If the Xx_Xbox_xX flops (As in a legitimate flop, not in the Sup Forums sense of underperforming = tanking)...

If the Xx_Xbox_xX flops (As in a legitimate flop, not in the Sup Forums sense of underperforming = tanking), will Microsoft bother staying in the console business?

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of course they will also it won't flop because it's the fuckboy dudebro fratboy console, and theyere's so many of those retards that it'll sell

Xbox will always exist. There will always be a market for a cheap windows 10 gaming device that is easy to use.

Even if it did flop, the Xbox brand is still valuable. Microsoft could just sell it off, I'm sure the investors would be jumping for joy.

It will flop, doesn't mean it won't stay in though. It will go against the ps5

Depends if they still want skin in the game. If bonex flops then they either sell it to Amazon for a ridiculous price or spin off and get a huge investment from a company that wants in the console business like Tencent but don't want the full risk of a console for the next console as that would cuck Sony hard out of things like DLC on Activision Blizzard games (Tencent owns a decent amount of ATVI).

Ironically, MS leaving is what Sony doesn't want. Because Tencent and Amazon have so much more money and willingness to just buy up everything that they will just ass rape Sony when it comes to the next generation.

PS4 has the market by the balls. This dudebros only on Xbox shit is stupid. Most bone owners at this point have both to make up for Phils lies.

The X is sold at a loss. Wouldn't they want more people buying Xbone S?

If Xbox die (it won't though), 3rd party will suffer from it.

But PS4 has nogaems