I have a daughter

I have a daughter...


and it is my greatest wish never to have her, or her children, experience the
horror of nuclear war.

His speech was brettt gud

-And a son in law who fucks me in the ass

Vamp is a slut

Thanks for sharing.

It's the other way around, Vamp got BLACKED

>bisexual 2edgy4u kid from Romania who survived a church bombing by drinking the blood of friends and family trapped in the rubble
seriously Kojima?


Don't trust Kojima

As a father, I want to leave a better world for the
future generation. As a soldier, I know that is my duty. Metal Gear RAY is
amphibious, unlike the Army's REX

It can cruise deep underwater, move in
undetected and make its landing on any shoreline.

Let's take a look at your gear

Gift of the silver tongue


They say it's the mark of a good officer

Identify yourself

>muh pretentious dog shit that i ironically like because i'm a hipster shitter

totally pompous, bait and switch garbage. fuck off and kys little faggot.

What's so hipster about it?

>he's still mad

triggered pretentious shitter spotted. stop projecting, retard. lol.

lmao imagine being this assdamaged

>still projecting
>still too stupid to make an argument

>n-nice argument!!

as if I need an argument against your empty criticism, go back to neogaf, faggot

Vamp was obviously the dom. You can visualise him topping the general so clearly.

>still too stupid
>to make
>an argument

hahahahahahaha angry little faggot.

Vamp is a light skinned black man, SHITLORD. A bulletproof brother who REFUSES to use guns is EXACTLY what the internet needs right now.

I'm glad you like the game so much to be bumping the thread :)

Who's your favorite boss fight?

>please respond to me, sir

LMAO stupid little faggot also fails to understand the power of sage.

Earth to Snake, these are nice friendly upstanding Marines, not terrorists...

Are you retarded?

This is no ordinary nuclear bomb

>there are hundreds, maybe thousands of rexes around
>mgs4 happens
>the only metal gears are gekkos

>there are hundreds, maybe thousands of rexes around
Where did you get this from?

In the Tanker briefing in Sons of Liberty, Otacon talks about how REX copies and derivatives began flooding international arsenals after Ocelot leaked the data following MGS1

the gay black man says it before gun bobcat stoles ray

No, he's Romanian, I believe. Vamp is the very image of a dom. He's very open about what he wants. Men like that are usually bored in the bedroom unless they can have things their way. Another dom would bore him by being too meek for his tastes.

The Commander, by comparison, is restrained. He is accustomed to a kind of etiquette that Vamp completely disregards and is more than used to taking orders, as well as being unused to deal with people defying orders from him.

All summary, it's pretty conclusive that The Commander took it in the ass from Vamp. He took it hard.

That too.

Also IIRC correctly Otacon's statement is something to the effect of, "Now every country, state and dotcom has its own version of Metal Gear." Always wondered what "dotcom" is supposed to mean and if it's some turn-of-the -millenium Internet age term that never caught on.

And you really think thousands were made? You know how much money and manpower would take to make a REX? No run-of-the-mill group could make one. And no nation would dare make one due to the global backlash. The Metal Gears that popped up post MGS2 were few in numbers owned by black market groups and renegade PMCs, and thats why Otacon and Snake made Philanthropy to go around and destroy them. It was talked about in MGS4.

Meant to say "Metal gears that popped up post MGS1", not MGS2.

I was born 87 years ago...

Dotcom refers to tech companies

The laleluleilo?
But thats impossible

Colonel Jackson was also gay? Man, that family sure had a lot of behind scene fun.


MGS1 > MGSV = MGS3 > MGS4 > MGS2 > PW


Who else here prefers MGS2's Opening title screen to 3's?



I didn't make the original post you replied to, but in any case I don't think the game ever actually stated that there were
"thousands" or REX clones, or give any number at all. Just stated that there are a lot of them now. Pretty conceivable for, say, twenty to thirty or so nations, and a few independent groups, to have managed to create REX copies.

>MGS4 > MGS2

You couldn't be more wrong.

3>4(when you actually get to play it)>V>2>PW>1


>no Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy game
>you will never sneak into enemy bases to destroy their Metal Gear
>no slice of life segments with Otacon and Sunny

I like all the Marines instantly forming a wall of M16's between Ocelot and their CO. It doesn't do them any good, but I always like to see Mooks being brave.

why live