If the Xx_Xbox_xX flops (As in a legitimate flop, not in the Sup Forums sense of underperforming = tanking)...

If the Xx_Xbox_xX flops (As in a legitimate flop, not in the Sup Forums sense of underperforming = tanking), will Microsoft bother staying in the console business?

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of course they will also it won't flop because it's the fuckboy dudebro fratboy console, and theyere's so many of those retards that it'll sell

Xbox will always exist. There will always be a market for a cheap windows 10 gaming device that is easy to use.

Even if it did flop, the Xbox brand is still valuable. Microsoft could just sell it off, I'm sure the investors would be jumping for joy.

It will flop, doesn't mean it won't stay in though. It will go against the ps5

Depends if they still want skin in the game. If bonex flops then they either sell it to Amazon for a ridiculous price or spin off and get a huge investment from a company that wants in the console business like Tencent but don't want the full risk of a console for the next console as that would cuck Sony hard out of things like DLC on Activision Blizzard games (Tencent owns a decent amount of ATVI).

Ironically, MS leaving is what Sony doesn't want. Because Tencent and Amazon have so much more money and willingness to just buy up everything that they will just ass rape Sony when it comes to the next generation.

PS4 has the market by the balls. This dudebros only on Xbox shit is stupid. Most bone owners at this point have both to make up for Phils lies.

The X is sold at a loss. Wouldn't they want more people buying Xbone S?

If Xbox die (it won't though), 3rd party will suffer from it.

But PS4 has nogaems

Phol said in GB that he expects to still more oneS consoles. He knows one x and shit like elite controllers are niche for the enthusiast that didn't want to build a PC basically.

Amazon & Tencent would rather invest PC & phones than a console. It makes 5x more money.

They want all the markets. The original plans for a Xbox division spin off in 2013 were between MS and Amazon till Ballmer found out Matrick went behind his back and fired his ass. It's a marginal revenue generator. Sony are only making 7-8% margin on PS4 and Software which is barely breaking even. But for Tencent and Amazon, they care more for brand recognition and have way more interest in software than getting skinned on hardware production. Amazon ate a huge loss to get Alexa to be the standard AI companion and will reap benefits in the future. They will do the same with consoles.

Can't barrage the Bezos.

They are investing on AI right now. The day where everyone was intested in console is gone.

AI & the Cloud.

Yes, they will 100%
Because despite wall street shit analyst who predicted the end of the classic video games on PC/Consoles, the market of vidya keep getting bigger. Video games is a synonym of constant upgrades.
And also they are no concurrent beside sony!!


If Playerunknown Battlegrounds was exclusive to Xbox X it would sell well

But Microsoft are too stupid to secure it as an exclusive, i don't think the execs understand which games are popular at the moment, they still think it's 2007 & Halo/Gears are still the king

I just don't understand MS decisions. Xbox 360 was a dank console, great games, simple to use, overall pretty simple to dev for, etc. But then they start doing all kinds of retarded shit. Forcing updates, stupid avatar bullshit, Kinect in it's entirety. Then they make the xbone, keep the worthless kinect that no one wants, or uses, or makes anything for, they make less and less games, kill off more and more games (ex: Scalebound), they keep remaking the damn thing (slim models, S models, new models), now they're trying to make a "bigger and better" Xbox One X. Etc.

Just like.. what the fuck are they trying to accomplish? They're burning money as fast as possible, and making stupid choices left and right (which is burning even more money and time). They aren't giving themselves any sort of time to get money in. They don't need to expand, they need to downsize, make things more simple.

Now remove the visual novel, the shit weebshit games and PSVR garbage.

Why would PUBG be exclusive? the point of those games is to have a big community to be a success. It's coming one/two week after the xbone X release.
> Release 27/10/2017

I mean console exclusive, no PS4 version

>remove all those games that don't count because i said so
Nah fag, deal with it

No, their goal is no longer video games, it's to get more data mining hardware into more homes for the NSA in order to secure more government welfare in the form of subsidies. They don't care if people are playing games or watching garbage on Netflix, they just want a machine that watches and listens to every conversation even when it's "off" and transmits that data to Microsoft who in turn transmit that data to the NSA.

tl;dr they're already making their money from the government, you buying their games is just icing on the cake.