is true but it ISN'T sjw propaganda. I'll wait.
>anyone that doesn't like the direction CA is taking TW with WHFB is history cucks
Yeah or alternatively, you know, you could miss as opposed to hitting. You are obvious right now, but people bring this shit up every time xcom gets a thread and I cant tell if its running joke or people are fucking retarded.
>80% hit chance
>get 5 misses in a row
I don't care that it's a perfectly possible outcome, it's still bullshit.
you say GAME is bad because you are bad at it
no you dimpshit, dota 2 is garbage and i hate every second i spend playing it
>>Unity is the worst in the AC series!
this pretty much, I honestly liked what they attempted to do.
No argument there, pal.
>Paper is OP! Nerf paper! Buff rock! And just remove scissors from the game. They're worthless compared to rock so nobody uses them in the meta.
"They don't made games like this anymore"
Especially comes out of the mouth from 20somethings in case of FF7. Oh yeah, how bad, random encounters which makes 99% of the whole gameplay and a cliche bullshit emo story which, if FF7 would be an anime instead of an game, would get negative reviews otherwise, but since it's a game they calling it "good".
RNG in general is just bad game design. An attack should always hit, but the damage should be the only thing in charge of being at the hands of the RNG gods, otherwise the game is shit.
>Metal Gear Solid is a good series.
Only good game was Peace Walker, and it was still Kojima jerking himself off and doing some wish fulfillment with Big Boss acting as Che.
Sorry lads, your games suck.
Wir haben alle dein Video gesehen Hain, ist gut jetzt.
>Lives are obsolete
yeah but designing it in that way means the player can totally be fucked by poor RNG rolls from doing 0 damage 8 turns in a row and have to reload his save. dumbass. that's why some chip damage would be good at high chance to hit.
The pure gameplay was superior to the other 2.
dishonored 2
watch dogs 2
Thats an alright opinion my friend. But I am talking about people who are legit surprised that non guaranteed shot can miss.
Yes, it totally can. Thats why you have to prepare that your 80% shot can miss. You know, as opposed to taking a 100% shot.
This is why XCOM needed commissars.
Try MGS1 on emulator. It's great fun on a visceral level, and especially so for the time.
Story-wise you have a point, but there's levels there that can be appreciated even without semi-ignorant Japanese fanboying over Cuban terrorists.
They are though, it's a relic of the arcade days. Even in multiplayer the ticket counter system is often artificially limiting.
clearly didnt play watch dogs 2, that game is tongue in cheek as fuck.
that or you dont know how to humour.
"videogames can be art"
quit trying to ruin videogames for me you fags
Saints Row 4
Shadow Warrior 2
Borderlands 2
>muh robot citizens and multiracial hero squad!
>muh strong independent nigress assassin woman!
>muh dindu nuffin group of radical liberal freedom fighters!
are you fucking kidding me?
>Dark Souls is not fun because its too hard
Straight up contrarianism
>Moba isn't a video game
Sometimes a good story can save parts of a bad game. Deadly Premonition for example, it has a dumbed down version of the gameplay of Resident Evil 4 and you just want to get over it with the shooting sections, but the story (and parts of the adventure gameplay like puzzle solving) keeps you interested. I never met anyone who didn't liked DP after playing 2 hours from it.
Whilst i agree with you, we all know that gamer that just wants to be comfy, not challenged and more or less do cow clicker shit or something where you are a god, diablo 2 on easy or some shit.
name one videogame named moba ill wait
Putting muh in front of wrong statements doesn't make you right.
>ever implying Kreia is anywhere in a high tier listing of Star Wars characters.
Fuck that old cunt off a cliff.
>watch dogs 2
Blizzard literally has a "diversity council" or whatever the fuck.
WD2 is as SJW as AAA games come, muh blm
From a gameplay perspective, missed shots in a heavy shooting game like XCOM should probably have some purpose, but I don't think it should be health damage. It should probably be a morale metre, which when depleted from getting shot at causes their behaviour to change, a bit like how Battlefield had a suppression system.
He's right though.