Sup, dude?
Sup, dude?
Your dad doesn't love you.
Do you think Minato or whatever his name is now is aging, after he became the seal? Do you think he'll still be a high school sophomore when they finally pull him out of there, and all the P3 girls will be milfs?
Who's da man?
What's wrong with your fucking neck you necrophiliac freak.
I'm pretty sure his soul is the seal while his body is already eaten by worms
Hi, how was your day?
Yukatan is nothing but a bully!
He looks like he's about to get shot
Pretty good after I rubbed one to you
> Do you think he'll still be a high school sophomore when they finally pull him out of there, and all the P3 girls will be milfs?
Either way, does it matter? They'll be at the perfect age to have their heart stolen by me.
but arent you already doing something
Fuuka is a trap.
no big surprise there
i mean "she" is worst "girl"
W-why is Joker helping Akechi with his yoga?
>Hey dude we are like great pals right?
>Hey sorry dude we are like great pals right?
>Hey sorry dude we are like great pals right?
>Hey sorry dude we are like great pals right?
Akihiko true best bro
Why is she hated again?
Say Ryuji, your mother still single?
I thought this whiny faggot will leave.
post more
cause she is a shit girl and the fuukafags
She is completely boring compared to the rest of the group.
My mother's dead, asshole.
God I want Yukari to spit in my mouth
Why does this piece of shit level up at all?
Mitsuru supposedly still has his body
Because people have shit taste
I didn't know I needed this.
even better
Let's fix this degenerate image.
she would do it for the right price
>posting waifu bait version
thats desgusting
here is something better
Yukari is always waifu bait
>that mullet
thats kinda cute
Man, chokers get me so fucking hard
I want Yukari to bully my dick the same way she bullies my social ineptitude!
Isn't great?
Looks like a puppy
a puppy that rapes
Looks cute
Isn't this just Joker taking "fucking the law" a bit literally?
>Posting 10 yen budget off-model cutscene garbage.
arent you maid to be bullied
The P3D model is more true to her original design if anything. Also is this from the trailer?
Better now that you're here Fuuka
uhh, more
They released some screenshots.
I don't really see the difference between yukari's "original" and "new" designs
Mostly her hair isn't as strange in the back
I like this one better.
>Dojima completely okay with Chad fucking Nanako when she gets older
Top tier uncle
but that isnt a trashbin where she belong
Fuuka pukea
Fuuka belongs in the arms of her loving and doting husband
Hey that's a new one
Goodness sake, she's so flat.
you know she only belongs in a dumpster with the rest of the trash
>expecting anything good
there is a reason why she is one of the worst
Where is that stated?
In his fanfiction
No worries Sakamoto-san. What your son doesn't know can't hurt him.
For some reason when I uninstalled PCSX2 it deleted all of my screenshots from this game, despite leaving all the config files intact.
Have a depressing Fuuka text message instead.
>last time and talk
fuck im glad we never have to talk to that bitch ever again
*dances his way into your heart*
I find it weird how little Fuuka and Natsuki are shown together despite being the best of friends
I never got how you can be bffs with someone who was bullying you. Anyone who got bullied can help me on this?
Junpei is quite possibly the best bro in the entire Megten franchise. I really hope for P6 they go back to main story development rather than SL ones.
She's a beta but sees the good in everyone.
I tried to befriend my bullies once but all that ended up doing was get me made fun of more
I don't get why people keep putting Junpei on a pedestal. Yeah, I like the guy, but he's not your bro. He's a fucking cunt whose character development is "I should stop being a bitch to you for no reason."
Real class A material.
The movies were kind of wasted potential.
Natsuki wasn't really a bad person and bullied Fuuka out of frustration with her own home life.
Natsuki regretted what she did and genuinely wanted Fuuka to forgive her.
Fuuka saw she wasn't a bad person on the inside and decided to give her another chance.
There's nothing beta about giving others another chance when they get on their knees and cry for forgiveness.
Its better to have character development than the instant dicksucking of p4.
Thank fuck P5 fixed that (to an extent).
Junpei doesn't have character development since he starts as a rowdy teenaged idiot and he ends as a rowdy teenaged idiot so he's got the same level of development as Yusuke's social link without at least giving you a fucking persona out of it.
Are you a woman? Junpei becomes your bro further into the story.
Bet you still hold middle school grudges,
Junpei immediately slobbers all over your knob what are you on about?
No he really doesn't. He stops acting like a complete bitch, which he only actually does to you directly like twice with 2 sentences, and then continues to act exactly the same as when you had first met him. He's never your bro because he's never actually there for you doing anything, you know, "bro" like. He's basically Akihiko, but at least Akihiko's retarded running off into danger scene was off screen.
You're not the man.
>Not liking based Junpei
It was worse than 4 in some regards.