We're never getting a proper sequel to this near-flawless masterpiece

>we're never getting a proper sequel to this near-flawless masterpiece
aren't we Sup Forums?

>game turns into a chore post-anor londo, only saving grace being duke's archives
such an overstatement

DeS > BB > DKS2 > DKS 1 > DKS 3

SOTFS is better in every way.

>Dark Souls
Nu-Sup Forums is real

Good joke but DeS is garbage with the absolute worst boss line up in the souls series.

>absolute worst boss line up

literally only "git gud" fags believe this

des has the most interesting, lore-appropriate, logical, and thematic bosses
the only reason you'd call them bad is because you've fooled yourself into thinking souls games are mechanically complex so that you can feel smug about beating them despite that not being an accomplishment

>calling unfinished games near flawless

>you've fooled yourself into thinking souls games are mechanically complex
They are.

Also good job defending bosses where you have to pull levers to kill it, really great game design there, must be an homage to Gone Home, the greatest game of all time.

>they are

You wanna know why "git gud" is the only advice anyone can give when it comes to these games? You wanna know why "git gud" is the solution to every boss in DaS?
Because there's literally nothing complex about the games. You can talk about frame data or whatever you want, but these games aren't fucking complex.
Yeah there's a lot of little details, yeah there's nuance, but not depth or complexity. That's why even braindead retard normies can beat it.
Literally the only thing you can tell someone if they're stuck on a boss is "hit the boss and don't get hit" because that's all there fucking is to it.

DMC is complex. Souls is not.

Therefore, a good Souls boss does not strive solely to test your mechanical skills. That's why Souls 3 bosses are fucking boring after you've beaten them a single time.
How many times in Souls 3 did you ever feel bad for a boss? How many times did you think "this is a logical and reasonable way to kill an ancient monster thing?"
Oh right, it's none. Zero times.

Demon's Souls knows it's not complex so it doesn't try to be. It gives you bosses that make you feel something, or have a unique atmosphere, or just plain make logical sense.
Dragon God is a shit boss yeah, but it makes sense. It's imprisoned there, and there are weapons positioned around designed to kill it in the event that someone needs to kill it, which you do.
Tower Knight isn't that interesting, but you beat a giant metal monster by knocking it over and hitting its head instead of just slashing its ankles until somehow it dies.
Instead of Iron Golem, where they put in a perfectly good way of killing it that makes sense, but then they pussied out and also just let you punch it to death even though it literally could not conceivably suffer physical damage from such a thing.

If Souls were about depth, Sif wouldn't start limping at the end of his fight. That's inherently anti-depth and serves only to make you feel something.

>DMC is complex.
HAHAHAHAHA. Stopped reading there.

Explain, if you can.

the only shit areas after Anor Londo is Demon's Ruins and Lost Izalith along with their bosses, Catacombs, Tomb of the Giants, and New Londo Ruins are god-tier.
people only feel post Anor Londo is worse because pre Anor Londo is total gaming perfection.

>Catacombs, Tomb of the Giants, and New Londo Ruins are god-tier
>pre Anor Londo is total gaming perfection

DaS3 is a direct sequel to 1, and it's arguably a better game too

please refine your taste pleb

>Areas are dark, brutal, and ugly
>they must be bad

i bet you also think Blighttown is bad.

man i swear to god you casuls with your trash superficial taste are the reason we're never getting a proper sequel.


BB is better then ds1

only if you are a pleb


>das2 better than anything

>How many times in Souls 3 did you ever feel bad for a boss?
Not him but zero, just like in every Souls game. Couldn't care less for faceless zombie retards and their shitty melodrama. At least Souls 3 and Bloodborne had actually fun boss fights unlike the snoozefest that was in earlier games.

It was a chore before that with all the backtracking and Blighttown.

These Dark Souls games feel so cheaply made. Like they are a chinese knock off of the real thing if that makes sense. All the games lack that solid feel that better quality games give. It is hard to explain unless you played it I guess. The games just don't feel right. Like they should play a lot better than they do.



Fantastic post agree with you completely.

>It gives you bosses that make you feel something, or have a unique atmosphere

First time entering the Maiden Astraea fight, holy shit. The music, the speech. Fucking epic. Literally.

I feel so bad for From. They are probably the most fucked studio in existence. I'd rather have them disband than to make them live in DS1's shadow for much longer. No matter what they make it will never get accepted.

it's physically painful to see them make Dark Souls games that are technically better and more complete than 1, and yet fail to live up to it time and time again

>Le 2nd half unfinished meme
Stop parroting what Sup Forums says you fucking retard
The second half somehow worse than
>Undead burg
>A poison swamp
>Swinging blades with a few lizard
Anor Londo is the only good part of the 'first half'

can we just take a moment to acknowledge how superior demon's is to all the others?

sure it has it's faults like item burden, it's also shorter than the others, the bosses are easy, but it's still easily the best Souls game. It's got the most interesting level design and visual design out of all of them.

It is because they constantly removed a ton of stuff that was great from previous games. Great sequels add to their predecessors. What From seems to have done this whole time is add/delete many things in each of these games yet they share the same general idea across all games. Of course these games were going to become polarizing with them doing that. In many ways they actually took the Kojima approach to game creation. Each MGS game was very different from the last. Look how polarizing that series is for its fans.