ITT: Dumb game mechanics everyone either does wrong and/or uses regardless of genre
ITT: Dumb game mechanics everyone either does wrong and/or uses regardless of genre
Other urls found in this thread:
>When someone yells they're reloading
>When someone calls it a clip when its clearly a fucking magainze
>shotguns can't hit anything further than 5 feet away
>Sniper rifles are insanely accurate but single firing an assault rifle isn't
>gun sway
>OPs pic
>suppressed weapons are ninja silent
Found the /k/ommando.
>Guns have no bullet drop
>guns have over exaggerated bullet drop
What's wrong with yelling that you're reloading? Seems like a good way to tell a teammate not to expect much from you for a bit.
Also lets the enemy know that you're extremely vulnerable.
>he didn't baited the kraut with his m1 reload
>Weapons are so shitty they break after ten swings.
Crafting being limited by your skills when there's literally dozens of NPC blacksmith/crafters that can actually make stuff.
>hip firing the gun makes the bullets go absolutely all over the place as if not raising the gun up to your eyes makes the barrel all floppy and wobbly
>crafting system in a RPG
>it's either useless or gamebreaking, never in between
no political discussion on Sup Forums
>game has fires
>they burn nothing
>not firmly placing the butt of the gun in your pit area
i mean your retarded but come on fucking retarded retardo
>you can actually witness the bullets leaving the barrel at oblique angles
Hip firing is a thing, look up 'point shooting'.
what is your major malfunction?
>game has fires
>they burn absolutely everything
>Major decision.
>Game doesn't save as it's happening, forcing shitters to deal with their choices.
I doubt you can get an actual advantage in the few seconds it takes for your enemy to reload in actual combat while his friends continue to fire at you
>switching to semi automatic magically makes the gun more accurate
But that's a good mechanic
Try playing R6 Siege. There's nothing worse than being in a little peeking battle with an enemy just to scream "I'M DRY!" at the top of your lungs, or to bellow what gadget you're using/placing to let every enemy in a five mile radius know that you don't currently have your gun out.
Found the shitter.
That's how guns work, though.
Are you dumb
>those fucking extra rations
If you squeeze off single rounds, it makes no difference where the little knob is.
>Savescumming major decisions is OK 'cause I'm autistic and can't cope with consequences. Everything's gotta be perfect!
You know what he's talking about you shit.
are you actually retarded?
Am I being baited
>Major decision.
>Game doesn't save as it's happening, forcing shitters to deal with their choices.
except only friendlies hear those lines you retard
>Reading comprehension.
The ubisoft climb the tower to unlock the map shit
Also trying to pad games out with boring activities and shitty collectables
As of about a year ago
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
your retarded point is what? that you are even a bigger degenerate?
only you teammates hear those lines and that has been like that since the beginning
Weapon/armor durability is like anti-fun. I absolutely despite it in every game. I don't care if it makes the game more strategic, it fucking sucks.
If you can't be bothered to read then I can't be bothered to debate.
>it's a /k/ autism episode
>about a year ago
>linking to plebbit
pls be ironic
>it's been like that since the beginning
A source is still a source and I'm not sure if you know this or not but the game has been out for longer than a year so it hasn't been like this since the beginning at all.
Nigga, you just can't read. Why would NOT saving during a major decision cause players to deal with it? It was all part of one negated clause.
looks like we have found the retard king and the retard queen of the thread
>1 month after release
yes thats the beginning
I don't understand.
Is this Shogun 2?
I like how Metro's guns feel
also play on hardcore, is easier
It usually doesn't, especially if game has ways to restore durability immediately.
It's just a pointless tedium.
>aim through sights
>good accuracy
>blind fire
>bullets fly in the form of some sort of cone
>experience systems outside of RPGs
>procedural generation
>play system shock 2
>gun breaks from firing it 20 times
I've basically trained my brain to always aim down sights. And like half the time it gets me killed. I just can't blind fire.
/k/ommands are the worst, they're never happy and nitpick every fucking detail
I think you mean saving AFTER a decision. If you save during than it sounds like you can go back.
nigger do you know where you are
>can ''reload'' a camera / flashlight / literally anything electronic by sticking random batteries you find laying around that probably aren't even the same match inside them
Hitscan weapons
FFXIV did it really well. Thenagain it is an MMO so dunno if it counts
Now to be fair there, it's very difficult to balance. If you can find the best weapons, then why bother crafting? And if you have to craft the best weapons, then crafting because absolutely necessary.
>sevastapol has a gun problem but somehow all you find is a handgun and a old model shotgun
kill yourself you noguns faggot
I could understand the 'adds strategy' argument to, say, those survival crafting open world games that are all over the place, but that's really it.
I'm firmly placing your mom's butt in my crotch area
The problem in that instance is having 'best weapons', just like any RPG with 0.0001% drop rates for best in slot equipment.
The patrician system will always be having a variety of weapons that are essentially as powerful as each other but that can be used drastically differently from each other for different situations, but asking devs to employ interesting and fun mechanics like that instead of just BIGGER NUMBERS is too much I guess
Witcher 3 durability is why-do-you-exist tier.
when I build my cities I break them up into polygons, break those up into ssimpler polygons and use a grid system inside those
sorry wrong thread
Durability can be good.
some of us are missing bodyparts and needs to support the sniper on our chest instead
>Game has no mod or cheat to disable it
>unnecessary realism at the cost of fun gameplay
>innacurate shotguns
>fun in any way
name a single case where durability added any fun to the game
>Game relays on selling loot as the main source of income
>Has a very limited inventory space
>You have to do a few runs to town if you wanna sell it all
>No way to upgrade your inventory space
>Bonus points if it takes a while till you get there
>he doesn't like having to repair after 10 uses
What is wrong with you?
It's only acceptable if it takes a while for things to break and you din't have to deal with even more inventory management to fix stuff. But then, why even have it in the first place?
Stalker cop
Way of the Samurai series
Nioh alpha.
Durability-restoring items were limited, so you had to save your best weapons for big fights and use disposable weapons to clear out minor enemies. Dying to a boss over and over had actual consequence as your weapon's durability would decrease each time until it was no longer usable, rewarding good players and punishing shitters.
But that's boring as fuck.
>single player game stops you from using swears
>yelling youre reloading
>a voluntary, speech version of a ping
It didnt bother me until you pointed it out, goddammit.
Oh hey, it's that autist again.
I'm so glad they actually listened to feedback and took this shit out, durability in a loot-based game with an awful clusterfuck in menus present at all times would be a crime against humanity.
Collectibles can be fun if the dev isn't a drunk who goes with the mainstream
Its was fine with POP Warrior Within. You had a reliable base weapon that never broke and got all your other weapons from enemies that are in high supply. But fuck this mechanic in Dark Could it ruined the game for me.
so what you're saying is it's pointless to yell you're reloading because it only takes a few seconds to rectify that. Glad you agree it's a pointless move.
Are you me?
yeah okay pal
this whole fucking site is the royal court of stupidity and confrontation and we are all dukes and duchesses
Way of the Samurai did it well because you could avoid breaking your weapon by playing well and planning your attacks and defense moves properly. Also you could break enemy weapons and make them useless.