Will it flop?
How much will it sell?
Will it flop?
How much will it sell?
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Either Ubisoft overestimates the appeal of Rabbids and it undersells or it sells as expected. I'm not expecting gangbusters.
It will sell around 300K units. Kind of sad since you can tell the developers really did put some effort into it
I will but it
>It will sell around 300K units.
Yeah, no.
I swear Sup Forumss predictions get more and more retarded every day.
I don't think it'll flop, but I also don't think it'll be a smash hit.
Looks like one of those games you'd pick up if nothing else was available at the time.
It depends on how fast we learn that Rosalina is a secret playable character
>Sup Forums is one person
It was the first number that came to my mind. Do you have any more realistic prediction, market analyst?
What I don't get is why didn't they collaborate with this guy.
He's a secret character.