What's the scariest game ever mad?

What's the scariest game ever mad?

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Looks like they should have paid the troll toll

Ive seen a few pixels in my days as ps expert

Is there supposed to be something in the circle?

The first 15-20 minutes of PT

There's a great buildup seeing the woman more and more until it's just puzzle solving with no more horror unless you fuck up and get caught

But what if they don't want to get into the boy's hole?

It's just a brazilian on holiday, calm down.


Super Mario 64.
Didn't know that King Bob Omb wouldn't explode.

do jump scares count?

This looks like a dark souls humanity with retarded eyes

That haunted mansion in Vampire Masquerade was pretty good.

I was also scared from the caves in Turok for N64 with those weird lizardrapists.

hahaha nice

Asylum mission of Thief: deadly shadows

What's the story behind this pic?

it's chain mail bait for dumb people.

I miss all of these lazy early 2000's photoshops from third world asian countries.

well of course jump scares scare you, it's unexpected

unless your game does it all, the fucking, time.


At least Outlast 2 wasn't all jump scares and had some atmosphere.


PT honestly, at least until the last puzzle.

To answer your question, my personal favorite is Alien Isolation, however some critics found it out right boring, so different folks, different strokes, I guess.

Amnesia is also pretty scary.
Bloodborne can be pretty spooky, too.

Yoko taro hiding?

I stopped playing alien isolation 5 hours in because the Ai was so bad

it always knew where i was and it would just patrol around me no matter where I was hiding

maybe stalker

shiet mang, that scared muh dick so much now it wants me to hug it and tug it a few times

SOMA is better than Amnesia imo. Though a lot of its spooks are by absolutely fucking your screen with meme effects.

Honestly the most a game has ever had me recoil in shock was the subway level of Mirror's Edge.
>physics are consistently enforced, you know the rules so you're decently immersed in your character as a gameplay entity
>have to run in a direction opposite the train
>can't actually see it, only hear it
>suddenly the lights from the train
>driver sees you, slams the brakes, tugs the horn
>You hear the echo of all noises coming at you from behind simultaneously
>you didn't make it in time
>get hit, hear hideous crunch just as the sound reaching deafening levels
>darkness and silence

Best horror game of this generation, despite being a literal single corridor.

>le jumpscare

What game? Stuff like this is terrfying.

That's the worst part of the game, actually. It exceeds on every single aspect a horror game could aim for

>Best horror game of this generation
Thats not saying much. I was generic walking sim "horror" garbage. Im soo glad it didnt get made. Let the already tainted Silent Hill series rest in piece

Does this game let me force women into doing public acts of lewd? I will buy a vr headset this fucking instant if it does.

I prefer the Silent Hill franchise staying dead and buried than turn into a walking rotting corpse like RE 7.

>being this much of a contrarian faggot
Even if the "Silent Hill" name wasnt attached P.T on its own was fantastic. And wouldve been amazing as full game regardless of name.

I don't get the quip with RE7. It wasn't ~horrible~ but it wasn't the best RE game. Had decent horror elements to it, some survival, puzzles, neat bosses. Going through the SAW-like trap part was neat, too.

I haven't touched the franchise personally. But from friends I have come to understand that the first couple of games are charming nostalgia, whereas the rest of the games are either 4 or not 4(and thus rejected).

I didn't mention SilentHills, now did I? I only talked about P.T.
I don't care what it was about to become, I only care about what it actually was. You guys are criticizing it based on something that never happened.

PT as a surprise free game is the best horror experience of the past 5+ years, at least if you played it the night of launch when no one had any idea what it was (which is why I'm saying that it's retarded judging it based off the SilentHill franchise, people loved it before they even knew it was a teaser for that)

1)The release was perfect (mysterious, sudden and unexpected, right after a conference at night, while you had friends in your room watching it, which then played PT with you that same night)
2) Best price for a Horror game, free. You can get it without expectations, you won't go around watchign trailers and reading reviews to see if it's worth spending money on. You simply download it blind because it's free. That alone enhances the experience
3) Perfect lengh. Undetermined end-point. You could play it up until the first jump scare and get your fill, or you could spend half a dozen hours or more finding the true end (even the first online guides were vague, some methods worked half the time, some others didn't at all)
4)It was the perfect game to replay over and over again. Whenever you had a friend home you'd tell him to play "PT", he'd have no clue what it was. Watching their reaction felt as good as playing the game yourself
5) No combat, no try-hard plot, no text-based puzzle solving, zero padding/filler. Just a concentrated horror experience without a pricetag dragging it down (which means you NEED to pad the game out so that consumers don't feel ripped off giving you $20)

I liked how PT looked visually. It was a great demo.

I mean, yeah. Nostalgia will always overcome new feelings toward a game that has tried something different.

RE4 is always regarded as the best because it had so much in it. Action, horror, great story, graphics for its time, puzzles that weren't ridiculous. Hidden easter eggs.

RE7 had those as well, but definitely overly simplified for a wider audience.

>What it actually was
Not him. It still was a hallway simulator, quite literally. That's why I'm less than impressed with it. And although you tried to segue away from it, that's why I don't understand why people were hyped for Silent Hills.

Because it was popular, right?

The thing about saying that SOMA is better than Amnesia is that they are both walking and hide-and-seek simulators strung along often by a strong narrative presence. So saying one is better than the other isn't saying much when both, at a fundamental level, are failures of a game.
When it comes down to story, that might just be preference, as I would agree that Soma's narrative is very interesting and covers a topic to think about. I don't remember much of Amnesia's story



A better version of that LSD game would be neat.

