Pubg is NOT popular in Japan at all

pubg is NOT popular in Japan at all

Dragon Quest is popular
Splatoon is popular
Monster Strike is popular
Puzzle and Dragons is popular
Monster Hunter is popular
Pokémon is popular

but not fucking pubg, you guys are taking this shit too far. pubg will never be on the level of popularity of the games listed above in japan

Other urls found in this thread:

Who gives a fuck about japan you weeb, you act like japan runs the esports scene or something. The casuals go as that goes, not by what ever japan is doing.

No one cares.

Shut up and line up for more nintenbro shit.

You just wanted to make an ass thread didn't you?

>Puzzles and Dragons
That one doesn't irritate you slugger? Hmm??

>queue up for SEA servers
>everyone is completely terrible

why are gooks so bad at shooters

pubbers killed the weebs, it's beautiful

>no weebs

Sounds like a positive to me

Guess I gotta buy PUBG

I don't think you know what weeb means.

Japan is well-known for its shitty taste, they like turn-based RPGs, VNs, censored porn, hairy women, lolis and b prefer boobs over ass.

That's an average ass, by the way.

sounds like it's about time to pick up pubg desu


It's going to be so satisfying to see PUBG win GOTY and Zelda get BTFO


>ywn motorboat that ass

You fucking tards the nips and Koreans fucking love PUBG
t. Nip from 2ch

It's so awful that fake asses are becoming more common.

Why should I care?

>no nudes
Cool, another pointless shitty thread.


If you don't like hairy women you're a pedophile.

And who cares? Japanese play on their phone games all day and waste their money.

It happened with tits and it'll happen with asses. Just a matter of time before people get sick of fake asses like they got sick of fake tits.


delete this

Asian women are simply the best

What's the next fake thing people will become obsessed with?

It's not the best but it's much better than that disgusting fake mass. That's a nigger tier size.

It's hilarious hearing about how women who freely admit to getting plastic surgery suddenly become Bill Clinton about their ass.

Can I post this here?


western asians > eastern asians

Asian girls are superior

Post some Asuka cosplay

Maybe if you put a paperbag over their head.

Even they know they are ugly and pale in comparison to the glorious white woman.

That face looks ugly, user.

Thighs probably.
Or hips and/or shoulders to look more hourglass.


>Delusional weeb gets BTFO'd by the popularity of a literally who's game

Ill have one asian gf please

>talks about shit taste
>posts a disgusting plastic mass encapsulating his extremely shit taste

Here you go. Nice doing business with you :)

low test

>like they got sick of fake tits.

Breast enhancement is more prevalent than ever. I think you've been watching too much porn.

How lucky user, she's a car model!


They may be ugly old white women whinging but they aren't wrong.

How the fuck is that curveless kid with a downy face beautiful?

t. Mid-western Mayo Princess

>not wanting to have a wife who is cute and the epitome of femininity
You're low test

>pubg is NOT popular in Japan at all

ask yo mom

Why are girltummies so cute?

t. slag

I think she's overrated but her only problem and a legitimate one is that she''s like 6 fucking 3.

I just wanted to post in this thread to let everyone know I regularly masturbate on cam with a thick asian girl. She's got that uncommon body type with small tits but a huge ass and thighs.
Thank you for reading.

Sabina isn't asian you pleb


user, that looks like a boy.

If you think that's a boy, then you might be gay, user.

Small tits and ass is not the epitome of femininity

Fuck off

Neither is being fat. Yet here you are.


Zelda isn't either what's your point? I don't think Zelda has sold 1 million in Japan since SNES.

I hadn't posted in this thread before my post just then, I'm not saying thick is the apex. I'm just saying flat chest is definitely not peak femininity.

Dude that literally looks like some lanky ass trap. If you think that looks like a normal girl you've got some weird ass fetish. Or you're just a fucking faggot.

>her only problem and a legitimate one is that she''s like 6 fucking 3

Yeah, that and the figure of a twelve year old boy and the face of a mentally deficient individual.

>thicc fags

>posting a pic of no ass after accusations of no ass

>curves of a 12 year old boy.

do you actually find this chink arousing?

very similar taste to me tbqh

i think you will enjoy this one


She's doing stretches you faggot. It's not going to show off her butt.