We're waiting on the brackets for the 15th tourney right now. There is also a chance of some bonus stuff from KartKartKart Host and PR Host, and VFC Host might get around to posting the MFvEL ending that he has yet to do.
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Alexander White
Other urls found in this thread:
Lincoln Price
Charles Carter
first for skellies
Jaxson Robinson
Why Hoy is so best?
Logan Fisher
Am I doing this right?
Joseph Brown
Porn when?
Sebastian Ward
>skeletons win
>nobody cared or even watched because it was posted in the middle of postrush pre posting
Ayden Lee
Xth for Snick and Co will win this tourney!
Luke Wilson
now that postrush is over i get to shill my autistic and extremely shitty art
Luis Martinez
You're doing the abilities right, but the stats are way too low. It's 13 for first evo, 16 for second, 20 for third. If you don't use an ability, it's 20 for second and 25 for third.