Why does it trigger the NEETs?
Why does it trigger the NEETs?
The NEETs are the ones playing it.
Because its popular and all the popular kids didnt invite user.
How come every single PUBG thread is about how people are mad that Sup Forums doesn't like it?
Is the game so uninteresting that literally the only topic people find worth talking about is shitposting?
imagine if this game was released 20 years ago, Sup Forums would be sucking its dick non stop until the end of times
Yes, because 20 years ago games were much simpler and multiplayer gaming was in it's infancy?
Doesn't it say a lot more about the game the fact that the only way for Sup Forums to like it is if it had come out when multiplayer gaming was a novelty in itself?
because we've seen this game 100 times before.
Why is this the OP of all thread about this game?
underrated truth
Pretty much, yeah. Anytime people talk about gameplay the thread dies. If it's about shitposting, it goes onto 400+ posts.
It's a sign of decaying standards.
The only people angrier than Sup Forums because of the success of PUBG are PUBG players at Sup Forums's dislike of PUBG.
I mean, yeah if a game with a gigantic map and 80+ player multiplayer was released in 1997 I'm pretty sure everyone would suck its dick.
I don't think Sup Forums hates it or likes it. I think Sup Forums just plays it, or doesn't.
That applies to every single thread topic ever.
Don't know why you guys are singling out pubg now, if anything that just proves OP's point.
>b-but the game is so much better with friends
Oh yeah, let me describe playing this game with friends.
>have to jump together because otherwise it's you against groups of other 4 dudes
>they always jump in retarded places like the military base or the school, or 4 "isolated" houses that other guys still go to because it's not isolated at all, it's literally on the fucking way of the plane
>instead of having all the place you land on for yourself, you have to share loot
>becomes even worse if you jump in house pockets because not all houses are 2 story ones
>much easier to detect because it's 4 people instead of just 1
>end up among the last 10, kill 20 other players, reward: 20 coins
Even though even starting at a fucking wall is fun with friends, this game makes it so that playing with friends is a fucking pain in the ass.
So no, fuck you, solo is the only decent way to play it.
Your friends are shit
They've got no friends to play with, obviously
Fuck you, you used to be able to talk about video games here. I don't know when it turned to 99% shitposting only but I remember a time when, yes, there was shitposting, but you could talk about gameplay and ideas.
Any friend is absolute shit, if I'm alone, I can still ambush squads in surprise attacks.
Plus, unless you literally win the match, you won't get any worthwhile amount of coins.
Hell, playing dying after half an hour playing with other 3 dudes gives the same amount of coins as dying after literally 10 seconds in solo.
There's absolutely no incentive to play with friends.
Nice try, but I like the game, i'm just debunking the "fun with friends" meme.
imagine having friends this useless lmao
I play with my CS/ArmA buddies and we win 2/10 games, and always make top 500 squads every season.
Yes, and that's why /vg/ exists.
Guess what, the PUBG general is fucking dead.
If you don't talk about PUBG is because you don't want to, you just want to post about how Sup Forums doesn't like it because it's popular, and post player numbers, and of course, /vg/ doesn't let you do that.
Most entertaining man on Twitch.
Literally /ourguy/
You're clearly a massive retard if you think dropping at the school or military base are bad moves, you can come away stacked from those places, just have to win the initial fight
If you seriously think this game is fun with friends then I don't know what to tell you. It basically feels like a babysitting simulator because if you don't make it out of the drop with all 4 alive you have a friend sitting there waiting for 15-20 minutes for the game to end OR you all have to leave and make a new one
Guess I should get some fatass NEETs who play PUBG 24/7, oh wait, those hate PUBG.
Anything popular suffers non-sensical backlash. PUBG isn't perfect, but most of the hate is because it is popular rather than it having any tremendous flaws.
Microtransactions are still bullshit in general though. Fuck that anti-consumer shit.
he is fun
>just have to win initial fight
>have to kill all 4 people alive
>at fucking military
do you even play this game
Or I can try at some houses because looting is RNG and it's literally based on luck.
name 100 examples
Got banned for "abuse" for literally no reason.
Apparently you can get banned just for honking the car horn? I think that's what happened. I remember riding around a few days ago and honking my horn because I thought it was funny. Now i'm banned.
Why is that feature even in the game if it gets you banned?
Thats funny I played it on an xbox at e3, huh
Hahahaha, what a fucking desperate shill.
It's almost as if these threads were programmed.
Always the same pics, always the same posts, always the same discussion.
This, it's the most fun I've had in a while. I wish somebody had done it better, but it's still fun
Because it's a guaranteed few-hundred replies, and if you start a general discussion you get told to fuck off to /vg/ and the thread gets pruned. I've seen the same thing happen with Monster Hunter threads and TW3 threads and FFXIV threads, etc, etc.
not me tho. i did save that guys pic tho. u mad?
how was it on dem sticks boi:?
t. failed streamer
>not me
>same filename
>same post
The only way for you to have the same filename is if you copy and pasted the filename that guy had when you downloaded it, since you get a Sup Forums filename otherwise.