The hospital part at the beginning of MGS V was terrifying for me.

>Neighbor's apartment catches fire
>My apartment catches fire
>I'm strung out on xanax, see flames, fall asleep
>Wake up two days later in a hospital, burns all over me
>"You're lucky to be alive, user"
>"Wheres my kitten?"
>Happy 20th birthday to me

Worst day of my life and I got to relive it all thanks to MGS V

Jesus fuck why would anybody willingly go into that

Jesus christ how horrifying.

oh shit, didn't notice

>nutty putty cave

lost my shit

Which became his nutty putty grave

That's me, I was just leaving my basement for some fresh air

It was a hallway simulator that got the atmosphere down perfect.

The expectations were based on the extrapolation of "if that's what they can do with a goddamn hallway and bathroom, how the fuck will the full game go"

The only shit part was literally the monster. I wish she never actually showed up

You are correct in that they're both mediocre "games". And yeah I was thinking a lot during SOMA, and after I'd finished a session of it. Which is always a good feeling.

But that said I guess I don't really have much experience with horror games that stand as just horror. With my mirror's edge example I mostly appreciate what spooks are on offer outside of the genre. Somebody mentioned STALKER, which is a good example.
Play for the action and the sandbox and get spooked as a result of a few specific areas, or more commonly as a result of the tension the gameplay creates.

Fuck so did they break his legs to get him out or what?

There's caves you can go on a guided tour with just helmet lights on kangaroo island which is pretty pussy shit comparatively, but still neat. The guide just dolphin-dived through this hole at the bottom of one of the walls, and we had to obviously follow. Then like a two meter slow slide down until you're in a cave that you can't stand up above prone for like twenty meters and you've just got to crawl into darkness ahead or follow the legs ahead of you.

im sorry for your kitter user :(
did you at least enjoy mgsv

the scariest thing is that he is still in there

they just sealed the cave because getting him out in one piece was inpossible

>Fuck so did they break his legs to get him out or what?

He ded


can be ito thread now pls?

I don't find bloodsuckers scary anymore since you can hear where they're coming from with their grunting and just pump them full of lead while they're cloaked.

I replayed call of pripyat and the only thing that scared me was a chimera jumping on me from behind.

Ah, fair enough I guess.

Corpse recovery isn't as interesting.

>Rescuers believe John sucked in his chest to investigate the fissure, sliding his torso over a lip of rock and down into the 10-inch-wide side of the crevice. But when his chest expanded again, he was stuck. Struggling to free himself only made John slide deeper into the narrower, 8 1/2-inch-wide side of the fissure
>One arm was pinned underneath him , the other forced backward by an outcropping of rock. The rainbow headlamp bounced off.
>Instead of widening so John could get out, the crack narrowed and all but closed.

I'm so going to get nightmares over this

Yeah. I was over-cautious as a result of what I'd originally heard about STALKER and the first one you're railroaded into didn't really get me.
And then everyone one onwards fits your description.
Same with controllers.
The best spooks from stalker are the inbetweens. When you are cautious but nothing goes for you.

That framerate is true nightmare fuel


I can barely think oa a scarrier thing that could happen to someone

over 24 hours upside down stuck in a dark hole knowing you never see the sun again

The sun/moon of photo gravure game.

a masterpiece of the horror genre

these idiots get what they deserve

>This hole was made for me!

That picture was debunked a long time ago.

>horror game has combat
>"not scary because you can fight the monsters"
>horror game has no combat
>"it's not a game, just a walking simulator"

It looks like a shitty clickbait thumbnail on youtube there was nothing to be debunked

Nah dude I'm pretty sure it's real

>six foot tall got stuck and died
m-manlet m-master race

>horror/spooky thread on Sup Forums
Fuck I love these

>horror game has some enemies you can fight and some enemies you just have to run from
>the option to fight or run is almost always available to you

No. The story was that that bus flashkicked itself into that river and everyone drowned and was eaten alive by crocs and fish. That photo was taken shortly afterwords and there's that face you can see under the bridge, which lead locals to believe that a demon or a witch doctor was responsible.

But that smiling face was just a random grinning nignog found in stock photos somewhere, photoshopped in later.

Dude nobody cares

>horror/spooky thread
>in the morning

Why not make it so that you can just disable them for a short amount of time like in that on Siren game?

That's the good shit

Lol look at this pleb, he doesn't live in my timezone

Who /midnight/ here?

what's that one older game that played similarly to Doom but you ran around a dark forest and some phantom face hinted you and screamed?

Anyone have an image of the face?

Nobody here wants to talk to someone outside north america or japan anyway.


Not him, but that game sucked.


>tfw still no successor to STALKER series


this was pretty good until the precise moment the monster showed up. That shit ain't scary


The best horror scenes in video games usually come from games that are not, in and of themselves, horror games.

If a zombie leaps out at you in Resident Evil, you expect it. Not scary. If one leaps out at you in some happy-go-happy colorful platformer shit, then it's like WTF?

Example: Pokemon, Lavender Town.


if like to think a newer version of this, even with just garrys mod would be entertaining


>ito thread

We should post Fuan No Tane instead.

>hurrrr dead ppl in lavander town so deeeeeep

No, fuck off


>t. aus