You are not fooling anyone.
>Always the same pics, always the same posts, always the same discussion.
If you hate it so much then fuck off back to reeeddit?
Why the same exact posts in all threads?
absolutely terrible but still, on an eggsboxx none the less
>what is phonephosting
>what is clover
reeeedit is that way kiddo
Hahahahaha, that fucking neckbeard must have like an all time high of 20 viewers on Twitch.
What a poor, desperate faggot.
>bought it
>realized how clunky the movement felt
>refunded after 9 minutes
I got memed fellas
It is really bad, just issued my refund with 95 minutes of playtime.
Most of the time spent looting and running around from gas.
Really wanted to get into a firefight so I ran out and got shot in the back every time.
Most of the time you also can't find basic gear like a assault rifle or 5.56 ammo or armor west.
Got some stutter and network desync also.
I'd rather play quake champions or heck even overwatch, at least you get into action right away.
Poor guy trying to claw his way out with reddit boogeyman.
Answer, you fatass shill, why the same posts in all threads?
Did you get your ass caught?
Is this why you are so butthurt, little bitch?
>/vg/ is for talking about gameplay
Then why the fuck does Sup Forums exist. It's literally Sup Forums 2.0 at this point because no one actually wants to talk about video games, they just want to shit on everyone elses' taste and spout epic memes and anime reaction images.
because it's a game primarily designed to play with friends and Sup Forums doesn't have friends
woah man le epin trolle
got me good dude
The game is just too slow paced for me. You wait to join a game, wait for the game to start, wait to jump, Jump, spend such and such time looking for a gun etc etc. You can spend 20 minutes on a game only to get shot in the back.
Sure, winning is fun. I'd rather pop in TF2 or Quake and jump around rocketing people.
No, it isn't.
It's a much more rewarding game to play alone.
Literally, they don't give you shit unless you win when you play with friends.
DayZ, H1zy, Rust, multiple Minecraft mods, Multiple mods across CS:go and Gmod. Etc.
So 14 year olds can whine about tweets, obviously
More like all my friends won't stop trying to talk me into buying this hot garbage, or play any other games now.
>tfw pubg keys and crates paid for itself and made me enough to get hollow knight and sonic mania
fun gayme and it gives the golden eggs
You must be, considering you've already replied with "REEE REDDIT" 4 times to the question of why these threads get the exact same posts all the time.
Why can't you be good like me Sup Forums?
>bad baiting thread
>doesn't even know what NEET means
Underage newfag detected
mad af
Yeah, if only that fucking jew didn't make it so crates cost twice everytime you buy them.
Yeah dude, i'm so mad. Got me good man.
I am mad because these threads follow pre-programmed paths?
First, call everyone who doesn't play a NEET.
Second, post the neckbeard streamer that nobody knows about.
Third, say that consolecucks have greasy hands.
What's next?
It's really not that hard to win the first fight.
Even if you lose, you got to see some action, and seeing action is what it takes to get better. You learn more about how to beat other players by dying in a first-minute firefight than you do when you spend half an hour sneaking your way into the top 10 and getting picked off.
Yes you are, you are a butthurt little bitch.
Then why do you shit these up even further with your autism?
Maybe ignore them if you hate them so much? What a retard.
Damn you're SAVAGING me right now.
What will I do? lmao
So the only programmed reply you have is
In what way is that a reply to why these threads are preprogrammed?
Is that the 4th phase, then?
Say that everyone hates the game so much and they should leave?
So be it.
What's the 5th?
The only thing you could, stop replying to someone you shouldn't have replied in the first place.
Unless you wanted to show off how angry you are.
got any good tips? im horrible
Get good at full auto spray control.
The PUBG userbase, everyone.
>imagine being this retarded
br mod on arma
"nobody complain, doesn't see any single thread on this board about this"
pubg come out
grow up because shit twitch normalfags
/v "this game is fucking shit, reeeeeeeeeeeeee"
everytime , never change /v
Are you new to Sup Forums? Every thread has its programmed responses. There are other posts you can focus on.
>can't even greentext
>that fucking grammar
It's fun and it's popular.
Who woulda guessed that all the clones of clones of survival royale games would have gotten everything right? Turns out you just had to take out literally everything that wasn't PvP and it would be a success.
>turn up volume to hear footsteps
>gun shots make me jump out of my chair
Take it easy on him, he's obviously middle eastern
>greentexting, proper English and typing Sup Forums properly is reddit
>so bad he has to take screenshot of every win
I don't even care anymore after winning so many times :^)
i don't care about grammar , you get it.
So, since you are a dumb sandnigger who can only type ALLAHU AKBAR properly, proper grammar is reddit, right?
Show your highest kill solo :^)
because you are a grammar nazi.
No total match time at the end? That's gay.